Hello all!
Crazy windy day out there! Hasn’t let up tonight either. Thinking of Jeff out there in the wilderness!! As long as he managed to get to the hut and is snugged up warm in his sleeping bag!
I went and stocked up on seaweed and was lucky enough to find lots of kelp too!
I noticed a lot of it as we drove past the other day – I had to hunt for it today as most had been covered by the seaweed grass. Still – I got three bags full (great – now I have a nursery rhyme running about in my head)
One I gave to Ruby and the others went into a barrel of water to make kelp juice
I filled a good number of bags with the seaweed grass – a painful job today with the wind. I had planned to put it out on the area that David and Ruth weeded for me with a newspaper underlay, but with the howling gale I could only imagine that ending badly.
Since I wasn’t spreading seaweed around I thought I might prep an area for the cabbage seedlings I have that are more than ready to go out.
And no matter how many people you have digging potatoes – you never get them all!! I think I managed to stab half of these! Most annoying.
I put a generous amount of mushroom compost on top of the area and put the arches in ready for the netting to go over.
I use the fine mesh netting on brassicas while the weather is still warm to stop the cabbage moths getting to the plants.
I uncovered a lot of massive worms today! Clearly the soil is doing well
With no help from me this patch has started to produce a nice amount of tomatoes. Yay for the self seeded plants!
I picked a few cucumbers, but left some of the really big ones which I will collect some seed from
Now that I have a little time, I figured I should pick the chillies as I can probably squeeze in some chopping/deseeding time!
And a stroll throughout the whole garden got me another swag full of tomatoes. I did make the new batch of relish today but too lazy to go back and snap the final result! I am just happy I am restocked!
Midweek done!