Hello. This afternoon Jeff and I joined up with Fiona and Paul and took a walk around Anniversary Bay so I could walk off the pikelet guilt of last night!!
Today I took my macro lens and got down a lot closer to the little things that get left on the sand. Just for something different!
Hope your weekend is splendid!
Sorry – being rather boring these days!
So many mundane tasks that I have mostly been doing, then to get out of the house my activity of choice is a lap around Anniversary Bay!!
I will try to do something different soon…although if the current rain keeps up I think I will be doing more indoor stuff tomorrow!
I took my friend Marsha with me today! She is NOT going to be pleased with me tomorrow when she gets out of bed! I bet her legs will be telling her all about it! haha
The sun made an appearance a few times, but the wind was icy cold…
Anyway, a few more snaps to follow of the colours/textures of my current favourite beach.
Perspective… big dune or close photo…
I love seeing what artwork the beach holds for me each time I go down there!
I was quite happy slothing about at home today working on photos in front of the fire when my cousin Fiona rang up and said that she and one of her sons, Ruben were going out for a walk… interested?
Anyway – it was great to get out in the fresh air and it didn’t even rain on us!
Following are just some photos from today and yesterday.
Hope Wednesday is great! All downhill to the weekend!
Fiona and RubenAlmost high tide
So – what do you reckon?My lovely protea has a good number of blooms happeningNeglected herb gardenA small amount of tidying up helpsThe snippet of pig-face that I liberated from down at the Bluff has gone mad! Hoping I will see it bloom when the season is right!Pretties for the gardenI keep seeing on social media the wonders of feeding yoghurt to chooks for increased egg production. At the point where it can’t hurt but to try.Chooks scruffing up my garden. They love the yoghurt. Egg production today went from one egg to none. Sigh.Surprise flowers popping out
Hello and welcome to the weekend!
Its been a pretty good Saturday – great weather and lots done!
I started with beetroot.
I didn’t want that lot I picked the other day sitting around much longer, so I got to it – chopped them up and put them on the stove to cook/pickle
While that was simmering away I got my box of garlic out of the pantry and went upstairs to the warmest room in the house to sort which cloves to plant
Jeff was also using that room getting in some km’s on the stationary trainer, while Pip looked on in mild concern…
Eventually I finished sorting and enticed Jeff down to the garden to help me get the garlic in the ground – my theory was if it was done quicker we could go for a short hike!
I raked the area and made out a grid and poked holes in the ground to make the process a bit quicker and easier
And with my trusty sidekick, the whole thing didn’t really take us so long!
Job done, out of the gardening clothes, into the walking clothes and off to Anniversary Bay! First time since coming home!
We did the circuit backwards to our normal way – this hill was easier today! (Did I mention I like the going down part of hikes?)
Such a beautiful winters day – with all the usual colours, patterns and textures!
Strange patterns on this rock! Almost like it was carved!!
Hope everyones weekend started fantastically!
Welcome back me to Anniversary Bay – with a rainbow!
While it wasn’t the most sunny hot day, it certainly wasn’t the horror story of yesterday! It was mild and not raining, so a great chance to do one more walk with Jeff before I leave.
This little stream is usually hidden – it flows under the rocks into the ocean. Yesterdays rainstorm helped it carve a path!
A few fungi sprung up
Hello View
A bit of drama in the sky
A lot of water rushing down on to the beach yesterday caused some new waterways
And a lot of seaweed!
Leaving the beach, time for the slog up the hills!
The tracks were quite soggy in areas
Foam on the path is also a sound indicator of a lot of water rushing down the hill! We usually only see these frothy bits in the waterfalls
And yes, of course I touched it!! (Felt slippery like soap foam)
Today we took a slight detour to get to the very top of this area – usually we are in a hurry or losing light or couldn’t be bothered!
It did mean a bit more ‘up’ though…
The views were lovely! Nice to see the beach from a different perspective!
The sun kindly appeared for the last part of our walk.
Glad we got the chance to do this walk again before I left. I will be spending a LOT of time on my bottom in the next few days! (And possibly drinking a lot of coke because I love it even though its probably not healthy, but its an awesome kick when you are travelling!)
We took a much more leisurely stroll around Anniversary Bay today with our friends, Sharon & Paul with their daughter, Lottie.
We sat for a mini picnic on the beach, enjoyed a hot drink and a really good catch up – while Lottie ran wild on the beach!
Sharon & Paul enjoying some time not working!
We met Sharon and Paul not long after they arrived in Tasmania a year ago. They sold up on the mainland, bought a bus and drove over (via the ferry) and lived on the bus until they found their property. I kept finding them at the markets and around the place – inevitably we became friends.
Family snap!
It was a funny day weather wise… at times raining and chilly…
Sometimes sunny
Sometimes both
Lottie was a lot of fun to take photos of – she is an active little girl but very photogenic when she was still enough to take a shot!
There is a lot for a little girl to do on the beach!
We even almost got a rainbow!
I know one little girl who will sleep well tonight (and probably her mother too!!!)
The end of the week is almost on us again!
I enjoyed pulling some weeds out today (just in random places) as I went and fed some of the potted plants with my kelp juice. Also made another batch of pickled beetroot.
We ended the day with a brisk walk around Anniversary Bay – but we lingered on the beach so I could play about getting some rock & sand images. There were some cool patterns & colours out there today!
Not to be outdone by Mother Nature, Jeff adds his own art!!
This is my favourite one
The runoff from the hills was a very dense black colour!!
Time to put the camera away and get back on with the exercise!
It seemed a bit of a waste for Rosemary to bring her gardening clothes all the way to Tasmania and only use them once… so off to the beach with the trailer we went to collect a heap of seaweed!
Lots on the beach right now.
Beautiful day again today!
After loading up the trailer, we went down to Fossil Bluff for some beach time and a bit of a fossick of course!
First we walked up to the top of the bluff… it didn’t seem right to not walk up some sort of incline on Rosemary’s last day!
It was the perfect day to be down by the water
Checking out the 30 million year old shells…
So many rocks – so little time…
The tide was still low enough to get up to the other side of the beach – although Rosemary got a bit caught on a rock shelf and had to take off her shoes to wade back over to the beach! Oopsie
Fabulous seaweed on the cliff
Naturally we had to squeeze in an afternoon cuppa with Ruby and Margie!
It was so lovely sitting in the sunny front room catching up on news and having a bite to eat!
Its been a fabulous week with my sister… I will be very sad to put her on a plane tomorrow!!
Hope everyone’s week has started well and I will leave you with some more of those hairy seaweed photos!
There was a list of options of ‘What To Do’ for today… beautiful weather made the beach win out!
We picked up our cousin, Fiona and her dog, Alice and went down to Black River Beach, as it had been a while since we were there.
Beautiful sunshine and warm sand
So nice to squiggle your toes in it!
Despite sternly telling myself I had enough shells… I still managed to stuff both side pockets of my backpack with a ‘few’ special ones.
It was easy to just keep on walking (Not least because there were no mountains ahead or heavy packs…)
Rosemary and Fiona happy to be out in the sunshine!
Then I had a poetic moment…
“If I had a single wish
It’d not to be a puffer fish
Washed up on the shore alone
Upside down and dry as bone”
Always such interesting things on this beach!
As usual I get a bit behind the group!
I tested the water – brrrr
I used the fisheye lens again today – just for fun and weirdness
Fiona and AliceTidal river rising – no more beach
We really enjoyed ourselves out there today!
We came back home and indulged in a platter of bits and pieces for a very late lunch!
So awesome to have one of my sisters back in Tasmania for a visit! I picked Rosemary up this morning and we started in style with a late cooked brekkie – with thanks to the chooks!
Photo by Rosemary – I was busy wolfing mine down to pause for a photo!
Totally hit the spot!
Jeff was sleeping off another night shift, so it was just the two of us for the afternoon. After a tour around the very neglected garden, we set off to do a walk. It was an overcast day, but pretty nice out there!
At some point I will have to get a greater collection of rock photos from down here… I love the colours & textures.
Back home we picked the first of the pumpkin and the last of the corn! Rosemary got the honour of eating the corn! 😀 I was glad there was one left to share!
We made a pumpkin soup and fresh salad
Such a small pumpkin!!Colour inside was pretty good.
Pumpkin soup is best if you roast the pumpkin first!
I have probably blogged it down somewhere before, but anyway – its a really simple soup.
I frizzle up some onion and garlic, then add in a litre of chicken stock. A couple of medium sized potatoes and the baked pumpkin. Boil then simmer.
When the potatoes are cooked I blend the lot then add a can of coconut milk.
Done. Easy. Tasty!