
Sorry I have procrastinated about writing posts!!
I have been keeping busy practice hiking, new shoes and tomorrow I plan to set off with my friend

I took myself around Anniversary Bay one last time – got some lovely weather

The hills felt a little rough but I had planted potatoes the day before and my legs protested a bit!

I actually got around in a reasonable amount of time so was pleased with that

With luck, our Sunday start won’t be too bad, even though its the hardest day (I reckon)

As mentioned… I got the potatoes in

Then used this plot to put some rocket seeds in

Started on the strawberries then decided that was a post-hike job

I have a carpet of oregano!

And here are a few of the spring colours that are currently in the garden




Tulips are just starting to appear. Hope I am back home to enjoy some of them!

And my boronia is out!
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend and hope to be back in a week with some stories!

Soap Workshop #3

Hello 🙂

I did another soap workshop weekend before last. Busy but fun day.
The above was the loaf I made so the students could experience cutting soap (Kakadu Plum and Bush Cucumber)

I forgot to take my camera in to class so I just have a series of snaps of the results

Marilyn opted to use the decorative moulds with the Black Raspberry and Vanilla fragrance

Sally had fun decorating her Cedar and Saffron fragranced soaps

Christine chose the Lemongrass and Exotic Lime fragrance and we did a lovely subtle wave pattern

Lisa fell in love with the Kakadu Plum and Bush Cucumber fragrance from the demo and used that with her batch

Lots of fun swirls here!

Therese did a drop swirl pattern and used the Baby Powder fragrance… the speckle colour is from madder root powder – really effective

My show off soap I did in fun bright colours. I did use peppermint ess oil but I used an older bottle of it and the scent has kinda just disappeared! Bummer

The ladies collected their soaps yesterday and were all really positive about how much they enjoyed the day and they were pretty happy with their soaps too!

I am trying to get a few more batches done and curing before I go away – there are a couple of markets on in October I want to be ready for.

So I did a double batch of the Cedar and Saffron soap which is always popular

I like how the mixed pour colours come out throughout the soaps

And I had a heart embed that I needed to use so I made a loaf using the Chai Latte fragrance and did a drop swirl pattern.
Very pleased with the results!

Well… thats all the soapy news from me!
Have a lovely week!


Yes! Spring is here. Although it was grey and soggy today!
I stayed mostly inside – made some soaps
Oh, I did have to go out shopping, but that wasn’t exciting so…

In between soap making, soap workshops and hiking, I have done a couple of things in the garden that were useful

The blueberry patch needed help

This was the end result – but since then the little darling chooks have gotten in and happily kicked all the straw and sawdust about everywhere!!
Some wing clipping coming up I think!

I bought some seed potatoes but haven’t touched the patch where they are going to go this year.
The ground is so gluggy… so I am putting it off

The four plants in the hothouse look nice

And the side shoots on the broccoli are doing great. We had some of these at dinner tonight

I bought some lettuce seedlings

So I did some tidying up in the hothouse

Popped in some cow poo and mushroom compost

And planted heaps!!
All in their little personal hothouses so the slugs don’t get them

Borage is out everywhere

Jeff got to and split all the big pieces of wood in that pile on the front lawn and stacked it all.

I conveniently arrived home in time to help with the last few barrow loads!!
Now at least a lot of it is an easier size and being under cover will make it more likely to burn better!! Funny that!

I am about two weeks off the Overland start with my friend Nardia.
I’ve been reasonably good at getting out every other day with the pack on.

I am liking the series of views from the top of Fossil Bluff!

Yesterday I upped the weight in my pack to around 18kgs
I felt that extra two kilos!!

Still, even though I was a bit sorer, I still did it ok so feeling reasonably confident about carrying what I need to.

I’ve got most of the gear in my pack now… added some water bottles to make up for the food weight that isn’t (of course) packed yet

I am going to have a VERY weird food collection.
Currently trying to decide how I can fit a loaf of sourdough bread in…

I’ve only got one actual dinner like meal.
The rest is going to be… snacky.

I’ll take a photo before I head out so you can laugh at me.

The plum tree is so pretty right now!!

Anyways, Basket weaving class in the morning so I better go get my beauty sleep!
Hope you are all having a fabulous week!

Rocky Cape Walk

The other day I decided to pop a note on the local notice board for a hike over to Cathedral Rocks. It was short notice and no-one ended up turning up this time.
Jeff came with me and we decided to bypass Cathedral and do the longer loop up Blanfordia Hill and back across the inland track

Here we are all super keen!

I took the fisheye lens this time just for the fun of it!

I had my pack… since I am a month off my Overland start date I wanted to see how I fared on this trek. (A LOT more hilly than the river track)
I had a bit over 16kgs

And even though I am not going to break any land speed records, I think I did pretty well. Felt comfortable in the pack, the weight was fine.

The weather had been awful… I was going to test out all my new wet weather gear.
However… It didn’t rain! I had to take my raincoat off as I was cooking in it!

I love the views on this walk! I never get tired of them

Well, it didn’t rain but my goodness the wind was diabolical! Was as strong as the insane days experienced at Cradle!
It was literally pushing us off the track and at one point we had trouble walking DOWNHILL as the wind was pushing us back up!!

You might be able to see in the above picture all the trees blown sideways!

Blanfordia Hill is annoying… it goes up. You think you see the top and then you see another top. After that you see another top. I think this happens about 4 times!

Anyway, we finally reached the point there were no more tops to walk up, hit the inland track and started back

Thats when the wind got REALLY testy!!

Check out the waves in the ocean!!

You can see the white line on the hill in front. Yes… we were headed over there! Looks a long way in this image!

Not far from finishing now

Has an excellent wintery feel doesn’t it? Even without snow!

A bit of blue sky!
And what is Jeff doing? We spent some time amusing ourselves throwing rocks straight up into the air and having the wind push them about 5 metres inland before they landed!! You might be able to Spot the Rock – Still mid flight to the left of Jeffs head (looks like a white splotch on the hill) – as it gets blown well away from where it was thrown!

Yes. We totally know how to have fun around here!


Soap Workshop…

Hello there!

Dropping by to share what was made at Sundays Workshop!
I had 5 lovely ladies and two volunteers helping me by running about and doing the dishes (bless their cotton socks!)(Someone doing my dishes?? All my dreams come true right there!!)

We start off with some introductions, and some cake and coffee while I… basically talk a lot!!
There is a lot of important info that goes along with it all – so hopefully got all the essential basics without overwhelming everyone.

I have a bunch of soaps at the table for inspiration – plus its just nice for people to check stuff out and see what is possible in the soap making realm.
I have my supplies table where everyone can sniff the fragrances and look through the colours and moulds

Then there is the table where all the action happens. The loaf that I pre made to cut… somehow have missed getting a photo of that!

I pre mix most of the lye and bring it along in jars cooled and ready to use.
I do the one demo of mixing the lye as its critical and VERY important for people to realise just how dangerous this stuff can be and how to handle it.

Then into the soap making – so much fun when everyone gets to choose what they are going to make.

As you can see… quite the variety!
The super fun part is me packing up and balancing all these in the car for the 25 minute drive back home (in the rain of course)
I will come up with a better transport system soon I think.
The classes have filled very quickly and we had to put another one on at the end of the month – and I think there might be a waiting list???
I am feeling very popular haha.

The ladies had a really nice day and I’ve heard some lovely feedback so thats really encouraging!
The soap unmoulded well and I should be able to deliver most of it tomorrow.
(Although there is still the agony of the 4 week curing wait before use)(They all get their full batch of soap that they made which is more soaps than what I have arranged in the photos)

This is Maidie’s soap. Blueberry with a sweet drop swirl and white sprinkles on top!

Debbie chose coconut and lime and we made a mix with the fresh green in some really pretty moulds

Karen settled on the Belgium Chocolate fragrance and made a whole heap of completely edible looking soaps!


Kaye selected one of my favourite fragrances – Anjou Pear and Lemon Zest!
She’s mixed a burgundy mica back into the base mix to pour and its turned out super pretty!

A new friend of mine, Kasia, (Met at the avocado carving workshop) joined in my workshop and got extra creative with her soaps

She dusted her moulds with gold mica first, and then lined the flower moulds with some mermaid blue. The result was a gorgeous old world effect.
The speckles in the base mix is from the madder root powder and she’s also put in some oatmeal as a scrub!

As for me… I did my usual show off demo at the end. Kasia has made a video and when thats done I hope to upload it to my FB page so you can take a peek at the process!!

I was actually quite thrilled with this one!
This is a colour combination to repeat!
I used lemongrass for the fragrance as I know it behaves.

Since the community centre doesn’t charge a hire fee for me to do these classes, I’ve decided that I’ll donate the demo soaps when they are cured to them.
Last months batch is nearly sold out which is awesome. So they can raise $80 from the batch and that money can go back into the centre for things they need.
They do a great job doing community based ‘stuff’ everything from gardening to a large variety of workshops.

I’ll be honest… it might break my heart to part with this one !!!
(I must make another one soon while I remember exactly what I did!!)
(Shall we call it ‘Phoenix Rising’ ?? Jeff seemed to think it reminded him of turkey feathers but that name doesn’t have the same grand ring to it!!!)

Hope your week has been fabulous

A Few Winter Veggies

OK, yes yes, they are not veggies! But they are perfectly arranged chooks!!

Pretty excited to be finally eating our broccoli

I’ve got one more left that still has its main head, but the side shoots are growing nicely so we should be able to nibble on those for a while too

The hothouse potatoes are still looking happy

Grass basket in use to pick some more chillies!

While Pip snoopervised

A couple of garden disasters…
First… the bloody blackbirds decided to snick off a LOT of my lovely garlic shoots!
They don’t even eat them!! Just destroy!

I’ve since netted both plots – and hope the pruned ones grow back

And the reason I say don’t store pumpkins on their bottoms??

And it wasn’t on its bum for long either!! Sadly nothing was able to be salvaged from it.
Luckily I had more.. but disappointed in myself for putting off moving this one when I should have

I can’t believe that we are scarcely two weeks shy of spring!

The cherry plum trees have just started to blossom and there are daffodils starting to show everywhere!
It all seems to have come up fast!
Hope you’ve had a lovely day!

Challenge Pic’s

Sorry its been an eon. I’ve been caught up in a multitude of ‘stuff’ and haven’t made time to get back to photos and the blog!
Thought I might just share the latest Challenge Photos

The challenge is done… more or less. Waiting for the last photos to be submitted then finish voting. Quite speedy for this group for a change
The first subject was ‘GLOWING COLOURS’

Jeff was helping me do something which involved glowsticks and the clothes line and all the photos sucked haha
So I got him to whirl them over his head and… Voila! My first photo!

Second subject was ‘MISMATCHED’
I went a bit … creative with this one

“Sparky came from the wrong end of town but he put on his bow tie and struck up a conversation with Miss Match.
A flame of love was kindled but unfortunately her parents thought he looked a bit burnt out and their relationship was a total mismatch…
(Sorry, not sorry)”

(This might explain where a lot of my time goes)

You saw the image for SHOES (Jeff’s Bigfoot)
And I might have shared this already but the next subject was FOOD


Next was TRANSPORT and you’ve seen Pipsworth in his Plane..

Following was GRASS

I made a spectacular mess in the lounge room making a grass basket as a prop.

I’d gathered a lot of dried paddock grass from next door and sewed it together with flax

Its a little wonky but really sturdy!

Next subject was SPOOKY!

Cue poor Jeff again to sit about posing for me

I found the frame at a market and stretched some black stocking over the middle.
I originally envisioned someone coming through the frame but this ended up looking decidedly spooky enough!

The 9th subject ‘HIDDEN’ gave me the most grief!
I seriously couldn’t come up with an idea. I knew my Dad was posting a funny shot of their cat with only her tail showing so I didn’t want to compete with that and make use of Pip again
Turns out we could have renamed the album ‘HIDING CATS’ with the amount of artfully and not so artfully concealed feline photos posted! So funny

In the end I used a little wooden apple I had when I was a kid. The tea set gets hidden in the apple. I loved it as a kid and its very sweet.

The last subject we had was ‘OPEN’ which we’ve never done before!
Its harder than you might think without the guidance!

I went down to Fossil Bluff at sundown and high tide to play around with the water and slow shutter speeds. It was fun and settled on the following shot

Well… there you have it!
I enjoy these challenges – rather than just taking snaps of whats in front of me, I have to go work at it and think about it! I enjoy that!

I’ll be back to tell you about my latest workshop and other ‘stuff’ thats been going on soon!
I am feeling tired as we moved our piano today! As in moved it out of the house!
Cousins have taken it which is great and now we have a lot of space in our hallway!

I’ll leave you with a few more splashy photos from my evening at Fossil Bluff! Hope you are all well

Oh… and one of ME!

Poor Pip

Hi! Hope everyone had an excellent weekend!

So…Embroiled in the photo challenge and instead of gardening or doing other useful stuff… I am spending my time making props and fulfilling ideas about taking photos


At first I was going to chuck some chooks in a wheelbarrow and make Jeff wheel it about.
Then I thought I’d make them a cardboard truck

I googled cardboard trucks and they weren’t ringing my bells at all… but I did find instructions on making a plane!
So…out with the box knife and the paints.

Hmmmm… who am I going to get to pilot this little beauty?
I went to the Op Shops to seek out materials to make Pip a flying cap etc… but actually found a little teddy bear in a cap and coat!
$3 later and he’s all mine
Swimming goggles were hard to find, but the last opshop had one pair!!

Pip is a total champion when it comes to putting up with this nonsense! He sat in his Spitfire ready to go!

Just played about in photoshop to give this snap an ‘in the air’ feeling!

Then it was time for the ‘real’ photoshoot!

I spent a bit of time setting up the plane, a cloud and making sure the camera was ready and settings correct before dressing up our pilot again

The picture below was the one I used along with the following capiton:

Wing Commander Pipsworth loves to fly about in his Spitfire, combing through the cloud(s) for Messerschmitt’s – although he refuses to get into dogfights as that is beneath him. On weekends he likes to drive a Daimler…

Hope you all got a chuckle from this! We certainly did!


Gosh… its just pouring down tonight as I sit here all snug with our fire going!

Bigfoot above?
Just Jeff helping me out with the current Photo Challenge – subject ‘SHOES’

Despite the fairly terrible weather we went for an Anniversary Bay Loop hike the other day.

Overall, apart from the gloom, it was really rather nice out there

Rain threatened but mostly missed us

Here we go… a selfie before heading up into the hills

And still kinda smiling when we made it to the top of (ahem) Bastard Hill
(We both had our packs on – first time I’ve taken mine out on a more demanding hike)

I took a few other ‘shoe’ photos after deliberately jumping in the deepest mud puddles I could find… just in case they worked better than Jeffs big shoe photo

How old am I again??? SO much fun!!

And here is my newest hiking kit!
You might remember the hike I did just over a year ago with my cousin Leonie up at the Walls of Jerusalem – the track being more of an ice rink than a path.

Since I am planning on being up on the Overland in Sept. I wanted something to help with it. I don’t care about snow, mud, water etc. But ice freaks me out a bit.
I’d heard people talk about them so investigated and bought some!

They were easy enough to put on and while I didn’t have ice to practice on, they bit into the slippery mud really well and were also quite comfortable to actually hike in.
They do add a bit of weight… (about 480g total) but I think its worth it. Better than a potential broken leg anyway!!

And to finish off the day… a little sunshine as a treat!
Well… I am off to bed!
Will be nice to lie there and listen to the rain!

Winter Continues…

(Cat tongues sticking out amuse me!)
How was everyones weekend?
I’ve been working on ‘stuff’ as a new photo challenge has started. I’ll share photos soon (2 months prep time and I have precisely two photos ready. Hmmm)

In the interests in saving $$, plastic and keeping Jeff happy, I made a double batch of choc chip bikkies!
They’ve been pretty good!!
Didn’t come even close to fitting into my Nanna’s old Bikkie Tin!

We valiantly ate our way through them so the lid fit on.

Bit of soap here and there.. the above is lemon myrtle. It smells lovely!
I forgot to get a few snaps of the cut version. The yellow bits are like flames!

A double batch of Japanese Honeysuckle – top half with a scrub.

Getting in early on prepping Christmas soaps and trying something a little different with my tree

Love how these turned out… snowy grey scene! I mixed an apple fragrance with peppermint and really like it.
Will attempt a few more batches of this.

I even got out into the back garden for a bit of a tidy up!

Its great to have the straw to immediately mulch once I’ve weeded areas

I left the strawberry patches alone… they’ll need digging up and topping up with soil before replanting. That can be another day

There is a herb spiral in there…

I also did a big pruning out the front of the house and had grand plans of burning the bonfire to the ground.

That was a rather large waste of my afternoon. Failed utterly to get it to keep burning.
I think I would have had to douse it in fuel as it was too wet and green.
And as we know, petrol etc is hideously expensive world wide so just going to have to let it be and dry out a lot more.

Back to the inside fire which I don’t usually have that much trouble with!!
Lovely and cosy in here as the rain is pouring down steadily!
