Planting New Stuff

Cats are not helpful in the garden! Pip kept me company for a while but mostly he just tangled his lead around the garlic then sat his furry fat backside down on it!

I got a few more things planted today – started with the beetroot

I just popped a number of new seeds into the patch and am hoping for the best. The limp looking ones here are actually growing ok – new shoots showing so they might perk up alright.

There were quite a number of good sized self seeded tomatoes in here too – thought I could rehome them

The area I wanted to put them in was rife with twitch so it took a little time to clear a suitable spot.

Moving right along to the failed broccoli patch:

Its a relatively new raised bed, so I am puzzled about where the potatoes came from

They are doing well so I left them in the bed – accidentally dug up a couple of spuds too

The punnets of onion and leek I planted pre Japan were going well so I thought I might as well put them in here. I won’t have broccoli ready for a while… probably if I plant some now then I can put them in where the garlic is as I hope to get that out in the next month.

Happily fit in all the onion (brown and white) then dug up another little patch for the leek.

Lots of my lettuce is about going to seed, so I planted another pot full so I can start again. Going to be annoying to have tomatoes ripen and no lettuce!

The cucumbers are getting visibly bigger each day. Can’t wait to add them to the salad

And some capsicum happening!

I let the two broody chooks out of chook-purgatory. They were so happy to be out! However they were on the nest again tonight when I closed them up – I did drag them out (much to their disgust) and perched them on the roost. Dunno if they stayed there. But they will be back in the trailer tomorrow if they persist!

Hope your day was great!


Broody chook happy to be let out of the trailer this afternoon!

Waist High Weeds

Hello! How was your Sunday?
We knocked over that side garden job today!
This was the day before yesterday:

This was yesterday:

And (drum roll) this was today:

I pretty much work without gloves so my hands are cactus tonight! But its a lot better – no longer a snake haven or a potential fire risk. We still need to cut back some vines and clear out the gutters on that side… but that can be done another day.
We treated ourselves to a few glasses of strawberry milkshakes! Great way to finish the afternoon.

Rounded up the day with the watering and picked a few things for the dinner table.
Hope your weekend was fabulous!


I’m Still Weeding

Hi there!
I come and go with momentum – I figure I was more tired after the travelling than I thought. Plus I have a cold which started on the way home (not as bad as Jeff had it but a nuisance just the same)

Anyway, in the last 24 hours I have not only done gardening stuff but also chatted to the fellow that was the architect of Biosphere 2, exchanged emails with a fellow that works at NASA and spoke for a while with an exhibiting artist in Florida.
All one of those normal/weird things that happen in my life!
Once I have finished this side project of mine that I fell into by accident, I will tell you all about it!

Two broody chooks in purgatory! I can’t tell you how unimpressed they are to be locked into the Trailer Of Shame haha
They have escaped, so now we’ve got it covered and netted. I keep telling them to be happy we are not adopting the local older persons method of making broody chooks forget about their broodiness… which entails putting them in a bag and hanging them on the clothesline!!!! (Apparently that makes them forget about it pretty quick)

Oh and hello nightmare. Front/side garden. Where does one start?
And really… no idea what to do with this area. It gets battered by wind, so is not a good place to grow much (except clearly the weeds). Putting down stone/woodchip would be a waste of time because of the rubbish the next door gum trees continually shed on it.
We just need to clear it up again to reduce snake habitat, fire hazards etc.

Thats my lame effort start!

At least this bit looks improved:

This is Jeffs before and after:

Took Pip on a walk to see what flowers were worth taking a snap of.

Dont ask me… I don’t know. Cool and weird though isn’t it? Was given to us by an elderly lady aaaaages ago and it has lived in a bucket of water since. We really need to decide where to give it its forever home

Portulaca – to be planted soon

While I wasn’t looking my liliums all started to bloom!

Hope everybodys weekends are going along beautifully!


Hurry up cherry-plums!!


I  got a bit distracted tonight – will stroll back tomorrow with a post as I haven’t gotten in to post process my photos.
Hope everyone has a brilliant weekend planned!
In the meantime… check out how laden the cherry plum tree is!! Here’s hoping they ripen this season before the birds find them! Running alarmingly low on plum jam!


Enjoying Summer

It was a really warm lovely summers day.
We got a bit more done around the place – the nice thing about seeing such neglected areas is that when you clean them up you REALLY notice the difference!

Jeff and I finally got on to this bottom patch of the extension of the herb patch.

Not being ready with herbs… and being more than ready with tomatoes…. it got mostly tomatoes

These heirloom beefsteak tomato seedlings I had grown from seed, but left in the hothouse during our trip. They were quite ready to get out of their pots.

I like to soak my seedlings in water to disentangle the roots

Thought I might as well get those laterals in the ground too.

Job done. Another large improvement! I also put a heap of sunflower seeds into the top section. (and snuck a cucumber in at the end. They don’t normally do well outside here, but going to give it a go)

The back paddock got slashed while we were away… but the machines cant get so close to the fence, leaving a few feet of tall grass backing our boundary.
Seeds, snakes, fire hazard and generally not looking so pretty… we got out there with some large hacking tools (knives) and went to work

Much better – but still not finished the whole back boundary. Maybe another day.

To finish up with I went to rediscover the beetroot plot.

Its under there somewhere

There was even some beetroot growing/surviving under all that mess! I need to get back in here to replant seeds and mostly start again with it. As well as get rid of all the other phenomenal weeds in here… but by this stage it was late and I still had the watering to do.

And more strawberries to pick!

Its pretty late and I need to get through a shower before bed… I am slightly grubby! 😀

Hope your day was great!

Hothouse Rearranging

Hello! Bit late on last nights post… internet when down for the night.
See that nice fat bulb of garlic? I am a bit pleased about that. It came from my ‘afterthought’ patch where I bunged in 5 cloves that were trying to grow in the pantry. They clearly loved the area I put them in. I picked this one because it seemed big enough and I just wanted to pick something!

This patch (where the extra garlic is in the back) that survived weedless for so long, broke out while we were away. The rocket naturally raced to seed and a few more self seeded tomatoes came up in there somehow.

So I cleared it out and planted the watermelon in there instead as they needed a home ASAP. Not sure if I will actually be able to successfully grow watermelon outside in Tasmania as you need a long growing season, but I want to try anyway.

Reminder on the hothouse when we came home…

Weeded, parsley gone to seed pulled out and the cucumber & tomatoes tied back.

Better with the tomatoes off the ground so I can see whats happening. I also cut off a few stems to bring them slightly back under control

Little by little!
Hope your day was great too!

(Pip enjoying being able to go back outside again!)

Weeds – Begone!

Frog appeared as I was turning the soil. Luckily he wasn’t skewered!

Hi! We had a lovely productive day in the garden. Made some real progress (although I might be feeling a bit creaky tonight!)

I started by tying back the tomatoes while Jeff got to work on the crazy weeds in the pathways.

Next was the long overdue tidying up of the garlic! Happily the recent rain made pulling up most of the weeds not too difficult.

I scraped a bit around some of the bulbs. A lot are forming up nicely.

I had a fair bit of clearing to do in the corn patch to see what corn had survived, since hardly any had come up before we left.
Not too bad really. I decided to move some of the ones from up the top into gaps further down in the garden. Previous experience has shown me that popping in seeds into gaps hasn’t really worked.

That left me with a whole clear area to replant three more rows of corn seeds

Still daylight – so the zucchinis got a tidy up too –

From yesterday to today:

There are a number of little self seeded parsley plants and a couple of tomatoes – all to be moved in good time.

Still daylight – so onto the pumpkin patch… this was yesterday:

This was today:

I think Murgatroid missed me – he stayed by the fence and let me pat his nose without trying to headbutt me! Plus I fed him fresh grass! (and sang him Baa Baa Black Sheep)

It was 8.30pm by then so time to pack the gear away, put the chooks to bed, get inside and scrub off the dirt.

I do like before and afters though…

Quite the improvement!

Hope your day was great too!


Baby Apples!


It’s a Jungle Out There!

Well… I achieved my stated goal from yesterday and did not get out of bed until ‘pm’ arrived.
Nothing like your own bed hey?
Eventually I worked my way around to getting outside to really check out the garden.

Everything is so bushy and bursting with growth!

Somehow I need to make sense of this!! There is food under there somewhere! I will have to make a plan on what to prioritise… otherwise I will be running in mad circles getting nothing done.

One row of raspberries is going mad, the other row is very half hearted!

There is a heap of fruit on the way and I even got a few to eat!
One thing… I am extremely glad I managed to get that seaweed down before we left.

We seem to have two broody chooks!

I kept dragging them off the nest today to take their minds off it, but they will need locking up in isolation somewhere so they get bored and forget about it all. Dunno what Screecher is thinking! She is too old to be broody!!

This lush plot of weeds was my beetroot patch! Haha… think I might have to start again!

Pumpkins surviving as most of my apple cucumbers are. And growing quite well. Seaweed has helped this patch stay mostly weed free.

Apple cucumber

Super delighted with my potatoes!

Plenty of snow peas. I didn’t pick them properly though, just a few to nibble on as I went through the garden

Also plenty of cherry plums too!

The main garden looks no better from this angle! Yikes. The broccoli unfortunately raced to seed. Will pull them out and start again.

Happy to see my zucchini doing well, flowers and everything!

Rhubarb is enormous!

I had to get close to see but there is corn in there… once weeded I will be able to see how many plants germinated and survived.

This crazy patch! Supposed to be lettuce. With tomatoes, broccoli and weeds!

One of the more pressing jobs is to weed and mulch the remaining half of the garlic patch. Pleased with the look of most of them anyway.

Of course I couldn’t resist a little weeding as I went around. These tomatoes have gone well… but they need staking and the small self seeded tomatoes in here that are popping up need to be dug up and moved elsewhere… or put into pots for sale.

Carrots – also a little weeding done.

And hello hothouse!

The tomatoes are reaching the roof and have plenty of fruit. They just need tying up and back and getting under control again.

The tiny basil plants that I put in just before we left are doing well too.

Cucumbers are making an appearance.

BUT… here is the most exciting thing found today:

After killing all previous passionfruit vines, I put this one in the hothouse. I went searching for flowers today but found actual fruit! I love passionfruit so I am over the moon that I have a good number of fruit already showing up!

Other treasures included a bowl of strawberries and some pretty flowers!

Well… thats all from me. I am fading fast, but will be up earlier tomorrow in the hope the weather is brighter so I can get the gardening duds back on and dive into it!

Hope everyone had a splendid Sunday!




Asakusa, Tokyo

Hello! Home we are!
How wonderful to be back at Norwich House – not least of all seeing our very happy Pip who is sleeping on my lap as I type. Don’t think I am going to be allowed to go far without a shadow in the next few days!

Its raining. Go figure!! Actually there have been severe storms around Melbourne, but we seemed to have missed the torrential rain.
I went outside with a torch tonight to see what was happening and its an exciting jungle out there! Plenty happening and lots and lots to do… weeds are thriving but I see happy plants in there too! Can’t wait to get into it!

Autumn colours in Kyoto

The trip home was long and fairly awful. We were seated diagonally behind a child that screamed/cried for three solid hours, then spent the remaining 4 hours intermittently doing the same. Miserable for everyone really.
It was an overnight flight, so basically once finished that leg having been awake all day and all night, we still had to front up to 15 hours more travel to get into our front door! I am feeling a little delirious right now!

Night time at Nikko

I downloaded my photos… and skipping through to see what I have. Will be a lot of fun sorting and post processing.

Night time at Nikko

I love how the Japanese girls get all dressed up in their beautiful kimonos to go and take photos at special places in seasons like autumn or spring.

A few scant leaves left on the tree to admire
Mt Fuji from the train window going 300km/hr! (That would be the train going at that speed. Fuji-San is fairly stable)

Oh, and I could take photos of koi all day!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far! I am off to faceplant my bed and have no intentions of getting up before the clock says ‘pm’

I will be back to share my jungle garden with you tomorrow!
