Where to start… okies. Only one soap photo, just made a double batch of the dandelion soap so I am nicely stocked up all at once.

Moving on to basket weaving! I wanted to try using some cord and yarn, so I made this!

I reckon I’ll just muddle along making baskets then when I want to give someone a present I can… put stuff in the baskets?? 🙂

One of my cousins called me the other week – planning on a small family get together.
Would I bring the scones?
Um… I’ve never made them but I had a couple of weeks to practice so I said yes.

So I did a test run.
Not bad but a bit floury and a little doughy… but edible (mind you the chooks LOVED them.)

So I got on to youtube to watch the technique… I know you aren’t meant to over mix them – I was too light handed with the first try
I didn’t get a second run at them so just made them up earlier today before the afternoon tea. (The pressure!)

They worked out really well!! And even better? They tasted great and my lovely cousins were all very enthusiastic about it so I am feeling like the Scone Queen tonight and I fervently hope Ruby is peering down saying well done! (I didn’t really bother making scones mostly because I’ve been surrounded by other talented scone makers)
I made use of half of my raspberry harvest from yesterday and made some fresh jam to take along too (as well as cream of course but I didn’t make that, only whipped it up)

Garden… time to plant out the poor remaining zucchinis

Reminder… this is them in their little pot!

This is the desired plot
After a clean up and a ton of twitch removal…

This plot is now more desirable

Um… and I forgot to get a photo of the transplanted zukes… I’ll try to do that tomorrow! Poor things were too big to move I would have thought, but anyway, they are in now and they immediately wilted and sagged and whined and complained.
Today they do seem like they are sitting up reasonably well.

The struggling tomato patch (with smattering of potatoes)
I got in and weeded the area… and pulled up several plants that really were just not happy.
Put in too early and were stressed by wind and temperature changes (like the snow week!)

I do hate pulling them out but I figure they are never going to thrive.
I had another whole pot of nice seedlings to replace several of the sadder plants

Trying to keep up with a decent amount of water and so far the new transplanted tomatoes have bounced back pretty well.

I need to cut the fennel back or dig it out… overshadowing the original zucchini plants… that are doing quite well.

Nice fat strawberries!
I went down to the raspberry patch with a modest sized bowl… and quickly realised my error!
I needed a much bigger container!
Always a nice thing!

Snow peas coming along steadily now!

And I pulled up all the purple garlic. Not as big bulbs as usual but a lovely harvest nonetheless.

Yesterday late afternoon, I went to change the water around and I got a bit of a fright at the strawberry patch!
A tiger snake in the netting!!

No drama… just in the top ten of the worlds most venomous snakes and me prancing about in crocs…

The poor thing had gotten herself enmeshed in the strawberry netting – I hadn’t secured it down properly after Jeff last mowed.
We (Jeff) tried to help her untangle but weren’t getting anywhere, so we called the snake people

Mum, Dad and Daughter (Kate, Scott and Miah from North West Snakecatchers) were all in on the whole act and it was interesting to watch. I suppose it was easy to get her under control as she couldn’t go far and were able to cut her out.
Happily no damage. Miah sexed her and pretty sure female hence my use of ‘her’

Now named Bronzy (We all agreed she was gorgeous but Miah was pretty keen to keep her and gave her a name)

Check out Bronzy’s spectacular colours!! Easy to see how this snake got their name.
Bronzy was pretty chill and non aggressive over all… she was probably tired. Although having been around the garden a lot I would say she’d only been stuck for half of the day,

Time for Miah to do her thing… Bronzy needs to go into her bag

She will get relocated… perhaps down at Oldina (you know… where we hike weekly!!)(Next hiking day… hey there Girl! You look familiar?!)

And into the bag goes Bronzy on her way to a new home
They suspect she was passing through (surrounding paddocks being mown so everyone is probably upset who lives in the paddock!) but not great to have a female living here as during mating season, she’d attract the fellows.
Much as I like the animals, we’re just not that keen to have a squadron of them on our back doorstep
Well… thats all the fun and excitement from Tassie
Hope everyone had a splendid weekend and that it was snake free and full of scones!