So Many Tomatoes

How great are the colours here?? I finally escaped the kitchen to pick some tomatoes etc… didn’t even really get into the cherry tomato plants. Just mostly went in to get the nice big obvious ones!

I spent a bit of the afternoon sorting, washing, chopping and cooking tomatoes.
First up – the start of a new batch of relish.

Since chopping up 6lb of tomatoes didn’t put a dint in my supply, I continued chopping and filled another pot – I wanted to cook it up and freeze it in portions. I managed to fill several containers!

Since I noticed I am running a little low on pickled beetroot, I pulled out three huge ones from the garden!
Will add that into my kitchen jobs tomorrow while I am making the relish.

A nice little capsicum that I forgot to cut up for the nights salad…. tomorrow!

I realised that the lettuce was along far enough to be able to start picking leaves again! Yay!

Found some more tomatoes, a few cucumbers, more passionfruit and lovely corn too… last of the first two plots!! Its been so enjoyable!
Hope you’ve all had a wonderful day!

Library Help

I made a pretty good start in the library today, clearing and sorting ‘stuff’
Its going to take a while – you know when you look through things and get distracted by reading or a walk down memory lane with things you find!
Pip wasn’t at his most helpful. I was trying to cut an article out of the paper when he kept flying in to ‘hide’ under it.
He blends so well you’d never know he was under there…. except for his butt haha

He was totally having a good time!
I quit mid afternoon – one can have too much of a good thing – went and picked heaps of thyme for my net dryer then spent some time pre preparing dinner.
I am enjoying this meandering pace!
Hope your weekend is going great!

Twisty Trees!

While we were hiking I told Jeff that when I got home I was going to spend a week being a complete sloth.
So far its not working out. 🙂
Today I made a start on ‘proper cleaning’ by sorting out the clothing issue and giving our bedroom a thorough scrub.
I’ve only made a rough start on post processing our hiking photos – and have decided to start on the mountain climb of day 4 rather than being chronological.

Since they are not done and photographing housework is not my thing (neither is housework but we all have our challenges haha) I’ve got a few tree images to share.

I love the trees on the Overland Track – so many different colours and textures to enjoy.
And in the rain/damp the colours come up beautifully!

The yellow trunks are my favourite!

Tomorrow I hope to make a start on a new batch of relish since I have so many tomatoes. I also have high hopes and grand plans of sorting out the ‘library’ (which now doubles as the room to put everything that you don’t want visitors to see and trip over daily)(Yes its a disgrace!)
I hope your weekend involves more fun and less housework!

Potato Day!!

An exciting day at Norwich House… my favourite time in the garden finally arrives! Digging potatoes!
The poor old plants were very ready to come out.

Happily we had another lovely sunny day today, so we put on our gardening clothes and hats and got to it!

We were digging up so many huge sized spuds!

Every minute or so we’d stop to show each other the size of the potato we just found! 😀

The biggest one weighed in at just over half a kilo!! (maybe not the one pictured…)

We actually had to make two barrow trips to the front lawn as there wasn’t enough space in it to fit them all at once!

My almost non-existent OCD kicked in and we sorted the potatoes by size. This year we had an ‘Extra Large’ category and a ‘chook’ category (anything too small or green or fiddly to bother cooking so will eventually be chucked in a pot to cook for the chickens!)

Jeff wanted to weigh them this season so we dragged out a duffle bag and the luggage scale.
We dug up 90kgs (just a shade under 200lb)!!
Think thats enough??

Anyway, we had a lot of fun and got fantastically dirty!
We’ve boxed them all up and stored them in the shed. I have a small box in the pantry for use right now.

In other gardening news…
Beau put all these tomatoes in the freezer for us while we were away! The day after we arrived home I did a round of the garden to pick some more.

Excited to see some of my yellow tomatoes finally ripening!

The new lettuce patch is doing nicely.

The lettuce in the straw bale is looking rather tragic!! Half died, but some are hanging in there. Will give more attention to them!!

Something for dinner last night.
And a pear!!

The cow-ravaged corn patch (whats left of it) is going well. The cobs haven’t filled out yet but we are just finishing off the last lot so these will be ready to go soon! Happy I got the timing right!

Three new cucumbers!
A rock melon!! I’ve not had success yet so fingers crossed for this fellow.

Passionfruit keep falling too! Lovely!

Plenty of cherry tomatoes on the self seeded plants at the back of the hothouse. I got around to picking these this afternoon!

Yesterdays basket of fresh stuff!

I love weird carrots! This one was fab!

I did the rounds and picked about 8kgs of tomatoes (17lb) a few more cobs of corn, found some runaway zucchinis, more passionfruit and some herbs.
Dinner tonight was about 90% home grown. I stuffed some tomatoes tonight and we ate a scandalous amount of corn!!
Life’s pretty good eh?
Hope you have a wonderful weekend planned!


Feast your eyes on that VIEW!!
We got in last night and slept very very soundly after the most glorious shower ever!!
We had a great time – different challenges each day, but oh so satisfying.
Life is simple up there. The anxiety melts away as you pack up your gear, walk from A to B, unpack, change, eat, chat and sleep (well… toss and turn on a camp mattress for 12 hours haha)
Then… wake and go again!
The scenery is ever changing and gorgeous.
We were pretty lucky with the weather. The forecast rain rain rain rain, snow and rain didn’t eventuate.
It was cold enough but only on day five did we get significant rain and snow flurries as we hiked.
The highlight was getting the chance to climb and summit Mt Ossa, Tasmanias highest peak. Absolutely stunning! A rather huge challenge and NOT a walk in the park but worth every ounce of sweat!

I am going to drift my way through the next week – work on the garden and the photos 🙂 I wrote a diary while I was up on the hike so I could copy my thoughts into the daily account of our hike this time.
The garden is pumping out tomatoes and tonight it was great having fresh food again!

Hope your week has been fantastic and I will be dropping back again soon with hiking stories and garden tales!

Packed – I Think…

Well – I’ve a confession. I’m not really all that bright.
Who thought leaving two point five days to get prepared for a huge hike was going to be ample time between saying goodbye to guests and heading off??
So… I’ve been running about like a Hairy Goat for days. (Are hairy goats a thing?)
And why the shoes? Oh, because on Saturday one of my comfortable-as-gloves hiking boots split. Meaning on top of whatever else I had to do, Monday I had to find new hiking shoes and not least break them in – before Friday!!!

They didn’t have my beloved boots in my size in stock of course so had to find something else. The lovely shoe shop lady let me take these home without paying to walk about the house and take time to decide!! How great was that?
Anyway, they are lighter than the leather boots and will hopefully dry out quicker. I took them for a test hike around the river yesterday and not a rub at all let alone a blister! So – hopefully I won’t have New Shoe Regret this upcoming week. (and yes I managed to remember to return and pay)

We had a lovely 5 days with Yusuke and Megumi. A nice way to finish Megumi’s stay with her husband arriving and doing some fun sightseeing, catching up and eating all the good stuff!

They are in Melbourne now enjoying their last couple of days in Australia.

There has been so much to do! It would have been great to have more time to just rest a bit before heading out, but… no rest for the wicked!!!
I had to pick most of the corn today before leaving as a little grub was getting into the top. I didn’t want to come home to lost corn. We ate 2 big cobs each tonight at dinner, I’ve given some away, sold some and frozen the rest.

Its turned really cold tonight!! The tomatoes were just starting to really come along! Hopefully the warm autumn weather will return. Still a lot of green tomatoes out there to turn.

Picking up passionfruit daily now!

I did a bit of a run about town delivering eggs and veggies on top of seeing the doc and getting a B12 boost!

We drugged Pip yesterday so he wasn’t so uptight when going to the vet for his steroid injection! He was super mellow and floppy all day! The vet was able to give him the shot while he was still in the cage with only one small protesting meow!! So much better for everyone!! 😀 (Cousin Beau is house sitting. We usually give Pip a tablet daily but giving cats pills successfully is only for Vets and the Super Skilled (us)(haha) So the injection is a good tide over for when we are away)

Anyway, I think I have everything together… best get to bed as we have a long drive tomorrow. If all goes well, we’ll be walking out Friday Morning.
The forecast? Rain Rain Rain and snow! haha. Probably wind too.
We aren’t fazed. We will just be happy to get right away from it all for a short time!
Have a lovely week ahead and think of me trudging through the wilderness with my 18kg pack!! (Yes, camera is in!!)