No prizes for guessing where we went yesterday!!
After a number of really gloomy wet days it was sensational to get out – not to mention away from the news for a while

We met our cousins, Fiona and Abbey and we did an extended loop over the Sisters Hills and Rocky Cape. (Its so weird meeting family and not doing the hug thing and staying separate!)
We went up along the coast before heading up into the hills

Picnic lunch at the shell beach where we picked up lots of cowries and generally enjoyed a bit of fossicking!

The rope netting mess still very much a part of the scenery – I hadn’t realised that the rope must have been underwater so long it grew coral!

Social distancing…
Jeff managed to get about 30 minutes ahead of us by the time he was done! Clearly taking the personal space thing VERY seriously haha

Leaving the beach…

We actually didn’t do the full loop – there was a ‘short cut’ up over another hill that met the main track, so we thought we’d try it out.
Wow… it was a fair slog up but the views!!

We encountered a small white lipped snake… laying directly across the path! Was in no hurry to leave either. Pity I didn’t get a snap for you. I did a lot of ‘shooing’ and it was taking no notice of me at all!!
Finally it mustered up the energy to glide off into the scrub!

Looking over the other side to Rocky Cape

Just lovely tramping through the hills!
I was really footsore last night and this morning – it was the first real outing my new shoes have had. Did I tell you I got new hiking shoes?? Jeff bought them as a surprise as my other ones were falling apart.
They really are very comfortable – the soreness was really from the impact I think as I haven’t done a lot of hiking recently

So – Whats changed in the last few days in your area?
Tomorrow, nationwide, pubs, clubs and restaurants are to be closed. Take-away will be ok. Schools were to remain open but three states are pretty much saying nope, we’re closing schools.
I am sure it will be all sorted in the next 48 hours.
Interstate travel is to be restricted.
The numbers of new cases are steadily climbing.
Again – Jeff and I living the lifestyle we do with no kids – we aren’t finding our daily life/routine a lot different. Except I try to go to the supermarket even less 🙂
Disappointed in small things like no soap workshops or markets, but easy things to go without.
The biggest conundrum I have is whether to visit Ruby or not!!
What is worse? A small tiny risk to visit? Or not visiting a 103 year old lady who really isn’t able to do much else but enjoy company when presented with it!!? We saw Margie in the supermarket today – keeping all nice and separate – and she worries about the same thing.
I wonder where we will all be at in 3-6 months time? How our lives are changing!!
Take care everyone!