Hello! Winter is doing its best – starts off nice, ends up dodgy!
I picked a bunch of my thyme to put in my hanging basket to dry out. I haven’t tried drying thyme before. It smells so good!
I risked a bit of laundry – although its currently finishing off in front of the fire.
I also spent a LOT of time filling in forms and applying for a special registration for a ‘project’ next month. I’ll outline some details when I know a little more!
Finally… out to the garden to get the last of the garlic in. I was able to fit another 120 cloves in this patch, so all up I now have 180 planted! A good start to the growing season later this year. I want my out-the-front-stall to go well!
Since I have so many cloves I was also thinking of potting up a few just for the novelty value…
Seems I don’t have to rush off to court tomorrow. Their current trial must be longer than expected. We are not due back now until next Monday.
I got some yarn in the mail!! Exciting. I used a couple of vouchers that I had to buy them via Amazon.
I made a new style of glove out of one of them (the start of which is below)
It looks quite pretty, but the finished product is not quite right so I need to pull it all apart and try again!!
I enjoy these projects – I think I am in the middle of about 10!!
Once spring returns there won’t be as much time for this.
Hope everyone’s week is going along beautifully!