Tisk it Task it, finally finished BASKET!

Well!! There she is!
Tasmania has been hit with insane weather and power/internet has been down everywhere- for some for a stupidly long time.
We were lucky with only a 12 hour outage – along with a few days of on and off power. Oh… and the equivalent of dial up internet speed once we had power back
So… tucked up in front of the fire in the dark I donned a head torch and finished off my basket!

Ooooo and getting down into the last middle bit was a total snot to complete.
It does bulge out a bit weird but it does it evenly in the triangle shape so it doesn’t look stupid.

I’ve left some of the sticking up sticks as they are…

All part of the rustic look!

I then made cordage from the flax to re tie the mess at the top and cut that away. I also attached the handle down slightly differently so it was sturdier and more even.
I think it can carry a reasonable amount of stuff safely – just not going to load it up with 5 litres of milk or anything!!

Pretty sure I started this in April? I’ve really enjoyed working on it. Mostly I only spent time on Friday mornings at basket weaving (Which is in no way a solid two hours work since there is chit chat, coffee and buns haha)
I think I’d like to do a similar basket again but maybe not so big… and for a little while I will work on some small projects before getting the mad idea to do something like this again!
