Well, I caught a cold the other day and I am shaking off the tail end of it.
That meant no visiting Ruby, who I am sure appreciates me not sharing my bugs around.
Happily this particular cold seemed to come and go really speedily (probably all the weeding scared it off)
Soooo… today I was working on some photos getting ready for my upcoming photo challenge on facebook… (I wrote a post here about it if you are interested)
One of the subjects is ‘Bubbles’ so I tried making a super strength bubble mixture and went outside to play!

It was actually tricky to get a free floating bubble – not least then get the camera aimed and focused before there was a pop.

It’s pretty hard to steer bubbles. It was a total game of chance

Soapy rainbow colours
A few floated away
And more than a few popped before I could even snap the photo

It was a good start to getting ‘that perfect image’ but I am going to have to enlist Jeff as Bubble-Assistant so I can be free to take the photos while he creates the bubbles! (I am sure he is dying to play with bubbles on his days off)
(Will add the mixture I used today at bottom of post)
I had Pip outside with me, as the sun was mostly shining. He went Mad-Cat half way through the bubble project and shot up a tree!

He got down really easily – that is I unclipped his lead and he used my shoulders as a landing pad.
On my way to visit the chooks this afternoon I went into the vegie patch to see what the garlic was doing. I was so pleased – the purple variety, which is an early garlic, has all shot up really well!!
Even the regular garlic is making a move with tiny shoots showing
While I was there, I thought I might as well raid the broccoli patch for dinner

One of the other subjects in the challenge is “From the Graveyard”
I visited the local cemetery by the river to see what was there that was aesthetically pleasing.
This graveyard is not used anymore – well, no new additions anyway. There are a few ancestors of mine in here too.

A lot of the graves are rundown, neglected and quite frankly look as if the residents are trying to escape!

I really like old graveyards. I like reading the dates, names and little notes that people have on their headstones.
The effort that has gone into someones final resting place really is impressive compared to the fairly boring more modern cemeteries.

I am not sure if its ok to be amused while walking through a graveyard, or if you are supposed to keep an air of solemn – ness the whole time.

I am actually waiting for a foggy night or morning to get my ‘final’ shot as of course a graveyard looks so much more impressive looming though the mist!
Have a lovely day everyone!
Todays Bubble Mixture
6 cups water
1/2 cup cornflour
1/2 cup dishwashing detergent
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 tablespoon glycerin
Mix water into corn flour first then add all other ingredients. Let sit for an hour.
Corn flour? Here in the US that is a coarse yellow grind for making cornbread….like polenta. Perhaps corn starch, a fine powdery thickener?
I too like cemeteries. I was go smacked while in Scotland! The dates on the headstones were ancient and I could only marvel at the lives of these folks. My country is so young but we can see old cemeteries in New England.
Oh yes – corn starch! I forgot to translate my English into US English!! 🙂
I went to Scotland a long time ago and absolutely loved the cemeteries! As you say, the dates are nothing like what I am used to seeing here!!
Ooh thanks for the bubble recipe! Very much looking forward to seeing your photos over the next few days. 🙂
Its a squillion photos to get “The One”
🙂 But its a ton of fun getting there