Summer is Here!

Yep… of course summer arrives, heat wave across Australia and somewhere in Tasmania it snows!!
I don’t have the fire on tonight but we have had it on the last few evenings! (Much to Pips delight)

Sharons husband Paul was kind enough to come around last week and cut that huge tree leftover into nice big slabs.
Our chainsaw is not nearly big enough to deal with that size.
From there Jeff was able to split and stack the wood.
We’ve also got a couple of nice slices we’d like to ‘do something’ with!

I got to and emptied the trailer of the last of the soil I picked up from Sharons place too… so lovely when sifted

This garden bed was the next on my list

I mixed in some mushroom compost and sorted it out. Moved the tomatoes out but left the lettuce in (which the rabbits have found so… another net to be put up hopefully tomorrow!!)

I want to put more lettuce in… both seeds and seedlings as well as some baby spinach etc.
Will wait until netting sorted.

Didn’t have the heart to pull out the couple of lettuce that were going to seed so nicely.

I didn’t know what this was until it flowered! So… chucking out random calendula seeds DID work!!

I think the feverfew needs a bit of a trim.
The pathway is a bit tricky at the moment.

Excited to see that my borage self seeded… and lovely new flowers are appearing

How good is the rocket??

And last but not least… scratching about for dinner!
Sadly one of the potatoes was glassy but the others were fine.
Still a bit of time before I can bandicoot the official 2020 potato patch…
Waiting waiting!!
Hope you are all having a wonderful week!



It always feels nice when the lawns are done. It grows so quickly in spring.

Its the first day of December (how did that happen??) and its pouring with rain. The garden is getting a nice drink and I’ve made a half hearted attempt at some housework.

I actually did most of the mowing while Jeff followed behind with the whippersnipper tidying up the edges.
Even with me pinching more of the yard with gardens, its still a big place to get around.

Our three Isa Browns were prize pests the whole time. They are not daunted by anything and I was afraid of minced chook or at the very least one of them being hit by flying debris!

The liliums have come out – this little patch just does its own thing. I had to pop some stakes and tie them back as they just were flopping all over the place with the recent wind

Going into the veggie patch – sprung!! Someone not supposed to be there!!

Pulled all the nets off so we could mow and edge properly

While the nets were off I took the opportunity to weed.

I also popped in a few more seeds where the rabbit ate some and from the lot that didn’t have a very good germination rate.

Snow peas hanging on

I wanted to take the covers off the zucchini and mulch but no point until netted because of the blackbirds and occasional naughty rabbit

Nice and easy with the rebar and polypipe

Snug, safe and sound (I hope)
The newly planted tomatoes got a bit droopy… but have perked up well. I think a possum or rabbit nibbled a couple the other day!! Sigh. So I netted them as well

Beetroot going well… didn’t need too much weeding

Still a few garden plots out there that need sorting out!!

Rocket gone mad…

The blueberries in the duck yard garden were NOT looking happy. In hindsight we should have left the netting on.
So I added more soil around the bases (pretty sure my darling chooks have been digging them up) and mulched with what was on hand (straw) and re netted.

Pretty dodgy hey?

It was an exercise and a half doing this by myself with a bunch of excitable chickens who were kicking the straw and dirt out as fast as I was trying to bring it in… I kept piffing the chooks over the fence and it took them about 40 seconds to run about and get back in!!
Annoying but funny

Flossie Veloci finally removed from the blueberries.
Not happy!

Back to digging up everything else!!

Also mulched the blueberries that are in the main patch

Popped some cookie cutters around the basil that the blackbirds insisted on digging up
So far they are helping…

And in a feat of self restraint, I saved enough strawberries to make a couple of jars of jam!

Hope your weekend was awesome and your week has started well!!