I meant to blog yesterday but then decided to sit and answer all your amazing messages – I hope I caught you all.
Was so lovely to read the thoughts, love, prayers & wishes from everyone.
I’ve given the link to Margie and I am sure she will be really touched as well.
So – you can see from the above photo that Cousin Jeff dropped in a trailer load of wood. Its green wood so will get it stacked now so its at the bottom and can dry out.
We social distance unloaded from either side of the trailer!! 🙂

So – lets start with an update on covid19 here.
Jeff got the swabs done and the results were very happily negative. So he was allowed back out of the attic. 🙂
BUT – BOTH hospitals are closing – hopefully closed by now.
Quite the blow for the region. Of all places, our little bit of NW Tasmania has become a worrying hotspot for the virus. So many medical staff down with it.
The general population is not being widely tested I don’t believe – the criteria is quite specific.
So… all the staff AND their families are from now going into lockdown/isolation/quarantine for two weeks while they deep clean, get things back together. So by the time staff goes back… they will know if they are at risk as symptoms should have shown themselves by then
In the last three days we’ve had visits from the SES, Defence and today the fire brigade.
Its as much of a welfare check as a check to see we are here on the property.
We said we are good.
Well… I was until I tried online grocery shopping for the first time.
Now I need therapy and thats two hours of my life I won’t get back!!
What a pain! Not least that they wouldn’t deliver and there are no phone numbers or online chats working.
My lovely cousin Fiona has put her hand up to collect our groceries tomorrow and drop them off and Beau dropped some milk at the door tonight
We have awesome family and friends!!
With that shop we should easily get through the next two weeks with only maybe a milk top up (and knowing Jeff…cereal haha)
All retail shops in the NW have now been shut unless super essential… like supermarkets and chemists.
Rather large fines are being handed out to those who are being too flippant about the rules.
So thats where we are at.

Back to the garden! Yesterday was a lovely day.
I’d collected my snow pea seeds so was time to get this manky mess under control and bedded down for winter

Seven years on and still finding this horrible weed mat! Never again!

Pulling up the snow peas and general weeding was easy… digging out the twitch, as usual, slowed me up considerably!

Support chook was by my side most of the time and gorged herself on the worms!!

I finished up by covering the plot with a generous layer of the cow-poo-straw! Decided to leave it to rest over winter. Should be rather yummy by spring!

The zucchini patch has just about had it – but every now and again a new flower appears!

So I pulled out three of the plants that were beyond it and left the other three for a bit longer.
I did a very half hearted weeding job…

Yah – pretty lame! 😀

The last of the corn almost.. so tasty tonight!

Tomatoes from tonights pick – I HAVE to get in and pick properly!!
And cook!!
Anyways, I wonder who will be checking on us tomorrow?
Take care, stay safe and stay healthy!