It was a really warm lovely summers day.
We got a bit more done around the place – the nice thing about seeing such neglected areas is that when you clean them up you REALLY notice the difference!
Jeff and I finally got on to this bottom patch of the extension of the herb patch.
Not being ready with herbs… and being more than ready with tomatoes…. it got mostly tomatoes
These heirloom beefsteak tomato seedlings I had grown from seed, but left in the hothouse during our trip. They were quite ready to get out of their pots.
I like to soak my seedlings in water to disentangle the roots
Thought I might as well get those laterals in the ground too.
Job done. Another large improvement! I also put a heap of sunflower seeds into the top section. (and snuck a cucumber in at the end. They don’t normally do well outside here, but going to give it a go)
The back paddock got slashed while we were away… but the machines cant get so close to the fence, leaving a few feet of tall grass backing our boundary.
Seeds, snakes, fire hazard and generally not looking so pretty… we got out there with some large hacking tools (knives) and went to work
Much better – but still not finished the whole back boundary. Maybe another day.
To finish up with I went to rediscover the beetroot plot.
Its under there somewhere
There was even some beetroot growing/surviving under all that mess! I need to get back in here to replant seeds and mostly start again with it. As well as get rid of all the other phenomenal weeds in here… but by this stage it was late and I still had the watering to do.
And more strawberries to pick!
Its pretty late and I need to get through a shower before bed… I am slightly grubby! 😀
Hope your day was great!