Hello there!
Hope everybody who got an Easter long weekend had a lovely one and didn’t overdo it on the chocolate too much!!
I spent a lot of today fiddling about with organising my gear
Above is the start of the food collection.
After hiking Jeff’s first day in the insanely appalling weather, I figured that having some simple ‘cup of soup’ mixes would be smart. An easy quick hot starter to dinner. I still might jettison them if the pack is too heavy or the weather is forecast not horrible.
The packs in the middle represent 4 meals for 2 people. My dehydrated vegetable mix is nice and light. I am going to put mine on 2 minute noodles. Fiona may use couscous. Fiona also has some other commercially packed meals that we will use to mix things up a bit so we don’t get bored 🙂
Do you think I have enough chocolate???
While I am not a fan of single packaging (at all) I decided that those coffee packs were going to be the least difficult way to get my morning coffee. I can’t seem to control powdered milk, and these make a nice cup. I just have to pack some sugar.
Also pictured is my collapsible cup & bowl – fork & spoon (interchangeable handles saving me 2 grams LOL)
The jetboil, pan for heating the veggie mix, extra gas bottle attachment and the gas bottle… which we will get a new full one just to be on the safe side.
More food stuff to be sorted later.

These are my day hiking clothes.
If the day is not a freezing blizzard, I will probably just be wearing the black cycling pants (Jeff’s) the t-shirt (Jeff’s) the waterproof socks (Jeff’s) Gaters (Jeff’s) Bra & undies (mine) and my cap (also mine!)
I can layer up with the thermal tights, beanie, the black top (on the right), rain jacket (on the left) and in pouring rain or cold wind, Jeffs rainproof pants (Bottom)
If things go snow, then I have my puffy jacket too.

I put the lot on to see if everything worked (ie could I get my rain jacket over the puffy jacket?)
No worries. I totally looked … um… warm?

The puffy jacket and rain pants fit (stuffed) nicely into this waterproof bag too.

Here is everything looking more concise.

Then there is the stuff I plan to wear once the days hike is over.
Two spare pairs of socks. I will be gross and wear mostly the same (probably wet) socks for the first 4 days. No point starting a new pair every day. With how the weather has been, they will get wet within an hour or so, so no point starting dry. Save the dry ones for camp.
Two spare t-shirts. One for sleeping. Probably around day three/four I will treat myself to hike in the sleeping t-shirt and then use the spare one at night.
Comfy crop top for the evening and new undies every day! 😀 (yes there are limits to my gross-ness)
Thermal top (Thanks Fiona!) and pants, shorts to go over thermals (still might grab pj pants instead) windcheater (top left) plus scarf, beanie, gloves & my beach shoes as camp shoes. They are slightly heavier than the crocks (by 100 grams!!) but squash and pack better.

All in all for the clothes – I think I have all bases covered without carrying anything extra.

Jeff put together the medical kit and explained it to me, so I am sorted there. Have decided to take/wear contact lenses – esp if it rains as glasses are just useless. Its a pain as I just can’t see close up now with my glasses on!!! Will hunt out some reading glasses to help. (naturally take my normal glasses too)
Of course – means I need saline and contact lens cases – and a little mirror.
I have my facewasher for ‘sponge baths’ toothpaste/brush, towel, heat patches, toilet paper (really need to scientifically work out how much I need for a week), sunscreen and a poo-shovel (just in case…)
There is also a sharp knife on the med kit.

In other news I made my muesli bars, but will move on to another post for that.
Got some corn and lettuce for dinner tonight…

I also picked a large basketful of tomatoes!!

I was finding ripe tomatoes in places that I didn’t even know I had plants!! Love those self seeded ones!
Anyway – nice and productive day!
Hope your day was great too!