Walks, Beaches & Photos

Speed blogging. I am sure I should have been in bed two hours ago! I think I have an allergy that prevents me from getting to bed at Sensible O’Clock.
I was going to drop by last night, but spent a number of hours with a torch in the backyard looking for two wayward chooks that had gotten themselves out of the yard but clearly failed getting back into it before sundown!

I found one hunkered down in the celery, but we couldn’t find the other.
So we came in and had dinner etc… later I went back out because I was worried she might not survive the night out of the coop. Finally at 11pm I found her roosted in the tree in the duck yard garden!!!! How she managed to get in there I don’t know!! Silly chook.
Yes… wings are being clipped as I get the opportunity!!

Cherie is having a nice time here… although she is very much feeling the muscles in her legs as we are doing a bit more walking than she has had a chance to in recent times! Hot shower and early night for my night owl friend tonight! haha

She has been a long time member of the photo challenge so its fun having a photo buddy here to play around with creating ideas and photos for it.

Yesterdays subject was “Drink/s” I photographed and consumed my plum liqueur.

Today we walked up over Rocky Cape to see the view of Anniversary Bay. Lots of tiny little bush spring flowers are out. Happy I had the right lens for them today.

I thought these buds were the way the flower was but on closer inspection I spotted a couple that had opened! Tiny fluffy things!!

The usual spiky plants:

An upcoming subject is ‘Balance’ So I mucked about seeing if I could show myself balancing. Cherie was sad she put her camera away and couldn’t capture how ridiculous I was looking!

I fell back to arranging rocks…

We then went into Wynyard to find ‘Street Art’ or graffiti.
That was amusing! Not much on offer and most of the graffiti was little boy stuff. A few badly spelled incantations (Ppaise Satan) and some other inappropriate hilariousness.

Someone in town is pretty keen to get us all on the Flat Earth bandwagon – lots of these ‘Research Flat Earth’ notes about town.
I settled on this sad lady for the challenge though –

From there it was a walk in the gardens by the river before heading home

Hope you are all having a lovely week!

Waterfalls & Photo Challenges!

Hi There!!
I am running about madly. (Whats new?? haha)
We picked up our friend Cherie from Lanceston yesterday and had a picnic and walk down to Liffey Falls which was really lovely.
A bit of a visit to the cheese place on the way home which has been slightly gobbled up for lunch/dinner today!

The photo challenge is moving into day three… today was “LINES”

We went to one of the local beaches so I could do a ‘Glass’ photo (For tomorrow)(Penguin beach so I could hunt up some sea glass)

We enjoyed ourselves down there fossicking through the gorgeous stones and glass.

Trying to keep up with commenting on all the fabulous photos that are appearing in the albums to keep everyone encouraged and of course generally maintaining the whole process (kinda haha)

I dropped 10 of my calendars down to the local gift shop, so that was exciting. I really hope they sell.
Oh – the calendars arrived yesterday and I was thrilled with the quality of the printing, so that was good.

Sorry this is really just a fly-by. I suspect that will be the same for the rest of the week with one thing or another 🙂

Hope your week is going well!