A Bit of Everything

We’ve been treated to a beautiful couple of days.
Most enjoyable!!

Frankie is really guzzling now. We are hoping she starts eating some grass etc soon. Although that would mean she would be slightly more problematic in the garden

She doesn’t eat anything out of it now. Just bounces all over everything!

Air-Time with Frankie.

And at the end of her day at Lamb Day Care she is pretty happy to see her Mum again.

I managed to finish pruning the raspberries yesterday

I picked up a trailer load of mushroom compost today and yesterday I cleared out the car port. I want to use it for my gardening workshop on Saturday.

I also picked up my big folding table from Ruby’s shed today. I wish you could have seen it! Its quite a long heavy thing. I can manage but Ruby was adamant it was too heavy for just me and she was going to help.
I thought about firmly putting my foot down but did a mental shrug and thought… she’s less than a week off 103 years old. Let her have some fun.
So there’s me and Ruby carrying this bloody great table out and she’s got her walking stick and helping lift it into the trailer.
Classic! I wish I could have watched!!! haha

I feel like my spring has officially started – I planted a tomato!

I put a good lot of mushroom compost in the spot so I hope it will be happy there.
And look! The first self seeded tomato!

The chooks got spoiled this morning. Jeff brought home a heap of leftovers from work. I think sandwiches and muffins were involved!

And Pip got some outdoor time today. He does his best to ignore me when I want him to look at the camera.

This is me setting up a shot for the photo challenge.
We are heading into day four now. I am trying to keep ahead, but I still have 3 photos yet to take.

Day two was Stripes:

Day three was ‘Three’ (A subject that can be widely interpreted and there are some fun shots coming in)

And tomorrow , day four, is ‘Rusty’

I’ll need Jeff’s help tomorrow for ‘Drama’
I know he is eyeing me suspiciously about this. 😀

This did have rocks displayed on it… now that we’ve got a better rock display unit, I’ve commandeered this one to store/display some of my soap. It still needs to have air flow for curing. So they might as well look nice somewhere. Surface space in the library was getting scarce!

I made and cut another loaf of soap. This new fragrance is called ‘Kentish Rain’ Its really rather nice and light and fresh. Was a bit strong at first but now calming down well.

I think I need to bang the loaf tin down harder for longer to get rid of the air bubbles!! (I suspect my mixing technique can improve lol)

Hope you are all having a great week so far!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “A Bit of Everything”

    1. It does smell pretty good!! 🙂 I like the bubbles too but I bet its something that people try not to get. I am def. not going to stress too much about them. Its been so much fun making batches!

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