I put up another notice locally to do a guided walk to Cathedral Rocks.
The weekend had some pretty wild weather (lots of snow and diabolical winds – lot of damage around the state with downed trees etc)
I was a bit dubious about going on the walk as no-one had committed.
But hey, I got up and decided to go down and do the walk anyway.

I drove through a lot of rainbows getting to the start!
It rained on and off until the 10am start time.
No one had shown up so I set off…
Was just heading up the hill and I saw a lady drive past and park next to me.

So I wandered back and asked if she was here for the walk!
Yep! So I met Val, and we set off – huffed and puffed up the hills and chatted on the more even pathways! Very nice to have someone brave enough to thumb their nose at the weather and come along!

Funnily enough – we got no rain and lots of sunshine for the entire walk!
Plenty of blustery wind though.

Was happy to have it nice and clear to enjoy the views.
Always spectacular along this coast.

(Doesn’t take long to put a fair distance between you and the carpark!)

Now for the ambling downhill bit!

Now here’s a treat!! After three or so years they’ve finally done some track work! We’ve been looking at the materials left along the side of the path that were choppered in here forever ago!
That made walking over the swampy bits a lot easier!

And there were are. Nearly at our destination

We wandered over the rocks a bit but decided not to rock scramble all the way out to the point – there is no path and I’ve not done it before and also wasn’t sure if the tide was coming in or going out.

So we found ourselves a nice bit of driftwood to sit on and had a snack and soaked up the sun and peacefulness

Then… of course we had to go back ‘up’

This is my cheerful hiking companion Val!
And below a shot to send to her friends asking why they didn’t come along! (She had invited some but they’d taken one look at the weather and inquired if she was mad or something and no thanks very much, we’ll stay home where its warm haha)

We really had such a lovely day and I think got really lucky with the weather

ummm – photo of the wind? It was getting pretty fierce at times!

Love these coastal paths!

Thats the thing about this time of year. Dress for the weather and just go for it!
Even though I like hiking through crazy weather, a lot of the time you’ll get lucky with some beautiful sunshine!
Mind you, I got home and we lost power for an hour or so. It came back on long enough for me to have a shower and cook dinner, then out it went again and we didn’t see it again for 18 hours!!
Thats it from me! Hope your weekend was lovely.