Raspberry Patch!

Wow… we are about six weeks out from when we are booked to fly back to Japan, and I’ve just managed to finalise booking all the accommodation and locations we intend to be! That was QUITE the challenge this time.
Anyway … more on that another time!

Raspberry Patch!
Oh my! Look at it!!!
We made a start and I ended up just biting the bullet and saying “Lets just dig up the LOT and start again.”
I am sure Jeff was more than thrilled!

It took us one day to clear the patch – I was also setting aside canes to replant or give away

And seriously! How is it possible to dig up this much ‘archaeology’ in a patch that has been used for years??
And why the coat hook? I’ve tried to envision a reason WHY a coat hook ended up buried in my raspberry patch, but I am failing.
Suggestions (no matter how outrageous) welcome!

Anyway, we got to this point (below) before having to quit for the day.
(Ohhhh my creaking bones and aching muscles!)

The next day we got back into it.
We re dug the entire patch to help get out extra weeds and a few more potatoes (yes… there are ALWAYS potatoes!)(And another bit of crockery or two)

So good!

Anyway, I didn’t want to use the clothes line like I have in the past to give the canes some structure to help with the wind
We used the bamboo to make a more rigid framework to tie the canes to.

It turned out looking pretty neat and reasonably solid.
Then I dug trenches in each of the sections, added compost and manure and chose the best canes to put back in.
Also leaving a good space to be able to walk around for picking – not like last years disaster of a jungle with added excitement of the tiger snake!

I was so over it by this stage but couldn’t quit…

And the finishing touch was to tie them all to the structure!
I reckon it looks a million bucks better!
Not sure what the harvest will be like but it was high time to do this. Too many weeds were ingrown into the raspberry plant bases to be able to get out and lots of canes just growing wherever they pleased. It was anarchy out there!
Once we put the net back up we can mulch it… no point until then as our precious chooks would just kick it all out of course!

Anyway, not much else has been done in the yard but I am happy to have this massive job out of the way!
Hope everyone is doing well!

August Already!

So… we’ve stampeded through the year and here we are in August!

It hasn’t really felt like a proper winter. Apart from frosts… days are still mostly sunny with a distinct lack of rain.
The pretty flowers are random ones I spotted at Judes

On my day up there, we set a tree on fire.
On purpose.

It was dead, and we did say sorry.
Its part of the orchard clean up.
We cleaned up and burned lots of rubbishy sticks, branches and leaves, then cut into the out of control fig tree and wrestled blackberries (always satisfying to chuck them on the fire!)

I am not sure if I took a very good before shot, but the space between the trees in the middle of the above picture… just wasn’t there earlier in the day!

Judes husband got home and broke out the chainsaw to take the rest of the tree down so it could finish burning more easily..
Soon the orchard will be open enough to get in and prune everything properly and give it all a chance to flourish next season.
With one thing and another, it hasn’t had attention in a while!
Very satisfying. Plus I love bonfires

Camellia out… took a snap before the forecast showers ruined it! So perfect!

And a new fluffy carnation!

Photo no. 4 – hard to get Rusty to not wriggle about!

I had an idea for a design…
It turned out ok…

But honestly not enough WOW factor for the trouble and time.
I can’t see people wanting to pay more for this than the standard easy to make soaps.
But its fun to try new stuff

I have a workshop tomorrow so below is a demo soap (Patchouli) for students to cut.

Here is a random dinner photo… love home made hamburgers…

I only took this snap to send to my friend Yuri to make her jealous. She enjoyed my hamburgers… and RELISH haha

Update on the rug… Nearly there! Just going around the outside now!

And my crazy basket update!
It really has attracted a LOT of interest and enthusiasm in basket weaving class.
So I am pretty much obliged to finish it!

We always say baskets tend to just do what they want to do. Apparently mine wants a triangular bottom!
No idea how that happened.
It is going reasonably flat though. I wasn’t sure how that would turn out since I am working from the top down instead of vice versa.

Once I fill in the bottom, I’ll make some nice thin cordage and replace the dodgy ties on the handle and tidy that up. Will also tie down some of the vine to the side… currently its a big sticking out stick. I think it will look interesting attached to the baskets side.
Looks good in my head. Time will tell if I can make it do what I want!

have a lovely weekend!