Banana rescue

Three Bucks! Bargain!

Clearly I didn’t think I had quite enough fruit and vegetables to sort out, so I picked up 3kgs of distressed banana’s to add to my list of “things to chop”

Well, I couldn’t help it. I recently made a couple of banana/raspberry bread loaves and they were stonkingly good. Pretty sure we needed more. (Will add this recipe at a later date)

Banana bread with raspberries

Since the raspberry harvest this season was fabulous – I have a freezer stuffed with packs of frozen raspberries. Brilliant to be able to just make any raspberry item that takes my fancy at any time.

Unfortunately what took my fancy included bananas that I didn’t have!

So I peeled and mashed my box of banana’s (note – peels chopped and will be fed to the rose bushes as I read somewhere about that being good for them) and bagged them up to join the raspberries in the freezer to cook at a later date (After all – my food processing day had hardly begun!)

Now in the freezer

It wasn’t raining, so I set the stall out the front again. Funny thing, when I checked it an hour or so later there was a random dollar in the jar but nothing  had been taken!

I have two theories:

  1.  Someone thinks I am busking.
  2. Someone short changed me yesterday and has conscientiously made the effort to pull up and give me my dollar.

I am good with both these theories.

Todays total take was $11.90 😀

I am a bit puzzled about the 90 cents, but I have decided it goes with the sign that says “take what parsley you need and donate something” 🙂

I finished my current lot of tomato sauce, filled the dehydrator with apples again, pre made dinner for two nights – and then decided to get on with the chillies!

Variety is the spice… ??


I really don’t know how I ended up with so many varieties. I don’t think I pay attention to a lot of the things I put in the ground – but its a lovely surprise when random things grow. Like those round fat chillies! They were meant to be normal capsicum!

This time I ‘suited up’ to tackle the chopping and deseeding part. I suspect a lot of my friends got sick of my whinging and whining about stinging hands for three days after the last effort – seriously – chillies are diabolical!!

The thing about having a nurse in the house is easy access to gloves!

How awesome is the colour tho??

Best colour in the garden!

Happily there will be enough chillies there to make up another batch of sweet chilli sauce – there is a market on Sunday which I am aiming to get to if the weather is agreeable.

I don’t think my dinners are really that interesting all the time to bore you with – but I can’t tell you how good it was to sit down this evening to a couple of home made hamburgers. (I had forgotten about lunch so was a bit peckish by dinner time!)  As I mentioned somewhere in an earlier post, we get out beef locally, and its great having the (mostly) home-made/grown bits and pieces to make the patties and build up the burger!

Yes – tinned pineapple. I am a sucker for it!

Hope your day was great


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

6 thoughts on “Banana rescue”

  1. wow, your banana Loaf looks so good, do you just freeze enough banana in the bags for a cake or loaf? I have just managed to freeze some peaches today. I didn’t get many from my tree this year, plus the black birds have been helping themselves.

    1. Yes – I put one and a half cup portions which is specifically enough for that loaf! I will thank myself later for it! 🙂 Actually the recipe calls for two cups but the second time I made it I didn’t have enough banana and it was actually a bit better! Go figure. (Will post a recipe or two soonish) Do you have plans for the peaches or is that just for a rainy day? 🙂 Greedy birds. I don’t mind sharing but they like pecking holes in each bit of fruit don’t they??

      1. I did have great plans for the peaches but the bird had other plans I was going to make peach jam but sadly my tree didn’t do so well this year. What didn’t fall off with rot in them the birds made short work of I will have to bag up some bananas, I had just been freezing them whole. I tried whipping some up to use as ice cream I saw it on Pinterest but sadly it didn’t work for me all I had was this nasty looking sort of greyish stuff that didn’t look appealing enough eat lol

        1. Its disappointing when you try something new and it doesn’t work out! But still I reckon new things are worth having a go at just to see what happens. I have done a LOT of that the last few years! Its all a learning curve!

  2. I made this on the weekend -yummy – keep trying Joyce it is so worth it?
    I added a dash of Galliano with a handful of sultanas and almonds at the end- Yummo
    Thanks for a refreshing down to earth blog- love reading about Tassie.

    1. Hello Audrey! (Sorry you ended in my spam filter too) Thank-you for taking the time to have a read. (Galliano & Saltanas! mmmm) I need to make this again ASAP!

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