Dove Lake

Want to join me for a walk around Dove Lake?
We left here a bit before 7.30am Monday morning and made it to Cradle not long after 9.
Totally glad I put the thermal underwear on in the morning… it was a bit brisk early on!!

Things have changed a bit again… the old car park is an unattractive building site – they are making a new viewing centre or something.
I remain unconvinced… The more we build in these areas the less wilderness and special they become…

Anyway, there is a boardwalk connecting the bus drop off to the walk which makes it all nice and easy.

There was a good snowfall over the weekend and a nice dusting of it remained.
We were hoping the clouds would lift eventually.

Sharon and Lottie rugged up and ready to go! Naturally had to do the obligatory photo at the lakes edge before we left.

We decided to go ‘backwards’ to my usual way – mostly because lots of other people were going the other way 🙂

It was nice to see the blue sky making an appearance early

Lottie charged on ahead – lots of energy!
Bailed Sharon up for another snap

We made it to the boat shed pretty smartly… Sharon, the star, had made up some soup the day before and had it in thermoses piping hot with her home baked bread… how could I say no??
Soooo good!

It was a good place to stop for a bite

Refueled… so onward!

Things were definitely clearing up and the day was getting nicer by the minute

I don’t often get to see the mountain in the snow so I might have gotten a bit over excited in the photo-department…

Runoff creating a decent little waterfall up there!

“I want your sandwich”
The ever present currawongs ready, willing and able to steal the food from your fingers if you are inattentive at all!

And into the ‘Ballroom Forest’ we go

So pretty… dark and green and tangled and mossy

Always nice to hug a tree!

Some of the pandanis are so tall!!! (Grass tree)

Love the way the terrain keeps changing

What else are you meant to do with the curly leaves but make moustaches?

Such great views in all directions!
We were loving it. Lottie was finding bits of snow and Sharon and I were enjoying catching up without being in the middle of a soap workshop!!

Of course there might have been a few snow-scuffles on the way around!

(Pencil Pine)

We stopped by the little beach areas – had lunch and fended off a few more keen currawongs
Another fellow was down on the beach photographing this one, put his apple between his knees to hold it while he got a snap, and the bird just flew right down and stole it and flew off!!! haha – awesome!

These are the birds that you need to be prepared for on the Overland – the ones that undo zips and help themselves to your snacks.

Back on the track… a quick stop for a touching mother and daughter moment… haha

Lottie clearly wasn’t worn out yet!

Down to another little lakeside beach.
I just love the colours in the water.

Thanks for joining me in the stroll!!
I’ll be back with more snaps soon!


Snow Peas In

Hi there! The bees were hard at work yesterday – it was a really nice day so we took advantage and ticked a few more things off the list.
Its gloomy today so am having an indoor day – finishing off the Cradle Mt photos so I can share soon.
In the meantime… garden!

I haven’t even looked back to last year to see the dates of planting… I am winging it a bit. I don’t think its going to hurt progress to be leaving it a bit later than usual.

The snow pea patch wasn’t too bad really…a bit of weeding of course.
Then I put up some trellises that I got from Ruby’s for them to climb on. The sticks looked pretty cool last season, but they didn’t have the sturdiness for the weight of the peas and the wind combined!

The pink hay bale twine is a nice touch don’t you think??? Haha… Jeff tried really hard not to mention it.

I like it that I haven’t bought snow pea seeds since the first time I grew them many seasons ago! So easy to replenish.

Jeff was down the back clearing, chopping and doing chainsaw stuff so I brought Flea, Dora and Flossie into the veggie patch with me so there weren’t any tragedies… they have no sense of personal space and want to be under your feet and to be where the action is!

Waiting for me to dig up worms

Flossie was the first one evicted in disgrace not long after the above photo was taken! I looked over to see her digging up the garlic!! Eeeeeeep!

Jeff had finished with the power tools so I piffed her back over the fence.

I finished digging up and weeding (again) the carrot/beetroot plot before returning Flea and Dora to the other side so I could plant the snow peas without them digging them straight back up again.

Moving right along… time to string up the raspberries!
The spring winds are kicking up again so getting a bit of support for them has been on my mind.

They are slowly getting leaves.

Meanwhile, Jeff had migrated to the BBQ area to split more kindling… it was all pretty green and the smell of the macrocarpa pine is wonderful!
He had also filled the big woodbox crate thingy so that will be useful.

Love the flyaway hair!

And lastly, planted a bunch more seeds. Luffa/loofa, zucchini, apple cucumbers, celery and eggplant. I think that was about it…

More lettuce are popping up and the cucumber are sitting up happily now!

Hope you’ve got a splendid weekend planned!