Hello! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend planned!!
First things first… strawberry rescue!
Thanks to Ruby, I picked up some unwanted polypip and other bits and bobs from her place, so I was able to put together some new nice looking arch frames for some netting
I need to source some more clips but this is a good start!
Now its just the slugs I need to thwart!
And rocket progress…
Today I really really needed to get the carrots in.
I hate twitch… its never ending!!
I spent a long time pulling it all up again. This stuff is bomb proof!
Oh… and still digging up that evil weed matting – that the twitch is now embedded into making things much harder than they need to be!
Never do weed mat!!
All grumbling aside, I felt a bit chuffed with the end result
Satisfying isn’t it?
Went and found some sticks so I know where to expect the seedlings to pop up.
I’ve got three different types in… and can’t remember off hand what they were!!
I decided to give the beetroot its own patch this year and plant more carrots
Slightly wonky overall garden view
Potatoes are pretty much all up and going well.
Lots of weeds coming back. I really really would like to mulch them but the blackbirds would just get in and kick it off as they are nesting everywhere and on major worm and bug quests.
Anyway, I am still following Ruby’s playbook and hoed in between the plants. Disturbing the weeds and aerating the soil
Lovely Rhubarb, forging ahead!
I started prepping the beetroot plot too
I just gave it a weeding and turned it over.
Its got compost, leaf mould and has had rotting straw as well… I think I’ll add in some potting mix to lighten it up before planting the seeds… probably a tomorrow job.
I am about out of my beloved pickled beetroot so… the sooner growing the better!
Did I post photos of my iris? They are all coming out now
I went out tonight and its horrifying how many snails are living in here though.
I am feeling too lazy to go back out with a bucket…
Have a great weekend everyone!