An Exercise in Patience/Patients


How was everyone’s weekend? Good I hope!
Well… it was a big night out Friday for the Millar’s.
In fact – I didn’t even come home! Party Animal!

Sitting at home, watching the tail end of a movie when the phone rings. Its the doctor I finally got into seeing. He is looking at my blood tests (this is like at around 8pm) and deciding I need to trot off to the emergency department.
My calcium levels were pretty low – I learned this is not just a shrugging matter and drinking more milk as a number of years ago this happened to me after my thyroidectomy.

Not that anyone at emergency was too worried about potential heart issues as we sat there for a couple of hours before being called through (Behind the sprained ankles and sore fingers!!)
On the upside, I got another beret crocheted.

I’d already had one blood test that day of course, but they put a cannula in and took more blood…
Aaaand we waited.
I think it was closer to 1am when they agreed that the calcium was not great, so they were going to top me up intravenously, keep me for the night, do ecg’s more tests and top up again if necessary.
Jeff send home. I get to spend the night not sleeping and being stabbed a lot by nurses!! (Note to self… next time wear trackkie pants.)(Trying to ‘sleep’ in jeans is blah.)

Three bags of calcium, and a few more blood tests later, I was allowed to escape early Saturday afternoon. Giddy because I was sleep deprived!
At least at home MY nurse isn’t silly enough to wake me up!
Nah – really they all did a great job and were very kind and gentle (as they can be with sharp things)

Today I have been feeling better than I have for the past couple of weeks, although a bit tired tonight, so maybe I am now finally on the mend?
Have to go back into see a doc early in the week to check my bloods again (ow… should see my bruises! Luckily I am not squeamish about needles)
So… maybe I can return to more gardening hiking stories soon!!!

Lets hope everybody elses weekends were a little less hospital-orientated and you had a great one!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

20 thoughts on “An Exercise in Patience/Patients”

  1. Wow! Hope you’re all better soon! Great that you have Jeff to look after you. Xx

    1. Hi Cindy! Thanks – hopefully turned a corner this weekend! Personally I’d rather go to the movies on Friday night… 😀

  2. What a way to start your weekend! Hope you are feeling much better by now and are taking it easy.
    Just wondering if you take calcium supplements? I take 2 liquid caps/day but have not had my blood tested. Hope you are all fixed up now!

    1. Hi Teri – Still working out bugs! 😀 But yes, am now def on supplements and will be retested in 6 weeks. I took it nice and easy today – lovely to be inside by the fire as it was a cold rainy one!

  3. I’m glad you are feeling better. Nothing like being ill and not getting better. Soon you will be showing us more of your epic watery trip and showing off your winter garden.

    All the best,


    1. Thanks Carla! Bit by bit it seems!
      I am not sure I want to show my garden tho… my goodness what a mess!! Oh well!! 🙂

    1. Hi Linda! Thanks – def. trying to not do too much. I feel impatient being unwell when I want to do things (as most people do!) 🙂

  4. So sorry to hear of your troubles. Very glad they found out how to make you feel better!! Feel better soon, Lisa. Take the time to rest and recoup. Your body has been at battle lately. Take care.

  5. I’m glad you decided to go to the doctor and they caught that. Low calcium isn’t good, no wonder you were feeling rubbish. Hopefully you’ll be feeling much better now, take care.

    1. Hi Hazel! “Rubbish” is an excellent way of describing how I have been feeling lately! 😀 Bit by bit getting back on top of things!

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