I seem to have a million-squillion photos of this walk so I will break the adventure up into two posts.
I’d never gotten around to doing this walk and so was very keen when my friend Gerry suggested it.
I am sure you all remember my market buddy Maureen – Gerry is her husband. (A fabulous gardener – I enjoy tours of his veggie garden when I pop around. I learn lots!)
Unfortunately Maureen has been unwell, so sadly wasn’t up for the walk, but she kindly drove us in and picked us up at the other end so we didn’t have to tromp all the way back again!

We started off at Boat Harbour – easy to see a little bit of local garden influence on the track as we started out

It started off a nice little track, all enveloped in pretty vegetation

And some native something or other… I am sure Gerry told me but now I forget!! Very cute berries

I am pretty sure its a native Tassie thing. I just assume that any bush that is adorned with spikey bitey things is Tasmanian haha

Before long we wound our way down to the shore!

A small sandy bit but lots of rocks to scramble over

An old fish trap! Apparently it wasn’t just the Aboriginal people who made them but the settlers to Tasmania also set them up.
I am not sure of the history of this one

Lots of rocks

Kind of a neat colour pattern here

A bit closer to the fish trap

Imagine the effort that went into making these!!

We decided to walk up to the shoreline and trees to see if the track was easily found. There is a high tide track, but as we found out – the signage was only obvious if you’d walked the opposite direction. We kept finding the start of those deviations AFTER we’d scrambled along the rocks!

Gerry and I had a bit of a chuckle at this. We thought it was a really big fungi of some sort. So I took a snap with Gerry’s hand for scale.
Of course we poked it – was spongy like a fungi.
I nudged it harder and it rolled over! No idea what it was or was from but it was a dense rubber or foam of some sort.
We propped it back up in place so some other person could come along and get all excited at the Big Fungi!

Back down to the beautiful shoreline

A small stream and tiny waterfall running off the hills

Easy bush track here!

Fantastic boulders would appear with such a wonderful variety of moss, lichen and other plants growing on them

Down we go to do a bit of serious boulder scrambling!

Slow and steady over these!

Gerry was very patient with my constant snapping of photos 🙂

We had such an amazing day with the weather too! It had been so dodgy and miserable.
Felt wonderful to be out getting warm and seeing that blue sky!

Of course I am obsessed with the rocks though…

Amazing how they change colour so often along a fairly short stretch of coastline

More lovely trees and blue skies…

And back to rocks because they are cool

We headed back up into the scrub where the trees and other vegetation closed us in quite a bit
Suddenly we realised there was quite the cliff of rock looming over us!

The photo is a little underwhelming compared to real life… but it was quite big!

Sweet bush flowers

Out from the bush and into this neat clearing for a spectacular view along the coast. I was really enjoying seeing new views of our coastline
I might leave you here and finish up the walk in the next post tomorrow!
Hope you’ve enjoyed so far!
We certainly did!