
Another amazing sunny winters day here today!
We even got out for a hike this afternoon! (We want to keep this up better as the lazy slothing and chocolate bikkies are beginning to show as muffin tops.
Well… more like bread tins…)

Anyway – so cool re my polka-dot soap! Cut it today and totally want to do this again.

I might use pencils or thin dowel next time… A bit of experimenting to get the right reusable tool!

They’re quite a big soap too. But I like the substantial chunky look 🙂

Harnessing my husbands new writing skills further!
I might like to put these in a shop somewhere one day – but I don’t want to plastic wrap them.
This seems a rather attractive way to be able to label them – plus somewhere to stick a price on (on the back of course! Wouldn’t want to mess up Jeff’s good work!)

Jeff even came up with a monogram for me!
And a bit of my never ending supply of washi-tape to stick it all together!

Anyway – best not get to bed too late!
More hiking and less muffin top planned for tomorrow.

Random Day

How was your weekend?
I thought our markets were starting back up today so went down for a look – Nope. Not a soul or a stall in sight!

Never mind. Probs for the best. Tasmania hasn’t had any new covid 19 cases for weeks now but Australias numbers are on the rise a bit fast.
The Victorians were being naughty – sadly lots of suburbs have been put back into lockdown and their travel out of the state limited.
I saw something rather funny – a request for Queenslanders not to smuggle Victorians into their state !!! If we were looking from the past into the future and seeing that request… what on earth might we think was going on???

And all my friends from the US – please please please keep a low profile and keep yourselves as safe as possible! Its alarming watching the number of new cases skyrocket!! 🙁

Today… after the non-market I came back home and made use of the three overripe bananas I was saving.
They are now cake!

Jeff has been practicing his handwriting skills in a new notebook I bought to put all my recipes in!
That has been on my ‘gunna’ list for ever and ever.
I found this sweet notebook – then gave Jeff a job!

I like the way the pages have little flowers or butterflies too…

After finishing the banana cake, I had a go at making passionfruit butter!!
I’ve not done it before so I’ll test it out on my toast tomorrow morning and if its ok I’ll get Jeff to add the recipe to the book and share it with you!

I think its basically lemon butter with a passionfruit twist!

I made up some lye and started a new soap – bit of an experiment.
I glued myself to youtube the other night getting new ideas 🙂

If all goes to plan the weird thing below should turn out to be polka-dot soap.

And I am pleased to report that all our clothes came down off the rack this morning nice and dry!
Still super excited so did some more laundry.
I did put them on the line for a couple of hours of sunshine before hoisting them…
Still have that folding and putting away issue to sort out…

Hope your weekend was amazing and Happy Fourth of July to my friends in the US!! (Possibly slightly late but the thought was there!)

Hoisted Laundry!

Paul dropped in today to help up install our laundry hoist!!
Was so great!! He brought a ladder that was tall enough for our ceilings and sorted us out with getting it all up and working!!

Making sure all the rope is run through the right pulley at the right points

Threading the dowels in

Some adjustments here and there – just making sure I can easily reach to hang the clothes for the first knot tie-off at the wall.

Perhaps I could even up the dowels haha
Anyway, was super keen so did a load of washing which is on there now drying away – I rushed because I was excited so didn’t arrange the clothes in the most aesthetically pleasing manner – and no, not my knickers dangling there on the end haha.

Its reasonably heavy to hoist up with the wet clothes – but I am not short of a muscle or two. And the whole thing didn’t break so… yay!
It sits so high so nothing is hanging too low to be a pest.
I let it down a little while ago to check how things were going. Happy to report there is evidence of drying!!

Sometimes if a winters day is really sunny, I’ll part dry on the line outside. That will make it quicker to finish off inside. (And lighter to hoist)

Hope your weekend is going well!


The resident snoopervisor – I started working in the carport and he was out on the back veranda – He didn’t like that at all. Got in touch with his Inner Siamese and set up quite the howl!
So I brought him over so he could see what we were up to 🙂

So what were we up to??
Sharon’s husband Paul offered to come over and help us install a clothes hoist similar to the one they have.
As you know we don’t have a dryer – line drying or heater drying is much more common in Australia than the US – actually its more unusual to find people here that use a dryer over a line.

So far so good…

We’ve put together the bones of it. Paul will instruct where the next holes are best to go and will help with the pulleys – We’ve got a really high ceiling in the lounge room and the idea is to be able to load up the rack, then hoist it out of the way. We have the fire going nightly so might as well make use of it.
Well… we do already but this, if it works, will make it a bit easier and a bit more out of the way!

There are 5 rungs – about 2 and half metres long.
Excited to get it happening!

Then there was Ruby’s sink project… I had something else worked out but in the end we went for mega simple
We cut the pallets down to the right height and simply rested the lip on the pallet edge

Jeff screwed the back panel in and one at the front.
We didn’t end up needing side panels – this finished up being really sturdy

I will put a bucket underneath to catch and reuse the water after washing veggies.
Next step is to get a tap and attach with some polypipe etc so I can just hook it up to the hose and use it easily.
Not to mention probably paint it some obnoxious colour/s!!
But I’ll wait until summer for the painting part.

I am sure the front bit will also be handy for me to hang things on or place things on the shelf bit… who knows!!

The horrible weather didn’t really materialise… so time to put off all the excuses and get into another patch.

As usual the twitch slowed me down and I wanted to quit and head back to the fire long before I got to this point. Had to tell myself not to be so pathetic and get on with it haha
Lovely big fat worms everywhere!

Finally done and topped with straw so it can sit and be happy until needed in spring. Reckon this will be the new corn patch, while the one above can be for potatoes.

Speaking of potatoes…

They are just rocking along in the hothouse!!

Had to get another box of spuds out of the shed for the pantry…
Potato salad…. (they are starting to grow!! But I just knocked off the sprouts. Still taste good!)

Found a few more capsicum for our salads…

These are called ‘Mad Hatter’ Bit small and fiddly – not fleshy like other capsicum but sweet and the bush produced well once it actually started!

We’ve been pretty much without an internet connection the past couple of days – more agonising time wasted on hold and people asking me to turn things on and off and unplug and replug stuff to no avail. 4 hours of my life I won’t get back only to be told ‘we’ll monitor it for 24 hours’
Amazingly it all came back today. I’ll reserve the celebrations until end of weekend haha.

Today I went back up to Sharons with Margie for a foot treatment, lunch and a catch up. Always so refreshing and relaxing!
I took her a basket of veggies and some of the precious garlic salt!! 🙂

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Hothouse Potato Plants

Hey there!
Remember I topped up the potatoes?
Two days later:

I need to go take a snap today to see what they are up to and fill up the pot I reckon.
The other pot has some growth too

I did a stir fry the other night and asked Jeff to go pick a couple of carrots!!

Haha – thats nearly a kilo of carrots right there!

Nothing startling happening around here.
I went up to Sharons yesterday and helped out with a workshop. First one in eons.
Was a lot of fun. Nice group of ladies- baby shower party! (I didn’t take my camera 🙁 )
Reasonably nice day here today – slothing a bit though. Thinking I might even do the dishes then see if I can drag Jeff out to do a project.
That will be hard. Nice and cosy in here with the fire going 🙂

Hope your weekend was great!

Soap and Yarn

Yah – this is neither yarn nor soap.
But in the background I’ve been working on a few things.
Finishing off the garlic was one.
I did a second batch of garlic salt – so we are fully stocked with enough to give away here and there as presents (maybe haha)

I also did a plain batch of garlic powder. This was the second lot – I sent the first plain batch to one of my sisters. I can’t remember if I wrote about it. The Post Office truck driver said the whole truck smelled of garlic!!! (And I double bagged it too!!)

I haven’t been blogging as much mostly because photos suddenly became REALLY time consuming and tedious to upload, multiple failures blah blah.
And because I am now hardwired to avoid support lines because my phone service provider is total agony to deal with – I really didn’t get in the headspace to just sit and sort it out.

And I might have mentioned in the past about my slight procrastination issues haha.
Anyways – I finally had a hissy fit at the system and contacted support… who kindly and expertly sorted my issue out in under five minutes!!

I. Am. An. Idiot.

Eyeroll! Writing note to self about how great Bluehost is and not to compare to Telstra in future (which has all but left me in therapy)

Watching all tonights photos upload in a heartbeat was rather satisfying!

Again – background project.
Making Mum a Christmas present.

Then I got obsessive… and had to get it done! I was enjoying it a lot but wanted to see the final product!

A nice wrapable size (Was that a word??)
And because then I was so totally overexcited about it, I put it in the mail straight away as a ‘Happy Winter Present’ instead of trying to wait until Christmas. (I’ve always got soap as a back up pressie haha)

(The outside shot shows the colours a bit more true to real life)
Of course, Mum was rather surprised and pretty rapt (wrapped???)(I kill me)

I am currently using up scraps to make more squares so I can make leg warmers… Jeff is horrified! Bahahaha – I never claimed to have style.

I haven’t done a lot of soap lately…

I attempted some ‘soap on a rope’ today but haven’t taken a snap.
It will take ages before I can test it to see if I got it right.

This one was chai tea with poppyseeds

One of todays batches – couldn’t resist being a bit loud.
Next time I’ll leave the straight circle pattern and cut and see how it looks. But today I mucked about with it.

The colours make me think of toffee apples…
The red I’ve had trouble with in the past… tends to disappear in the middle when I cut it. This time I hydrated it with oil not water – so we’ll see in the next day or so if that works better.

Anyway – it was a wet, cold, dark, gloomy and miserable winters day – was awesome being inside enjoying the fire and some soap making!

Hope your week is going well!
Stay safe and healthy!!


Moving Wood

Hi – I didn’t actually take photos of me hauling wood about but… feeling it. 🙂
Probably a lot to do with the sleep I didn’t get 😀

Cousin Jeff rang and wanted to know if we’d sell some of our macrocarpa to his brother!
Sure! No worries!
So I moved a lot of it up to the driveway before they got in, just to look keen.

Anyway.. above – the experimental winter hothouse potatoes in their bottomless pot.
These ones were growing up nicely so topped up with some compost.

I saw a neat home made chook feeder that I wanted to try out.

I didn’t have the right drill bit to get a nice hole in the bottom of the bucket but it did an ok job.
The eye bolt goes into the bucket and the bottom screwed into a toggle of wood.

I made a makeshift hanging pole and tested it on the girls

I had to fiddle about a bit to get the right height etc, but the girls are getting the hang of it pretty quickly.

They peck at the toggle or bump it and more grain drops out. Plus they spend time pecking up all the bits rather than leaving so much for the sparrows

I’ll let you know how it goes 🙂

The weather was rather lovely – so I cleared up another couple of plots while I was in an ‘outside mood’.

Both plots I’ve put some more cow-poo-straw in and topped with dry or conditioned straw. They can just sit and be happy until spring (There are some not dead carrots under the cover)

The garlic is going along so nicely! Especially the purple shown here in the conventional plot and the straw bale

Even the white garlic is starting to show up

Sweet peas making their appearance!

The strawberry runners escaped!!
The main plot has been eaten right down by a pademelon or possum… The whole plot will need to be dug and filled and replanted – leaving that job until spring though

Happily I didn’t kill the borage plant I picked up ages ago! I am hoping it will self seed well.

The protea plant is looking lovely right now.

I love the way water sits on nasturtium leaves! I’ll have to get out there with the macro lens

And check out all the passionfruit I picked up yesterday!!!
I’ll really have to dig out the passionfruit butter recipe that my friend sent me and make it up!! Yum!

Hope you are all having a great week so far!

(Pip is still living his best winter life!)

Garden Update – June

Hi there!
Sorry for the neglect!
Here we are stampeding up to the half year mark!
Weather has mostly been dark and gloomy.
Poor apple trees – they are done 🙁 Going to have to take them out and start again!!

The new beds have, of course, sunk over the course of the last season.
I want to revisit the idea of getting both the big raised beds planted out with strawberries. I dumped a couple of bins of coffee grounds in, then topped up with one of the bales of straw that’s been breaking down nicely.

Once I am ready to plant, I’ll top this up with soil and compost.

I ran out of pickled beetroot. (Horror)
Easy thing to go into the garden and pull up a heap and get cooking!

So glad I still have lots of lovely rocket in the garden to raid!

And – finally finally finally it looks like I might get some broccoli!!
I was beginning to think I’d planted cabbage!

The other day I went mad and planted about 50 lettuce seedlings around the place

In the hothouse was the main lot then scattered the rest about the garden outside.

I decided to try out the eggshell slug barrier again – because I was feeling way too lazy to cut up bottles for every plant.

You need a silly amount of eggshells really…

And they don’t work!! Well… the ones in the hothouse are mostly surviving – but its a lot drier in there so I am guessing slug population is small and they have to cross a lot of dry area to get to them

Pretty much every single one from outside is gone!

Oh well… Now I know to stick to what I know works best.
Bit annoying though.

Garlic (purple patch) is sitting up nicely so far!!
The garlic in the strawbales seem to be going along happily enough so far too!

I asked my friends husband if he would pop over some time and instruct me on pruning my raspberries.
I’ve never really known what to do and have winged it each season.

Gerry arrived under instructions from Maureen to ‘be gentle’ hahaha
I am a shocker at wanting to leave everything.
But – I wanted to learn so I was really brave 😀

I do need to restring the support wire and tied the remaining canes to it so they’ve got some support during the spring winds. These should grow well without all the weedy ones sucking out the energy from the plants.
Next season I should dig up the whole row thats closer in the photo so I can weed it properly and replant.
Next season…
Gerry also spent time with me pruning the fruit trees and sharing good advice so that was all really awesome!

On a bit of a roll that day, so I tackled another overdue job that was on my mind.
The asparagus plot. The soil in this raised bed hasn’t been touched much for years and had sunk so low.
I thought I might try my hand at digging them up and separating some crowns,

Weird tentacle creatures
I used most of the leaf mould compost – it was so lovely and chock full of worms!

Not sure if I’ve done things right, but for better or worse.. they are all replanted and with luck, spring will show some new growth

Today has been so dark and dismal!
I’ve pottered about inside – continuing the last lot of garlic in the dehydrator so the place smells… amazing? Garlicky? Insane?
I’ve got another batch of salt in and some plain to make some powder.
It’s taking ages.

Hope you’ve got some fabulous stuff planned for the weekend!

Postman Track Hike

Jeff was soon to do another couple of nightshifts so we took the opportunity to get out for a decent hike the other day, now that the NP’s are open again

We wanted to go to Cradle but the main road in was still closed and no buses – so thats a 7km hike in BEFORE starting any ‘real’ walks.
So we just went up to the Postmans Track at Rocky Cape

Inland this time instead of scrambling over the jagged rocks along the coastal track.


Some wattle unexpectedly making an early appearance

Dead calm day! The ocean was like a millpond – strange to hike with no wind to fight!

I forgot to grab my gaiters as I headed out the door… so annoying!

Apparently the chest strap at Jeff’s neck doesn’t choke him haha !! Really would bug me for sure!

View back over the farmlands

Such a beautiful peaceful afternoon traipsing up and down hills

I enjoy walking along the almost ridgeline of the area. Clouds were starting to rest on the hills too!

Time to find a spot to sit and have lunch!
Dark is falling early now so we didn’t want to be walking back too late.

Sandwiches taste a million times better when you are sitting out on a hill somewhere (although I will admit the home made relish helps)

Not a bad view…

And then back home we go.
Something like 18km that day … bit footsore afterwards!
Was hoping to get some snaps of wildlife but didn’t see any while I had the camera out of course!

Hope everyone has had a great weekend!


Night time adventures of Pip and Lisa

So… the other night I was (most likely wasting time on Facebook) and I heard quite the ‘KERTHUNK’
I look around to see Pip on the floor instead of on the couch, towel wrapped. I thought he had a bad dream but then I realised he had a mouthful of mouse!! (Mouseful?? Snicker)

Another Proud Mummy Moment… with reservations.
Remember last time he lost it.

Anyway, he brought it into the dining room (appropriate I suppose) to torture play with it.
Poor Mousie Mouse.
It was pretty speedy every time it was let free. Just love the way they run AT me.
Anyways, I was determined to do my bit and not leave the operation up to Pip who had by this time lost it twice. I had to reposition cat in Mousie Mouse direction. (Its like a cartoon – Pip over excited running in circles completely oblivious to where the mouse went!)

I couldn’t go out and get gloves otherwise I’d lose track. I pulled my windcheater sleeves down over my hands in the hope I’d get a chance to scoop it up.
Finally it got wedged between the wall and a leg of furniture (and dust) and I was able to actually catch the mouse!!
Little wriggler!
Outside I went to deposit into the garden where Mousie Mouse was bound to have a happier cat free life.

Return to put lavish praise on Pip for not muffing up the whole operation this time.
Pulling back on windcheater momentarily thinking how funny it would be if the mouse was still up my sleeve and I had brought it back inside.

Er. Yah. Real funny.
Found unexplained soft lump at about my elbow. (NOT where I last saw it at all!)
Back outside to re-deposit Mousie Mouse into the garden. This time actually witnessed the little scamp as he plopped into the grass and scuttled!
Thorough self pat-down still ensued before returning inside.

Hope your week is Mousie-Mouse free!