
I thought maybe some people would like to see how much the kittens have grown!

They have come so far since we collected the sweet hissing bundles and we love them a lot.

They dont often sleep on our laps… happy to snooze beside us but not on us. On the odd occasion they do… we are so excited about it… then pinned down for the duration!

Typical cats. Open case… must get inside

Jinx is definitely bigger… but she is also a lot of fluff!
Dot remains little – but still a sneaky Ninja. She is not above plonking her bum on Jinx’s head during a scuffle!

Dot in her bucket! Seems to find this an excellent sleeping spot!!!

Jinx likes the table or on top of the printer.
I think we will have to build some shelves. We’ve had to pack away most of our stuff that lives on exposed surfaces!

Its cute when they snooze together

The ball of cotton is still a big favourite. Dot will run about with it in her mouth, trailing the string part looking over her shoulder for her sister to chase it.

It ends up in funny places.
Worse things to find in ones shoe in Australia…

They insist on sleeping on the seed drawers, so I’ve made it up with cosy options. Will upgrade it soon before the colder weather hits.

Jinx seems to find my basket the perfect size!

Practicing dress ups.
Unsure they will be as tolerant as our beautiful Pip was… but, we’ll see.

Sleeping kittens make my heart full

And they generally cause lots of smiles and laughter!

BTW… I checked my email re renewal costs and it indicated that it would cost about $420 for 12 months. (Heart failure and panic) When I renewed last time it was a shade over $150
I think we can agree thats a bit of a jump.
Even though it will expire while I am away, I will get in touch with Bluehost when I return to double check.
Okies… Dots squeaking. I think she wants a game.
Love to all


I am sorry I am totally not keeping in good touch with my blog.
I am trying to scramble together a free blog site to continue – This site comes up for renewal in a few days (way to go procrastination!!) and its really $400 plus that I can’t afford right now.

Especially since I’ve really lost my mojo with getting back to write… I keep thinking I will… then I dont!

I fully appreciate every one of you who have followed along with me for the past number of years. I have enjoyed sharing and the interaction with people from around the world.

I am off to Steamfest on Friday – so I am starting to squish my obligations a bit close (I think this shuts down on the 8th)
So… first up I am just putting my email here for anyone that would like to keep in touch.

I really hope to swing back within the next 24 hrs to put details of a new page but… I am a little overwhelmed about whats out there and what is best!

Plus I’d love to share some updated Kitty pics. The girls are growing fast!!
naturally my PC is having a total tantrum right now too – it updated something I had no choice in…. annnnnd… its being a massive drama queen about it all!!

Ok… Much love to everyone wherever you are!
I better go make choices !!