Hi – with one thing and another, we lost momentum on the continual clean up of the trees.
This afternoon I thought I’d get myself out there and light a nice big fire!
Winter – best time for it!

So, we’ve got the chooks kicking the dead garden material around (dead tomatoes? Corn? Anyway – most of that was nicely dried out (good job chookies) so made for a good starter for my fire

Started heaping stuff on the fire pit… and as you can see, everything is a bit messy out there

Where to even start hey??
All those cement blocks are just crumbling. I am going to make sure they go to the tip next time we go…. or I suppose they could just go ‘down the hole’ haha

Lost a bit of wood in the weeds I reckon!

Suddenly in the middle of it all… a rainbow appeared 🙂
That was rather nice..

So I got my fire going and started getting all the wood to different piles to deal with it later. All scrappy awkward bits went on the fire.
There is a pile to give away if someone wants some campfire wood. Seems a shame to just burn it – but we’ve got a lot and that pile is too awkward in shape and size to store.
There is a pile to stack once I get the wheelbarrow wheel back (needed an innertube and we didn’t have the gear to do it)
And some piles to cut into sensible stackable sizes later on

The chooks were so excited – someone moving the wood and pulling up weeds – bug and worm heaven!
I couldn’t get them from under my feet.
The new girls never shut up either haha

Don’t you just love the look of flames?

Bit by bit I got a lot of it sorted and into some kind of order.
I ended up having to shed the outer clothes and was working in a t-shirt for a while!!
Bit miffed I didn’t think to pick up some marshmallows!

For some reasons tonight my butt muscles are sore! haha Ouch!
Bet you that fire is still burning tomorrow!