Back out actually doing some work! Yay.
Jeff got through a lot with his chainsaw. We’ll move that all down to the main pile and do some splitting sometime.
We also worked our way through burning a bit and sorting out pieces to keep or put through the chipper
We got rid of one pile and made another!!!
Cough cough – smokey! Luckily the wind (low today) was blowing across the paddocks so hopefully we weren’t annoying anybody too much.
Bit sad not to have marshmallows…
My Mum (the pyromaniac) will be jealous. 🙂
Got one barrow load of fluffy tree bits and dumped them in the entryway of the chook pen.
Makes a fabulous difference. If the weather is ok tomorrow, must make the effort to get more of this down onto the slippery muddy bits.
Have you noticed that so far, I’ve done NOTHING that I said I was going to do yesterday??
In the spirit of going off course – I got to and wove the little garlic fence I’ve been wanting to do for ages.
I was pretty chuffed at its final look.
Now I am all fired keen to get enough branches piled up to get the chipper going and I can put the woodchips on the path that is currently mud.
Hope you’ve had a lovely day too!
Lovely garlic fence Lisa! And your last story of the urine filled shoe, that sounds awful but it made me giggle. So gross. I hope the rest of your week makes up for that 😊
Thanks Amy!! And I am glad someone else got a chuckle out of my terrible shoe experience. I must admit I laughed too – with a certain amount of eye rolling.