Slow Sunday here… Jeff was sleeping off a nightshift. I am not sure what I was doing overall. I think wasting time sprinkled with a few domestics.
The pear tree is just loaded with blossoms now! So pretty!
And here is something exciting!! First potato of the season has popped up!
I haven’t seen any basil seedlings for sale yet… a few of my seeds have germinated but I reckon I’ll need to put in a lot more in case I can’t source seedlings! We had chicken pesto pasta the last couple of nights with some pesto that was still in the freezer! So good!!
I need to stock up!
The cucumber looks really good. Very much hoping for a better season with them this year.
This looks encouraging!!
I also very much need to finish filling the other bed so the rest of the strawberries can get planted and start doing their thing.
I’ve only had to replace a couple of plants in this plot that didn’t take well to the transplant so thats not bad (Not like last season when they all just died for no good reason!)
Being the first time I’ve had borage, I had to look up what the seeds looked like so I could collect some. I know it self seeds but my Mum and probably other people will want some seeds too.
Turns out its pretty easy…
The main trick is to find them before they drop
My oregano has exploded with spring and is looking super lush
Next I need to look up how to make chamomile tea right from the flower
So… who knew that a guelder rose would grow from a stick??
This was a surprise for me. I left a couple of sticks in a garden bed – I was using them as markers.
Seems like they are growing really happily!!
This means I now have to find homes for two guelder rose trees!!! (I call them snowball bushes as the flowers are like puffy snowballs!)
And the one lavender I have in the pot is looking lovely.
I need to finish tidying up this garden so I can take an overall snap so you can see how its progressing. I am hoping for a lot more flowering plants within the raised bed boarders!!
Fingers crossed!
Hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend!
(Somebody else had a nice lazy day too!)