Anniversary Bay – Round Trip Hike, Part One

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Weather – Undecided

Hello! How is your weekend treating you?

Today I was kinder to my body and kept the fire company while adding a few more rows to my latest crochet project.

Since I had so many photos from yesterday, I have decided to break the story up into two parts!

Low Tide

We started at the west end of Sisters beach and headed up around the hill you see in the above photo.

The first of a lot of ‘up’ sections of our day!
Cute spongy moss – spotted when taking a breather

As we walked up around the hill we could hear a bunch of noisy voices – kids. We thought a whole class, but turned out to be only three!! Before we saw them, one young voice cracked us up –

“OOOOoooooh Wow – Wallaby Poo!!”

Pokemon Craze – eat your heart out!! 😀


The hill flattened out nicely and we headed through the Banksia Grove

Gnarly old Banksia trees


Anniversary Bay overview

I do love the view over the top…

After so long with wind and choppy seas… the calmness was amazing

I promise I didn’t get over excited this time about potential ambergris… although I was firmly banned from touching it!

This made me laugh

As usual, there was a lot of cool stuff on the beach to fossick through

Cool rock stripes

Due to the recent rains and storms, we noticed a lot of changes to this beach. A lot more rivulets of water making streams down to the sea, exposed rocks and we suspect the usual high tide mark has gone higher and washed away the beach edge vegetation

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New stream beds
Under the sand, layers of mud and rock exposed

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Source Images:  DSC_8229.JPG (Av: F11.0; Tv: 1/500 sec.; ISO: 800; FL: 28.0 mm)   Processing:  Fusion F.3 (HDR; Mode 1)

Every now and again, proper blue sky would break through the clouds


And be reflected in the puddles on the beach


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Making good photographic use of puddles
Odd little streams twisting their way down the beach
Quite a lot of this red seaweed was scattered about the sand
We are pretty sure this black rock was not visible in our past visits. The weather has done its work
The water is stained by the local tea tree. It’s quite fine to drink out of the running streams
Water, sand and rock make for some great natural abstract art

At one point, we got quite soggy with this misty rain that came though


But you wait for a few minutes and turn around to enjoy the colours

Reckon we should have been close enough to see that pot of gold!

Even the rubbish thrown up by the storms had an artistic quality


Muddy water streaming down the beach

Interestingly this eroded channel exposed the roots of the coastal grasses – long ropy things that, when plaited, proved quite strong!


The blue sky, doing its best!
Standing by one of the new streams


Almost time to strip down to my t-shirt!!

It was a really fabulous walk along the beach yesterday – so much had changed and there was a lot to see.

I shall return tomorrow with photos of the second half of our hike, where we wandered off into the bush to find Doone Falls

Enjoy what is left of your weekend!


Source Images:  DSC_8337.JPG (Av: F11.0; Tv: 1/500 sec.; ISO: 640; FL: 20.0 mm)   Processing:  Fusion F.3 (HDR; Mode 1)
Last look at the beach before heading up into the hills behind

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

3 thoughts on “Anniversary Bay – Round Trip Hike, Part One”

  1. The water is stained that color from the tea trees? Are they the same trees that tea tree oil comes from? If so, does the water have a taste like tree tea oil? Sorry for the questions! I don’t think I’ve seen ‘clean’ water a color like that in nature. It’s quite pretty! I enjoyed your pictures! The muddy water streaming down the beach is beautiful!

    1. Leptospermum is the genus name for it – and there are a lot of species. (I think mostly around here its Leptospermum lanigerum.) Its from the same family as Myrtle, but as far as I know oil is not produced from it for commercial use. The tea tree oil industry in Australia is based on Melaleuca alternifolia.
      The aboriginals had a lot of uses for it, including medicinal for urinary disorders.
      Also the early settlers used it as a tea substitute and some believing it would treat scurvy.
      Its the tannin in the tea tree that causes the colouring of the water. Its quite amazing and takes a little getting used to at first to see the colour and think its ok to drink! The taste was clear and beautiful, no trace of anything weird!
      Ask questions anytime! I am totally happy to answer if I can!

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