We did a long hike in rather soggy conditions today! It was great but now I am a bit weary, so I am going to make all sorts of promises about sorting photos and writing stories tomorrow!! Its supposed to be raining tomorrow again so I might just settle in with the fire and a steady supply of hot drinks!! Nighty night! xx
Hi! Such a lovely day… and I ended up being all domestic. OK – it was a lovely day up until 60 seconds before I went to put my clothes on the line – at which at that point it suddenly started without warning or even turning off the beaming sun – POURING! haha – of course it did!
I invited Peggy and Amy, the two ladies in charge of the visiting Kinmen Island students in Wynyard, over to our place for coffee and cake. Peggy is a tour guide and Amy is a teacher. So I thought I should make a slight show of tidying up etc. And baking a cake!
We had a lovely afternoon chatting and hearing about their time in Tasmania. They loved the fire – our winter is a bit of a shock coming from their climate! Peggy sent me the selfie she took of us all!
Pip was enduring it all – probably miffed I extracted him from his warm towel! They are leaving tomorrow evening via the ferry and spend a day in Melbourne before flying home. Its nice to gain a couple of new friends.
Anyway – you don’t want to hear about my dusting, vacuuming and so forth, so I am going to leave you in peace! Have a wonderful day! Cheers
First day back and Cousin Jeff drops off a load of firewood – the last bit he has available! Yay. (With a small eye roll) Since the rain has been coming and going I wanted to get this undercover ASAP
I moved the remaining wood up to the back veranda, cleared the rubbish and got stacking.
Between that and the dry Macrocarpa… hope that lasts us the rest of the season!!
Next… an important task had to be attended to. Some birds have decided that nipping off the garlic and onion stalks is all kinds of fun! Not. Pleased.
I know it wasn’t my darling chooks because they would have dug the whole plot up too. I decided to net the plots at least until they all reach a good size.
I’ve never had to net garlic before!!
Even the Duck Yard Garden had some damage
They are all mostly at a size where I can mulch them. Will schedule a beach trip sometime to see if there is seaweed being washed up.
So… the asparagus has been in for a couple of seasons now. Time for it to step up and do its thing. Cut it all back and mulched it. Really hoping for some action this spring.
Next. Coffee. I had two bins worth… chucked them all in around the logs in one of the new raised beds. Jeff trimmed the cognata trees back and I thought their lovely small leafy branches would be a great addition too!
This one is not far off being ready for compost and soil!
I went the total hack on the snowball bushes!! I know zip about pruning. They were a bit out of control – hopefully they will recover in spring. All the sticks I will run through the chipper – when I get a nice day and recover from today haha
My rhubarb is beginning to unfold again!
And I am pretty sure I am giving up on the brassicas this year. The cabbage have been in the ground 4 months and not even thinking of developing hearts!! Same timing as last year so I should have been picking them by now!
The chooks will be pleased. I ate one measly sprig of broccoli tonight (tasted nice, but… volume wise, not impressive) And I have one manky cauliflower.
It will all come out (eventually) and I’ll prep the bed and plant corn there later in the year.
I decided to pull up the last of the carrots! They have done so insanely well – remember they got planted last October!! I think I will put this seasons carrots into the other end of this plot where the beetroot currently is. I know its not idea putting root crops following root crops… but I like living on the edge 😀
I washed, peeled and chopped the lot and put them in the crisper. They’ll keep for ages like that and will probably give some to Ruby & co.
No shortage of parsley
My new flower bed of iris and tulips needs a weed and a mulch but everything is up…. I have high hopes.
My hothouse potatoes are doing nicely. I am also getting a good lot of worm wee.
The chooks finally discovered the lettuce in the strawbale garden (yah – haven’t done that wing clipping yet) so my last remaining lettuce is in the hothouse and looking fine!
Well… thats the day and garden round up! I certainly am feeling it every time I get up and try to hobble somewhere haha. Old Lady. I loved every second! Hope your week has started well too! Cheers!
Hello!! How are you all?? Sorry it seems an eon since I got in here and caught up! I got back from Queensland last night (walked off the plane in a t-shirt to a crisp Tasmanian 4C!!) WordPress had updated something that I hadn’t – so after fiddling about somewhat, got in touch with my host server who solved the issue in under five minutes! Lesson learned. Don’t agonise… let the people who you pay to host your site to sort it out!! 🙂
Amazing staghorns growing in so many of the trees! I loved them so much!
I had a really wonderful week away. I soaked up the warm weather, enjoyed heaps of walks and a bit of city life. So many cuppas on my sisters balcony just talking our heads off and catching up on a heap of news and ideas and life in general.
I just ran a few photos through post processing so I could drop in and say hi to you all! I’ve done a lap of the garden and this month is going to be crazy. Can’t wait to dive in!
Glasshouse mountains!
I didn’t take my camera everywhere, so I missed a few epic events… like the day Rosemary took me to Movie World… So. Many. Rollercoaster. Rides!!! haha. How old are we?? Best day – no school holidays and mid week. Perfect.
We also went into the city one evening for a Noodles At Night market. Yum!
We also managed to fit in lots of walks and gardens too
So!! I am all inspired to get in and get a wriggle on with our spring plans, so stay tuned! BTW – want to know what souvenirs I brought back??? Rocks for Jeff and 4 bars of hand made soap for me! haha (Not to mention some chocolate, gardening magazines, a gorgeous rock and a tap timer from a lovely gardening friend I met while up there (Irene))