
An eggciting moment (sorry, couldn’t help myself. I have eaten a lot of sugary rubbish today)
Anyway, one of our flock has graduated from ‘Free Loading Slacker’ to a more productive member of the family. With luck I will be able to bake something in a day or two!

It was meant to pour all day, however there were good bursts of sunshine, so I was compelled to go out and at least finish the last bit of the first garlic patch (60 cloves now planted)

Winter strawberries! Sadly most are being eaten before I get a chance either by bugs or birds.

This one has thistle protection!

I decided to give the chewed ones to the chooks – love the way the new girls have learned to come running when they see me! (Usually means treats of some sort)

First suspicion, then joy. They chased this girl all over the place for her strawberry!!

Maybe one of these days I will pick the runner bean pods…

The herbs are doing nicely. The parsley is still everywhere and the oregano is bouncing back

I want to pick and dry the thyme next

I had hung the rosemary in the lounge to dry a little further. Today I crunched all the leaves off the stalks. (Smelled amazing) and put the tray by the fire for a last bought of drying time.

I then spent a lot of the rest of the day binge watching something that Kirrily introduced me to and ended up glued to the screen (and crocheting) (and eating terrible things)
I now really need to go to bed!!

Not a bad start to the weekend really! Hope yours is wonderful and fun!


Hello weekend!
Nothing exciting from me today – I think my wheels fell off a bit today. Energy bottomed out suddenly so I was quite slow.
The most exciting thing to happen today was going back to the doc and getting another B12 injection (this time it was ‘ow’) and got another blood test done.
She was running really late today but that usually doesn’t bother me. Their waiting room is very comfortable and I always take some knitting or crochet along. Since I rarely have schedules its not a huge issue. (Plus I was slotted into an already full schedule today so I figured she would be running late)
I pretty much got the other cosy cuff done for my friend so that was a plus!

OK… Cat people. I have a theory.
I reckon that humans give out some kind of attractive ‘I am getting up in a second’ pheromone that cats love.
Pip is uncannily good at jumping up on one of our laps mere seconds before the credits of any program we are watching roll. And – if we are watching a few episodes of something, he will put in his appearance on the last one.
Of course… immediately curl up and look dead asleep and comfortable so you can’t move.
He did this again tonight with precision timing and has done it so often its almost spooky!
Does anyone else have a cat that does the same thing?

Ok… reckon I should start edging towards bed (and yes, Pip has jumped up on my lap and has curled up asleep under my windcheater!! Sigh. Maybe a couple of mindless facebook games before bed then!)


This cuff is now done, both waiting to be stitched. The rug is slowly getting bigger. I still have a number of balls of wool to work through, but each round is eating a lot of yarn!!

Pouring Rain = Craft Day

Large quantities of water have been sloshing out of the sky today. By mutual agreement, Pip and I kept the fire going and indulged in a bit of craftwork.
(Ok, Pip mostly ate and napped.)

I found a pattern for a string bag, so gave that a go.

I finished it off after I took this last photo. Might take it into town for a test drive tomorrow

I started on my other glove – then:

So moving on to other things because I didn’t have the heart to disturb him!

I needed a place for all my free-ranging recipes.
Jeff eats a ridiculous amount of cereal, so no probs finding a spare box.
I collect a ridiculous amount of craft stuff for someone who rarely gets around to doing any…

The dark day and artificial light do nothing to show how pretty these papers really are!

I might have to do some more. Next step is to actually put the recipes in there! (Don’t want to over do and rush this rash attempt at organisation though)

Still waiting for Pip to release my yarn, so I did the dishes and whizzed up a whole lot of scraps for the chooks. There is bread, herbs, carrot & potato peelings, a couple of apples and what-not.

They were pretty happy to have an afternoon snack.
The white girls wouldn’t come out of the coop so I gave them a share in there. (Sensible really)

Tonight the wind and rain has been howling in sideways! Have had to sort a couple of leaks that only appear when things really get wild!
Right now its eased off, but the next two days promise more of the same.
Good chance of getting my glove finished AND my blanket!

Cheers from Saturated Tasmania.

Not Much Court!

Well – I dutifully trotted off to court this morning… only to find nothing will be happening until Monday. They did a role call and pretty much told us how it all worked (ie not like you see on American TV haha)
There were so many people!!! They put us all in a room to do the role call – a big enough room if you don’t try to stuff 100 people in there. So glad there were 50 no shows!!!

So… back home I went, via the shops to do some menial tasks… post something, rearrange doc’s appointment, supermarket and wheat for the freeloading slack chooks! (No eggs)

I thought I would try to get some garlic in, despite the incoming weather. I dusted the first plot with lime and blood and bone and dug that in

Then I decided the tree was too close

So out with the saw…

Much better!

I only ended up planting half the patch because the rain had started and wasn’t letting up. It was just coming down harder and I was getting colder.
So I woosed out, stocked up on some firewood and went inside and lit the fire!
Rain forecast for the next few days… well, pretty much up until I am due back at court!! Of course!

Cheers from soggy Tasmania!

Rainy Day!

Well… today certainly wasn’t an outdoor day!
We have had some excellent downpours though!
So I cleaned the fire out, did some vacuuming (because no matter if you vacuumed a couple of days ago, when you have a wood heater it seems it always looks like you have neglected housework for a month!)

I also did laundry. Snicker.
(S’pose thats what the fire is for)

Well… everything is getting a good drink and the tanks are full!

My blanket is coming along – will pack it in my bag for tomorrow so I can continue with it if jury duty becomes a bit…. yawn!

So… better get organised and into bed so I am not late for court tomorrow!!

No Vampires Today

Pip and I hung out together inside (mostly) today.
The wind is cold and quite gusty – it rained on and off.
I did manage to sell some knitted gloves – just messaging a friend who wants a pair to give as a present so thats good. I had half a pair almost made so it shouldn’t take too long to whip up the other cuff!

So… garlic. Figured I should sort out what I had.

The early variety is clearly ready to get into the ground – last week preferably!!
I sat and separated all the cloves from the bulbs and into containers – one for the plantable early purple, a couple for the normal white, and one container of cloves to cook or dehydrate!
Do you know how LONG this takes???

I suppose thats why buying seed garlic is so expensive.
Now I have a few hundred plantable cloves, I am wondering how much more weeding I need to do to get these in the dirt?

Anyway… its another job done.
We shall see what the weather is like tomorrow before committing to being out there. Hopefully good because as of Wednesday I am due in Burnie for jury duty… no idea how long that might take! (Will assuredly be taking my knitting and crochet as I remember a lot of sitting about last time!!)


Hi Ruby!

Hello!! I know I know… an eon has gone by since I took some photos for you and did a Ruby-Story!
I don’t have a particular story today, but we did drop in for a cuppa, a catch up and a sticky-beak into her garden!

(Two adorable nurses!!)
We caught her photosynthesising out the back in her comfy chair!
She jumped up to go do ‘busy Ruby things’ (probably like make us coffee) but I managed to get her plonked back down so I could take a few snaps!

And we dragged Margie out for a photo too – and Macca!

‘Oooo there’s not much in the garden’ says Ruby.
Honestly… its a darn sight better than mine that’s for sure! I’ll take partial credit for the lettuce as I grew them from my collected seeds! Ha!

They decided to pop in some mini cabbages and broccoli into the hothouse while it was busy doing nothing over winter!

And look at this!! Carrots galore, parsnip and broccoli!

The old broccoli are putting out side shoots – while the newer ones are growing nicely!

Jeff picked a bunch of the lemons that were all up so high – I brought some back with the intentions of making some cordial. Margie wants to make lemon butter. mmmmm

We enjoyed our cuppa with Ruby, swapping the latest news.
She is in the middle of a few knitting projects, which is great as the daylight is limited and often the weather not so good for her to be outside!

She knits long scarf-like strips before Margie sews them together for knee rugs!

After getting home and attending a few minor tasks I thought I might take a leaf out of Ruby’s book and sit back with my crochet hook and forget doing anything outside, as the afternoon turned quite cool!
Hope your Sunday was great too!

Garlic Patch Start

A good amount of sunshine today so finally got out of my pjs and wandered down to the duck yard garden where I intend to put my garlic this year.
I got to meet the new neighbours first…

Soon I had a bunch of them crowded around staring at me. Weeding must be a fascinating thing to watch for a cow!

Anyway, down to work! Found a lot of big fat worms!

And a lot of potatoes missed when we first harvested them!

I planted a couple straight into the hothouse just to see what they will do over winter.

Anyway, I got one section done but I think I need more as I want to plant heaps of garlic!

I also found a heap of snow peas that have self seeded among the weeds! Left them alone too, just to see what they will do in these colder months

A lot of this evening (after a decent shower) was spent in front of the fire with my crochet… very enjoyable indeed. (Exciting Saturday night huh?)

Happy Weekend everyone!

(Drum Roll) Final Day of the Overland!!

Hi there!! Finally – rounding off the last day of our Overland Track hike!
You might want to put the kettle on and make a cuppa for this one…
Last Day:
Despite the desperate “Mouse-Watch” of the previous evening, the enterprising little rodent managed to get into some food and kept people awake with its marauding ways! (Lets not dob in the snorer that night huh?)

People were up early as a couple of groups had pick-up deadlines to be back at Lake St Clair by. Fiona and I stayed put in our sleeping bags until they were mostly sorted out so we wouldn’t be in the way.
We were bidding farewell to Angela, Martin & Paul who had a 3pm bus to catch, and even earlier, Mark and Adam had to be back at 2pm for their ride.

Since Fiona and I didn’t have a deadline and the rest of the hikers were catching the ferry later, we got to have a leisurely breakfast and soak up the absolutely dazzling morning! Can’t quite equate this to 6 days ago, slogging through blizzards in knee high snow!!

We had a short moment of excitement when the helicopter flew in on its start of hauling track equipment back over the lake. Its amazing how out of place the sound of a motor is after 6 days in the wilderness!

Each hut has a helipad – can be for emergencies, bringing in supplies or taking out the composting toilet waste. Personally I think the helipads are best used at night to get a brilliant view of the stars on clear nights!

This was the first of many trips this pretty red machine did that day. We heard it coming and going during most of our hike.

We eventually got our gear together (I pretty much hiked in my nightwear that day… since I didn’t need to keep my hut clothes clean anymore!)
Ahead of us today was 17km around the lake – no mountains… lots of undulating tracks, streams and mudholes!

Before we set out on this hike, Fiona dashed off to K-Mart to buy the cheapest and most inappropriate footwear for the huts in the evenings!!! The unicorn was a nice touch!! Too funny. Mind you, she had to borrow my more sensible crocs to go out to the loo in the snow!!

We started out on the Hamilton Plains – lovely and open before diving into the darker tangled forests.

Signs are few and far between on the track. I do like the moss covered rustic look though!
The track was quite hard to follow at times – the only markers were those little orange triangles every so often – we strayed off the ‘path’ at least three times that day!

No shortage of magnificent trees…

And why not a last chance to hug a few more of these beauties?

So many streams and tangled undergrowth… it was lovely to find a spot to get out on to the edge of the lake for a rest, drink and snack.

Of course there was no shortage of interesting fungi and I was regretting my lack of macro lens even more that last day!

I had an amusing moment or two watching Fiona sort out getting under this log… she was still at the stage of day of trying not to get feet wet and muddy, which made it pretty awkward right there. Was totally waiting for her to end up sitting in a mud puddle!!

Happily, no mishaps. (I had no trouble as I was quite content to slosh directly through the mud (poor boots))

The track was pretty boggy and some sections of boardwalk extremely slippery if you stepped off the chicken wire! (wasn’t it Fee??) 😀

Plenty of things to look at if you wanted to take the time to admire it all!

We’d occasionally catch glimpses of the lake

About two hours in, we reached Echo Point – where poor Jeff had camped his last night of the Overland in the pouring rain and cold while a mouse ate his last days rations!

Its a cute rustic little hut, but I am glad we stayed at Narcissus for our last night – more comfortable and a whole lot of fun!

Time for morning tea and a sit down in that divine sunshine!

I should have taken one more nibble out of that muesli bar so it matched the mountain better!

Fiona decided to eat half her lunch early!

All in all… a really nice little break!

Time to sling the packs back on and continue

I really liked sections of the track… twisty roots and leaf covered paths

How cool and weird is this fungi?

According to the drunk angle of this photo I suspect I might have been tiring!

Occasionally we would find substantial obstacles over the path!
There was a spot where you could see people having climbed over, but the drop on the other side was significant enough for us to have to take a wider detour around the tree.

The following tangled mess was what I had to crawl up through when avoiding another massive tree that had fallen across the path!

In other places, track workers had cut a path for us!

In case you hadn’t got the idea of the state of my boots yet… here’s another photo!

(I am not sure if its standard operating procedure, but when I got home I took them into the shower with me and soaped them up and rinsed them 100 times to get the dirt, leaves, mud & small marsupials out of them. It probably took them about three days by the fire to dry properly.)

Lunch time!! We found this lovely spot out on the lake where these behemoths of trees had fallen.

It was gorgeous out there – prime picnic spot!

The last part of the hike was probably the most frustrating. We really couldn’t get a sense of how far we had to go.
Also, until about an hour out from the visitors centre when we met an American fellow hiking towards us… we saw no-one at all that day! We were used to catching up to people or having people catching up to us and saying hi, with a bit of a chat. Day 7 was a bit more isolating, even though we were closer to the end!

Finally – we were within sight of the end…

Fancy bridges, roads and well dressed people who didn’t talk to you! (They probably (and rightly) thought we smelled funny)

And finally there we were!! 7 days and 85km’s later, through every bit of weather possible – we made it & still smiling!
(Mind you I was slightly disappointed there was no crowd at the visitors centre to see us walk in and give us a standing ovation, but I suppose you can’t have everything…)

We found Fiona’s husband Paul and his friend in the carpark (they’d just done quite a hike themselves). They had our pre packed bags of clean clothes and a towel and we proceeded to go and have the BEST 5 minute showers of our lives!

Well… hope you enjoyed it. We certainly had a blast.
I am all fired up to do it again next year… just see who I can convince to join in the next party… anyone out there keen??




Cosy Fire

Hi there.
Honestly nothing exciting from me in the last day or two!
Today really was a bit miserable with the on and off again rain. Perfect opportunity to keep the fire going and cosy up in front of it with my crochet.
I also knitted a glove… just to mix things up a bit.
Anyway, my rug is expanding, its just that each colour lap around is taking so much longer!

Hope your day was fab!
