We Were Nearly Cold!

Well – we were right at the end of the penny-section in the firewood department!
In the nick of time, Cousin Jeff arranged a couple of loads of wood to be dropped off.

Jeff and I got in and stacked it all up this afternoon as it stopped raining for a while. Warmed us up properly before we even put any of it in the fire!

I have also come up with a new plan to store/stack our firewood – which involves some pallets, star pickets & some canvas from an old tent we can’t use… It looks perfectly reasonable in my head, but from the look on Jeff’s face I am not sure he is totally convinced.
Anyway – that will be a summer project!

One more egg!! We got 4 the other day, so things are looking up.
Then I couldn’t help take some random-aim – chook-face photos

My last lettuce that was ravaged by one of the chickens is putting out some new leaves. This makes me happy.

The few frosts we have had haven’t killed my parsley or beetroot.

The last outside tomato is slowly dying off… but not before we get a few more handfuls of tomatoes!

In winter its still nice to be able to put your own tomatoes, corn (from the freezer), potato (Stored), beetroot (Pickled) etc on the plate for dinner!

Hope your weekend has been fabulous!


There is a chicken at the end of my rainbow…

Wood, Seaweed & Other Weeds

Midweek already! I thought today was a beautiful day! Jeff, however, grumbled and thought that despite the sun, it was cold and windy and therefore not enjoyable!
Still… we got outside to get some stuff done.

I had to empty the trailer of my seaweed collection. We wanted to take our bins to the tip as they were pretty full – plus all our recyclables and other rubbish that needed to go.
I can’t even remember how long it is since we last went. Probably at least 4 months.

I even managed to distribute a bit of the seaweed into my weeded garden beds!

All beds got a bit of a ‘do over’ with the weeding before I smothered them

Hopefully that last lonely lettuce will produce a few more leaves

Even the lemon ‘tree’ got some. (one day it might grow. Its been the same size for five years!!)

I got side tracked into digging up a bunch of docks… oh how I hate them! They are so hard to get out – they have a long tap root and it holds on like nothing else!! I often break them in the effort of digging them out which is REALLY irritating… I do dig down quite deep too!

There are more in the garden I must get back to. If they are young I can get them out more easily.
And NEVER let them seed! Nightmare. (although seeds blow in from next doors paddock so its not something that will end soon!)

Since we are getting alarmingly low on wood, Jeff got out the chainsaw, axes and block splitter and got a lot of our rubbishy wood down to usable size. Its a good thing really… we really needed to make a start on cleaning up all this. Eventually we will do a bigger burn (sadly I wasn’t allowed to today… bit windy!!)

Some of the really big stumps are too big to handle or cut, so I might think about using them as seats here and there in the garden. Not sure yet.

Often I had a little fan club following me today. Its ok… I am not fooled into thinking they love me and want my company. Pretty sure they are after scraps!

Day lilies are poking through!

Random potatoes. Just self seeded plants that I left alone to do their thing

Still some nice chillies in the hothouse

These looked too nice to chop up and put into dinner, so I planted them

Then I figured I should get onto my extended herb patch again and work towards finishing what I started!

By that point I was getting chilled and called it a day – you know, to lock the chooks up, come inside, put the fire on, shower, do dinner, knit something, wash dishes & post process some wedding photos! (oh – and blog) 🙂
I like my cosy evenings very much!



Weeding, Clearing and Accidental Celery.

Look at that! Totally an outside day.
And it was Saturday. I didn’t know that until halfway through the day!! Somehow lost track.

The garden along the back veranda was looking pretty bad. The tomato plant at the corner really had seen better days. The tomatoes were spoiling before ripening, so – time to go!

I did find a bonus plant! I have no idea how this celery ended up in this spot… but its doing well enough to be able to almost pick and use some of its stems! How great is that??

Everything is just looking winter-shabby

The grass needs attending too, but its too wet for that at the moment

I think the back veranda itself may need a bit of a rub and a scrub too…

Such a sneaky plant to get along this far right at the back door under my nose and I didn’t even notice!

The herb garden extension was also a bit of a disaster area.

Please note – the patch that I made with the newspaper lining, compost and hay layers is STILL weed free!!

Bane of my garden… these stupid buried 44 gallon drums filled with concrete! Can’t weed into them properly.

I was happy with my progress… but it got a bit late in the day and it was cooling off fast. Time to bail out and bring up more firewood.

I am noting little bulbs starting to pop up here and there. Its a long way to spring, but its still lovely to see (Above are tulips)

All the early garlic is up and looking really good!

I am very displeased with one of my chickens!!! I had three of these little lettuce left and she came in and gutsed them all!!! There is a wing-clipping coming up!

Pretty purple carrot seeds

Now… if celery randomly appears in the main vegetable patch I will have a pretty good idea why!!

Sweet winter rose is now blooming!

Hope your weekends are awesome!!



Garden Beds, Raspberry Canes and Pruning

Check out that sky!! Is that a perfect winters day or what?
AND it lasted!
I woke up to it absolutely bucketing down and figured I would be inside all day, so I went back to bed!
When I got up again, I had no excuse to be inside.

Time to clear out another garden bed! The chooks got the silverbeet and were pretty happy about that

I didn’t really feel motivated enough to empty the soil out and line the bottom of the bed – plus I figured the soil would be harboring weeds anyway… so I just lined the top with a thick layer of newspaper and dumped a few bags of seaweed on top of that.

Here’s hoping the weeds will be stopped or slowed and there will be a lot less work when spring comes. I also figure I might just poke a hole in the newspaper to plant seedlings rather than pulling it all up. Will be interesting to see if that helps or hinders!

Another thing I have been itching to do is to prune back the Lion’s Ear

I was really hoping I could turn these into some kind of hedge but have had to wait a couple of seasons while they really filled out before cutting them back.
Lions Ear, or Leonotis leonurus, is a pretty hardy plant. We have one out the front and it self seeds easily. The smaller seedlings are really easy to transplant – and hard to kill! You can also prune it back to the nub and it will spring back in a single season!

Anyway – I think so far so good! Plus I didn’t have to buy anything, just used what I had to make a hedge. Time will tell if it works out.

Took a few wheelbarrows of weeds and clippings away today!

Then I thought I should make a start on the raspberry canes which are looking a bit scraggly.

I only got to one side today. There is a lot more to be done – transplanting, tying back up and weeding.

Its a start!

Eventually I will get this and a few other prunings through the mulcher

All in all, not a bad Sundays work!
Hope your day was great too!



Enjoying while I can!

A Little Sun and a Little Gardening

I kid you not… clear sunny morning… absolutely gorgeous. I put on my gardening clothes and within 60 seconds I was being rained on!!!
So I went out anyway and soldiered on!!

I picked the jam melons from the dead vine and salvaged the seeds

If next season behaves itself I am hoping to grow a number of these – they sell well with the older generation on the market stalls

Mash, scraps and yogurt for the chooks – a couple of eggs in the nest today! Yay

Some of the garlic is shooting up nicely! Very pleased to see that!

Time to pick the remaining runner beans

There are a lot… (More seeds than I will need – hopefully give away/sell extras where I can)

The bean arch has broken down – sadly my beans never managed to grow up and over which was disappointing!

Really it was time to pull it all up so I can start again (time to browse pinterest for ideas I think!) and get rid of whatever weeds I could while the weather didn’t go completely feral!

I didn’t use any digging tools today.. just concentrated on what I could pull out by hand and in particular anything that was flowering or had seed heads

I got quite the pile of weeds!

I still need to get into the above garden with the fork and dig through it for twitch

A fair improvement but still a long way to go!

Jeff picked up a lot of newspaper from his work mate so I plan to line the paths with it and dump that seaweed onto it

Still getting nice handfuls of produce here and there!
Eventually I got too cold to stay out so had to quit, stock up on firewood and come inside and keep the fire company (and do photos and knit a bit!)

Hope everyone had a fabulous day!



I was quite happy slothing about at home today working on photos in front of the fire when my cousin Fiona rang up and said that she and one of her sons, Ruben were going out for a walk… interested?
Anyway – it was great to get out in the fresh air and it didn’t even rain on us!
Following are just some photos from today and yesterday.
Hope Wednesday is great! All downhill to the weekend!


Fiona and Ruben
Almost high tide

So – what do you reckon?
My lovely protea has a good number of blooms happening
Neglected herb garden
A small amount of tidying up helps
The snippet of pig-face that I liberated from down at the Bluff has gone mad! Hoping I will see it bloom when the season is right!
Pretties for the garden
I keep seeing on social media the wonders of feeding yoghurt to chooks for increased egg production. At the point where it can’t hurt but to try.
Chooks scruffing up my garden. They love the yoghurt. Egg production today went from one egg to none. Sigh.
Surprise flowers popping out

A handful of goodness

Garlic, Beetroot & a Walk

Hello and welcome to the weekend!
Its been a pretty good Saturday – great weather and lots done!

I started with beetroot.

I didn’t want that lot I picked the other day sitting around much longer, so I got to it – chopped them up and put them on the stove to cook/pickle

While that was simmering away I got my box of garlic out of the pantry and went upstairs to the warmest room in the house to sort which cloves to plant

Jeff was also using that room getting in some km’s on the stationary trainer, while Pip looked on in mild concern…

Eventually I finished sorting and enticed Jeff down to the garden to help me get the garlic in the ground – my theory was if it was done quicker we could go for a short hike!

I raked the area and made out a grid and poked holes in the ground to make the process a bit quicker and easier

And with my trusty sidekick, the whole thing didn’t really take us so long!

Job done, out of the gardening clothes, into the walking clothes and off to Anniversary Bay! First time since coming home!

We did the circuit backwards to our normal way – this hill was easier today! (Did I mention I like the going down part of hikes?)

Such a beautiful winters day – with all the usual colours, patterns and textures!

Strange patterns on this rock! Almost like it was carved!!

Hope everyones weekend started fantastically!


Welcome back me to Anniversary Bay – with a rainbow!

Slow Day

Fat chook

Bit of a dreary day today – lots of rain on and off – which was a good thing so my fertiliser and lime has had some time to soak into the proposed garlic patch!
But it was essentially an indoor day.
Apart from some mandatory housework, I post processed a bunch more wedding photos – still not making a dint in the overall volume, but at least its something!! (I have over 1200 wedding-related images!!)

When the rain let up I went outside to give the girls some scraps and let them out into the main yard to play.
Also took the break in weather to stock up on more firewood on the back veranda.

I then collected todays egg (haha) and picked dinner from the garden.
I had thawed some steaks, and along with some potatoes, it was a dinner fit for royalty…

Love my fresh salads (and yes I had beetroot too!)

We also used our new jar-glasses that I was given from the wedding in Texas… I think they are pretty cool!

Pip spent the day stealing Jeff’s seat whenever he got up to do something! He then adopts this ‘I am sound asleep’ pose which makes you feel mean about moving him. I saw Jeff and Pip swap seats several times today!

Hope everyone has had a great Friday and is in for a super weekend!


A hint of sunset… will tomorrow be grand?

A Little More Gardening

Digging up huge worms today!

Sorry I didn’t quite make it to the blog yesterday. I went to Launceston with my cousin, Fiona who had an appointment up there and wanted a driving companion. Since I didn’t think I had done enough kilometres in a car yet this month, I jumped at the chance! haha – It was a lovely day and good to catch up with her.

Today I was keen to stay in front of the fire and crochet the day away, however, that garlic is not going to grow so well stuck in a box in my pantry… so on with the scruffy gardening clothes

Last part of the patch to attend to
Annoyingly there is one carrot growing here happily that I couldn’t pull up yet!

I gave the patch a good dusting of blood and bone

Normally I would dig that in and wait a few days before adding some lime and going through the same process…

However, I am running a bit behind and I was feeling impatient, so just sprinkled the lime on as well before digging the lot in

A flower pot worked really well for this job!

I dug all this in… now to wait for a bit of rain and in a few days I’ll actually plant the garlic.

Then in a fit of enthusiasm I thought I might tackle one of the raised garden beds –

Ugh – I hate twitch

I pulled up metres of this ropey weed!!

Finally I think I got the vast majority of twitch pulled out and everything dug over

I’ll cover this with a thick layer of seaweed in the next few days and hopefully that will slow the weeds down so come spring I have less to do. (I think I want to put my lettuce in this bed)

And lucky us – some new potatoes!

Hope your day is fabulous too!


Normal Stuff

Jetlag can be a really positive thing. Like when you wake up thoroughly at 4am and remember you forgot to put the bread on. By the time 8am came around it was piping hot and ready!

I am enjoying being home very much – trying to get into a few little routine tasks.
My garden welcomed me home by not remembering that it is actually winter –


The tomatoes at the back door are doing remarkably well

Slow of course but steady – and you can’t expect too much at this time of year! Its all a bonus

The hothouse tomatoes look about dead, but have a bit of fruit in there… will have to clean that out soon.

My main garden?? (Big Sigh)

I think it might have gotten away from me! That will keep me out of mischief on the sunny winter days do you think?

Plenty of parsley

Yesterday’s weather wasn’t too bad – so I made a start on the patch that I want to put the garlic into


Then I got tired and it started to rain so I quit for the day… but not before pulling out a bunch of beetroot!
Will pickle ASAP – still loving that with my evening meals

Today I spent the entire day in my PJ’s.
But I did manage to bake a cake…

Simple tea cake

I also took the hint from Pip and put away my bags – I think he feels more settled without the bags out and the possibility of his mum disappearing again!

Bedtime for me! Only 9pm and I am falling asleep!! Weird!
Hope everyones week has started well!
