Surprise! Sunshine!

Hello!! Such a lovely hot day today! We took the opportunity to get a bit of laundry done, but I spent most of the morning/early afternoon packaging up Christmas parcels to send to my parents place as that’s where the rest of the family will be at Christmas!
Most things are sent now…

It was really great to escape the house though and get down to the beach! I really enjoyed walking through the water – following the tannin stained creek down to the shore.

The heavy rains have cut a deeper path in the sand which looked rather cool

It was fun to show Megumi a new place while it wasn’t pouring with rain.
She had never seen such a beautiful beach before, so we were feeling quite proud of Sisters Beach today

It was so warm even Jeff did some paddling!!

Love the changing colours in the water where the creek meets the sea

The water temperature varied almost from step to step… you’d get a lovely wave of lukewarm water, followed by a fresh cool snap!

Anyway, it was refreshing to spend a couple of hours wandering up the sand and through the water while the weather was in a good mood.
Soon its meant to dive back into grey and drizzly, but hoping it will hold out long enough tomorrow to get some garden stuff done!
Will leave you with the obligatory rock photos
Have a wonderful start to the week!


Well, my raspberry patch idea has had a sudden change of direction. We hadn’t gotten back to it and today a nice hefty tiger snake slid across the yard and into the raspberry patch!
Too many hiding spots in the pallets – although it did get UNDER the mulch/newspaper at one point too!

I had to sacrifice the new canes in the centre to the lawnmower and whipper snipper to clear the area and make everything more visible.
Sigh. I would have liked to have dug up those new canes.
No idea where the snake ended up. Hopefully after all the noise and also being watered it went to find a new place in the paddock.

The duck yard garden also got a good trim.

Jeff put on two of the gates for me too!

It was a while since we had done a lap of Anniversary Bay, so we got out this afternoon while the weather was so beautiful!
Tomorrow is meant to be raining.

I found it hard work today! The hills did not seem easy at all!! My legs went a bit rubbery more than once!! 😀

I took this photo because I wanted to stop! It was at the top of our least favourite stretch of ‘straight up’

When we got home I made us up a couple of glasses of frothy strawberry milkshakes while dinner was cooking! Its great to have enough strawberries to do that kind of thing again. They were so good!

Anyway, will leave you with a set of photos of sand patterns that were on the beach this afternoon!
Hope you’ve had a great day!



Hi there!
Keeping busy over here! Sadly I had to put my sister on a plane today as her short time here was soon done and dusted. 🙁
Long day in the car so this is just a streamlined update 🙂
Yesterday was amusing. We saw a sign about a market at Sisters Beach, so we were all excited to go browsing at a new market…
‘Market’ consisted of two tables of something or other outside a cafe!!!! We didn’t even stop, but we laughed a lot.
Because we had planned to visit Fiona for lunch after our extensive ‘Market Browsing’ we had a lot of time to kill.

So we went down to the beach for a stroll before dropping back by a cafe at Boat Harbour Beach before heading up to Fiona’s place.

We had a great afternoon with Fiona & Paul – checking out the garden, animals and tracks.

Love this little gaggle of fluffy things wandering by!

Fiona and Pauls eldest son, Ruben has been carving out tracks on their property for mountain biking purposes. Its looking amazing!

Its even got awesome signage!

Alice waiting patiently for us to catch up.

Today I managed to remember to get a photo of Rosemary and Emma under the cherry blossoms… whose petals are starting to fall like snow.

Emma has these crazy long dreadlocks at the moment! Love my quirky niece! Even though Rose had to head back today, we get to keep Emma for another week which is lovely! We’ve missed having her around!

Well… best start heading towards bed. I have some vague plans of working outside tomorrow if the weather behaves. (Otherwise the plan is to light the fire and play X-Box games with Emma all day haha)
Hope everyone has had a super weekend!


Rain Hike (Almost)

It was raining – absolutely pouring today!
Jeff bought me a proper waterproof jacket for hiking so I was all excited to try it out!
So we geared up in waterproof pants, gaiters & jacket and set off to Anniversary Bay to do a loop.
Bucketed down the whole drive.
We got there and someone turned the tap off!!
We got hardly a drop the whole 2 hours out – had to take the gear back off partway around because… we were soaking from sweat!! (Eye roll)

Next time I will have to get Jeff to get a snap of me in my fancy new jacket!

Jeff takes his new pack out pretty much every hike now. Fits him like a glove and he is going to be so ready for the next long trek!!!

I am sure I will get keen and get a pack happening, but, meh… not just yet!

Its pretty out there. Lots of bushes covered in tiny flowers

The weird yellow worms were out today.

Bit gloomy out there but the temperature was quite pleasant. No wind either!

Our least favourite hill…

I got up at a steady pace (Must have been the B12 boost!!) while Jeff took it a lot slower. I can’t really get a shot that shows how rotten that hill is!!

I am going to send this photo to the Parks people. These supplies have been lying here for probably 2 years!! Liberating those steel droppers is starting to look tempting because clearly no-one wants to do anything with them except leave them to rust!! 😀

Mind you the timber would be handy, but I can’t see us finding a practical way to sneak it out of the hills haha.
Anyway,  we keep wondering if they have forgotten about it. There is another lot of supplies at the Doone Falls turn off as well. Strange to put into the budget supplies and a helicopter drop off… then not actually build anything with them!

Anyway, thats all from me!
Maybe tomorrow there will be some more gardening (although I rashly promised Jeff a morning hike!!)

Little Beach Things

Today’s Plan – Black River Beach, Dip Falls, Stanley, The Nut.
Today’s Achievements: Black River Beach!

It was a beautiful sunny day and Cherie and I just walked, fossicked and photographed our way around the beach all afternoon!
So peaceful!

The perfect hole – drilled by a carnivorous shell-dweller who feasted on the insides.

Where the sand was damp there were scores of tiny crabs! So happy I had my macro lens today! How funny are their faces?

One of the last subjects in my current photo challenge is arranging objects found in nature into some kind of artwork… I think I expressed this idea better when it wasn’t 1am.

My idea evolved.

I think this is the grown up version of sandcastle building at the beach!!

Time for bed!
Have an awesome weekend!

End point of creating ‘art’ on a mini sand dune!

Potato Day

Seems we have one day off and one day on! I bet my parents wished the sea was this tranquil last night! Apparently the trip home was a bit rough!  But they made it alright and I am sure sleeping soundly tonight!

We didn’t rush this morning, but decided on a hike around the bay to start things off.

The beach was beautiful but the hills were a bit of a challenge today!

After lunch we settled on getting the potatoes in and burning off a few more branches.

I dug in some blood and bone and started planting while Jeff finished off the last corner of weeding for me.

Managed to get about 100 in the ground (I cut the bigger ones in half)

We had to sacrifice a corner of the plot, as one of the branches was embedded so far in the ground, even after Jeff dug down that far – that it wouldn’t budge a millimetre!

Figured I would just plant some marigolds in that corner.

So happy to have that job done!!
A couple of the chooks are still getting in somehow… I think they just fly up and over so I suspect some wing clipping will be coming up in the near future!

Compost is steaming!!!

Cos lettuce and snow peas going well. Yet to see any sign of the celery, capsicum or pumpkin.
Still getting a lovely lot of daily eggs!

Time to take my tired little legs off to bed!
Hope your weekend was amazing!

Beach Time!

So fantastic – a kookaburra sitting on our fence post just out the back! I was able to sneak a couple of pictures without scaring him/her off!
Kookaburras are fabulous birds! The heaviest of the Kingfisher family, they have the most amazing laugh!
If you have never heard one and are interested – click here

I have seen a pair hanging around lately and would love to tame them. My best friend grew up with them flying onto the back veranda where they used to hand feed them!

Anyway, today was lovely! A real total chalk and cheese from yesterday!

We went down to Sisters Beach this afternoon to enjoy a walk while the sun was out. It was a little chilly when the sun dipped behind clouds, but mostly it was nice. Parents thought it was a bit windy, but honestly, after nearly 7 years in Tasmania, if its not blowing me off my feet, I don’t notice it!!

Dad taking some snaps!

Wanted a photo of my folks together. This is them being funny… thanks for the bottom shot Mum and Dad!

I eventually got them behaving nicely!

The usual shapes and textures catch my eye…

Meanwhile, back at home my first tiny sprouts have popped up!
The rocket is the winner for the fastest seeds to germinate!

I found some leek that went into a lovely soup Mum made tonight (bacon, leek, corn, potato)

The few strawberries that I dug up the other day which are marking time in the hothouse are looking quite perky!

And where to start with that passionfruit?
I am toying with the idea of giving in to it and letting it have the hothouse and building another one for my tomatoes and chillis!

Another little patch of liliums are looking great even though the wayward chooks got in there and tried to scratch them up!

You can’t really see it properly, but this compost pile is steaming!! I was trying to balance my camera (its heavy) in one hand to take a photo as I tried to pitchfork the compost over! Its so hot! (The white-ish bits in the photo are actually steam)

I am pretty excited with this new addition to our garden! Mum and Dad bought me this absolutely lovely little Boronia! I love them – they smell divine! I have to do some research into how to care for them and where is the best place to plant them.

Well, thats all from the Peanut Gallery… time for bed!
Hope everyone has a brilliant weekend ahead!

Parents Arrive!

Hi there!
I had a busy day yesterday getting the house nice and the dining room table cleared off so I could impress my Mum 🙂
It was lovely to see my folks again… hadn’t seen Dad in nearly a year!
They came over with their car on the Spirit of Tasmania boat. They travelled overnight and disembarked early this morning.

They kindly collaborated with Ruby and went in to have breakfast with her so they would arrive at our place not so early (because we all know how great I am at early mornings hee hee)
Ruby was so excited about having them come in for breakfast! She was all ready the other day!!

We had a second breakfast here and a late lunch after a tour around the property so they could see the million half done projects and check out our fallen tree.
I had to duck into town, so we swung by Fossil Bluff to get a bit of beach time!

I knitted Dad that beanie and I think it really suits him! The pure home spun wool is nice and warm too!

It was a bit chilly today, not too bad, but harder for Mum and Dad to walk about in t-shirts as they aren’t used to the Tassie weather just yet! (Ok… I wasn’t in a t-shirt either!!)

Was great watching this parachutist glide in over the bluff! I could only imagine the gorgeous views he/she would have been getting!

It was nice to go back home to the warm fire and relax. I had put a slow cooked beef casserole in the oven at midday so all I had to do tonight was put the rice on and we were set! Just the thing.
Everyone is now in bed and I should follow suit so I don’t sleep in too much! Things to do tomorrow!

Out For A Walk

Its really way past time to stop being a sook about the weather and just get back out there before I become too wide for my new cardigan that isn’t even finished yet!
The wind was a bit icy today, but we got about 2/3rds the way around before being rained on. So not bad.


I really felt the results of my winter slothing on the first hill especially.

Seems like a few other people braved the weather today to come down to the beach

Lots of runoff from the hills to be seen today.

I have grand plans of doing this more often but… we shall see. Its too easy to get comfortable in front of the fire when the wind and rain are continuously howling!
Still… it felt good to be out in the fresh air and getting a bit of a leg stretch!
Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!

Sisters Beach

Was a busy and tiring weekend. I won’t go into my torturous time shopping – haha.  Clearly I am not built for shops.
I escaped with Jeff late Saturday for a short hike in the pouring rain that everyone else sensibly declined.

Since Sunday was the last full free day we had with the girls we planned to go to Sister’s Beach, rain, hail or shine.

It was a bit overcast, but the rain held off – indeed and it even became sunny by the afternoon!

The sea was really foamy, so Peggy and I had some fun jumping in foam puddles

We came across a group of girls that were having a brilliant time having a foam fight and were covered in the stuff!
Peggy got her photo taken with them and did a couple of selfies which the girls were totally happy to pose for! (They are all going to need to be hosed off before being allowed in the house again haha)

As usual… the beach shows its artistic side with sand scribbles, rocks, sponges, driftwood etc etc

Jeff amused himself by making ‘stuff’ out of grass stalks.
I just photographed them

The rocks are always a better colour in the damp

This rock was quite pink…

A bit of driftwood in the making was on the shores too… some buried in an interesting way – testament to the wild weather we’ve been having

The other girls dashed off to play on the swings in the playground but Peggy stuck around on the beach with us.

The sea was choppy, but we did enjoy a bit of sun and the day wasn’t very cold. A lucky break for the last Sunday

Too soon it was time to head home and prepare food to take out to a gathering of all the host families and students, which was a fun night – and good to meet a few more people!

Hope your weekend was fantastic too!