A Proper Spring Day

Look at that!! A perfect spring day!
And what did I do? Up to my elbows in dirt? Nope. Housework!
I need my head read. haha
Actually I have visitors arriving Wednesday and its no point me doing the housework too early before people arrive because a) the fire just makes everything dusty with little chips that fall when you bring in the wood. and b) I am domestically challenged so the less time I have to mess things up the better.

Still… its more motivating doing anything when its lovely and sunny!
Today I made strawberry ice cream. We don’t have much in the way of fresh produce to impress guests at the moment, so maybe I can woo them with my ice cream?

Strawberries cooking = house smelling amazing

Looking forward to scoffing that!
I also made the chooks a cake too – they were loving the sun!

I jumped the back fence to go and pinch some more daffodils, but they were mostly finished and looking sad

I added some of our own that were left and some onionweed!

It wasn’t quite doing it for me, so I stepped back out and snicked off a few fennel stalks

Over the next month we should be enjoying a lot of lovely new blooms – I love being able to pick lots of colour for the house, yet leaving plenty outside to see as well!

Tomorrow will be much the same for me (probably with rain though) as I have a list of other rooms to clean & cooking to do.

Hope your day was lovely!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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