Potatoes and Raspberries!

Hi again!
Well… the raspberries popped out some leaves so they went high on my list to sort out.
They needed a pruning weeding and a general all area make-over

I made a huge problem for myself… I should have taken the net off when they woodchipped over the fence…
I didn’t realise how much of it there would be and thought the netting would stop the raspberries from being buried.
By the time I knew better… it was too late

I said many many rude words as I shovelled a ton of chips out of the way… and you can’t just shovel happily. Because – sticks. Sticks stop the shovel from shovelling…

I had to cover Pips ears!

Finally unearthed the whole thing and shoved it aside while I worked on the patch.
I pruned back the canes and cut out the dead wood.
Jeff came down and helped me sort out the net (Untangle and renet) and shovel lots of woodchip around the patch… (He had been mowing again… that time of year when you can almost see the grass grow)
We then mulched the actual canes with straw.

Plenty of timber hanging about to weigh the netting down!!

I still need to get back in there and restring the supports along each patch but by the time we were done here… I was done!

We let the girls out and naturally they started to kick out the woodchip immediately.
This is why they were left locked up during the process – otherwise I’d still be there trying to get the job done and piffing chooks out of the way!

Flossie getting a cuddle

Back up behind the house and a couple of cows appear.
A few minutes later they are all there staring at me.
So I proceed to run up and down the fence line (in gumboots) with a bunch of cows stampeding along behind!!
I find this hilarious!


Handy chopping boards all over the property at the moment!

I didn’t want to go out that day because it was doing one of those Tasmanian Weather Days and raining and sunning off and on every 10 minutes.

Told myself not to be a woose and get out and plant. So I did.
Rain never really hurt…
Tasmanian Weather immediately hailed on me!!!! Eyeroll.

But because I was in Tough Woman Mode, I soldiered on

Marked out the plot and dropped the spuds in

This season I also decided to mulch straight away since I had the straw. I never get back to my poor potatoes for mulching … maybe this will keep them happier this season!

Nice to get another important gardening job ticked off the list.

Tulips are still blooming which is lovely.
I am tempted to cut and bring some inside, but I don’t have that many and I am enjoying seeing the colours when I go out back.

And the snails haven’t ravaged them either this season thanks to the iron pellet stuff I’ve been using!

Hopefully the nice weather keeps it up more often than not!
Hope your week has started well!!


Wrapping up the Milling!

Well, there it is… the last log being loaded onto the rack for milling

The guys have done a spectacular job and its been really interesting to watch

There she goes! (Spinning blade of death….)

I’ve been Chief Sawdust Relocating Manager

So much beautiful timber!

The weather has been a bit manky recently…we have done some work cleaning up and Jeff has done a lot of work splitting wood for future fires

Unfortunately for one of Jeff’s fingers… he also had a slight ‘small axe incident’
So far he hasn’t been to the doc but did all the usual nursey things.
I think he will live…

I’ll return with some gardening stuff next post.
A few more advancements have happened

I am going to have to get more heavy handed with the red so its not quite as pink in the final stages!
Anyway… its a start. Christmas soap! (Peppermint)
And oops… just remembered the tree embed I put in the freezer earlier. Will have to get that out and remove from mould before bed.

Crochet update!
Its really growing
Although there are a horrifying amount of tails to tuck!! (sadly this is not going to coincide with a visit from my Mum… darn it) (No pun intended haha)

Its going to take me an eon!

Of course no carefully arranged display is complete without a cat boofing his way under the covers and causing a cat-tidal wave of crocheted squares…

Thanks Pip!!

Basket weaving!
Loving my Friday morning classes. So relaxing there.

Apart from tidying up the tails on the inside, I am done.
The red bit around the top (Might have mentioned this before??) are grasses that were dyed with beetroot and woven in.

I used it on my market table on Saturday to display my business cards!

Then, I learned how to make roses and lilies!

Adele (our teacher) started one that I finished and finished one that I started! But she let me take the both home.
I liked the process of weaving the flax to make the lilies.

And a series of folding and twisting creates the roses!!

Pip trying his best to give subtle hints about his sleeping bag being warm enough ready for him to crawl in to!

Anyway, thats about it from me tonight
Hope everyone had a super weekend!

Done Milling!

Ed and Paul have done an amazing job! Last log was done yesterday
I will have more photos and story of course but not quite got all the pics sorted yet!!

So I’ll show you some soap…

I did this today… the cut should reveal a Christmas Tree… and stripes?? I can hope! (Peppermint)

Yesterday I tried a new design…
I used the divider to get the base part done

I made up three colours for the bottom and blended them softly before pouring

I then grabbed my high tech soaping tool (chopstick) and made some waves

I am loving this design and am very keen to do other colours!

I had to cut them horizontally to keep the design intact and was really pleased when I did…

Rather elegant!!

The leftover mixture made some cute little bee soaps too!

Hope your week is going splendidly!

Yard Work

Poor tulip… everything got covered in grass clippings yesterday.
Jeff and I took advantage of the beautiful weather to mow and do more cleaning up around the yard.

The plum tree is done and dusted with its blossoms. Lets keep fingers crossed for actual plums and some nice weather to ripen them up.

The day before yesterday, we decided to finish off the top of the garden fence at long last

Since we have oodles of timber, procrastination has won the day as we haven’t had to buy what we needed

This way we have been able to staple the wire to the top bar and stop it from flopping about – as it does when big fat possums jump on it (Or birds)

It doesn’t look too bad and it certainly looks more finished than before!

I suspect the possums were getting over the fence near the top gate then using the two moveable composts and the sink as a jumping point out, so I’ve started sorting that area.

I have yet to move the sink (insanely heavy) as I have to sort a suitable area, but was able to empty and move the two composts

Hmmmm so much work to be done. Plus I am unsure how to sort the older composts just yet.

Neglected much?

A lot of weeding, sorting and wheelbarrowing later…

I am hoping the ferny moss takes hold in the old Man Fern chunks I got from Ruby’s place.

Plot by plot I am getting the garden under control.
It was a shock to realise we’ve made it to spring already!

Yesterday after the mowing, I tackled the snow pea plot as I will need it to swing into action soon…

One of the wooden trellises had rotted at the bottom so I ended up taking it out… then I took pretty much all the other bits out and whacked in some proper steel droppers to secure the mesh to.
And dug weeds. Twitch. So. Much. Twitch….

Happily… another plot done by days end.

Looks 100% with the mowing done too.
Grass from now is going to grow stupidly quickly

Still easy to grab carrots whenever I need them.
Itching to pull that plot apart but… not really nec. until October when I will want to replant.

Oh… I killed all the lettuce (99% of them ) in the hothouse that I transplanted the other day!!!!

Maybe 4 are struggling along??? I have absolutely no idea why…
How disappointing!! And weird. Was it me or the punnets of lettuce?

The little tomato seeds that I put in at the same time have started showing up

So funny… yesterday morning only these guys were up.
By the afternoon… a whole lot more!

These are yellow tomatoes.
Hope they survive unlike the lettuce!!

My pot of sweet peas! I didn’t plant them. They are just doing their own thing. They never really thrived last season under my ‘care’ so I am ignoring them.

We let the girls out of the chook run after we had done with the lawn – They had a great time… Flea of course off on her own mission.

A good number of tulips are out which is nice and those iron pellets are keeping the slugs and snails at bay so I don’t have half chewed flowers so far!!

Yesterday was a pretty huge day… with all the mowing, weeding, whippersnippering, digging, weeding, planting, splitting kindling, etc etc.
According to Pip it was completely exhausting!! (This is where we found him at days end, dead to the world haha)

The Millars are Milling…

Spring is stampeding toward us and we’ve had a week of sensational weather

Jeff found this young kookaburra on the track – we took it to the vets but haven’t rung to find out what happened to him/her.

OK… so technically the Millars are not the ones milling, but we’ll take some credit for simply owning the trees and the property!!
Paul and Ed came in and started moving the logs about so Ed could set up his mill in the right spot.

I helpfully sat up on one of the big tree stumps snoopervising and taking photos.
Soon it was too dark to do much more

I had a busy week with appointments and also being at home helping with moving timber and sawdust and doing lunches when I was in.

What a great process watching the huge logs cut into the right sizes

The large and scary blade goes down the log in a horizontal position and then back in the vertical.

Kicks out a lot of sawdust of course!

Pallets have been put down to store the timber on and smaller strips of timber have been cut as dividers to the layers.

The grain is beautiful and the smell is amazing
A little sad to reduce this magnificent tree to mere strips of timber

Smaller and smaller

There is a new chook shed in there

So much…

Some I am piling up out of the way, some I am bagging for later use in the coop, some we put straight into the coop…

At the end of day two we had this timber done

And this (that came from only two logs!)

And Jeff split a pile of offcut logs that I stacked

Still lots to go!

And another day done…

A lovely sunset with pretty plum blossoms!

OK… today back with my new best friend

Cutting more of the dividers and cutting offcuts for middle sized wood for the fire.

Started on filling the big kindling box

We are going to have SO much of this!

We look like a lumber yard!

I’ve been working on the above right side pile

I think there has been progress!

I’ve set this smaller stuff onto another lot of pallets out of the way

And I have a small stack of useful offcuts that I’ve cleaned up that were too good to cut for firewood

The girls only get let out late in the day…. Flea no doubt would be up on the saw mill if she was out when the action was happening

She is like a lone wolf haha

And as per usual, despite her short legs, wherever I am in the yard… there is the pitter patter of Flea behind!

While the other girls took a dust bath…

Flea comes up to see Pip

Unsuspecting Pip

Then a displeased Pip trying to get back inside!

Check it out! First tulips!

So lovely to see a couple of them popping out!

The girls were in disgrace the other day as they got into the iris/tulip patch and vigorously dug it up… didn’t do the young tulips any good and look at the mess they made of the top part!!
NOT pleased!
Will be glad to get the fences back in order!

The rotters!

Anyway…. I am pretty tired!
Might take a rest day tomorrow!
Who knows?
Have a fabulous weekend all!

Small Soap Stuff

Yes I know… the above picture does not look very soap-like!
This is why I am not here much lately… just been busy!!
But the milling has started so we are finally on the home straight of this very long winded tree job!
Will return another day with more on that.

Back to soap

Just wanted something a little on the ‘pretty’ side. This one is Australian Lavender.

Now this fantastic experiment is for colouring using Turmeric!
My lovely friend Irene in Queensland grew her own and dehydrated and powdered it… and sent me some!

In the curing process it has lightened, but the speckle remains which is really lovely
I didn’t use any fragrance… just wanted to see what the colouring did.

Its gone even lighter than this – next batch I will double the amount of turmeric. Just to see!

Bit of a dodgy photo and it doesn’t tell you much, but these are shampoo bars.
I did the soap a different way with a few different ingredients.
And the lye mix was all milk and a skerrick of water – so it will be a very soft soap!
Now to wait a month before I can test it.

Last market… A lady from the market took this photo and I asked if I could use it here because I didn’t take my camera along
Can you see the soap on the back row? I’ve got some little slabs of the macrocarpa there as a raised bench to be fancier.
Also some fairy lights that you can’t really see.


Nawww… Pip. As always I think he is cute. (He is on my lap right now but will pop him into bed in a minute and I will have to go too because I am pretty tired after today!)

Hope you are all having a great week so far!

(Slightly dodgy snap… haha)

More Sun, More Garden

Well, we had a few days of this and some serious winds

Even though Jeff had just cleared the gutters…

Pip mostly said, ‘yeah, nah’ and disappeared under a blanket

Today things fined up so…time to identify this seasons potato patch and make things happen

Yep. This mess right here looks suitable!

Part of the area was just… lawn!

I dug it up in squares and tried to get most of the soil off… it was sticky! and used it to bulk up the areas under the garden gates (to thwart rabbits)

It all took a while

And of course, when outside, where I be, there is Flea…

I call this ‘Contemplation of Corn’

The garden had a ton of enormous worms and she made a little piggy of herself on them!

Oh… and how many potatoes can one dig up out of a corn patch?
Glad you asked…

Just some of the collection I found!
As one of my friends pointed out… potatoes are sneaky.

I seriously wanted to give up before I was done… but I am glad I told myself not to be a woose and to finish it up!
Think I was walking two inches taller with accumulated mud

Looking forward to planting the potatoes.

A quick garden round up:
The white garlic. All nice and happy

Collected some carrot seeds

Lettuce looking woebegone

But… new growth showing

So I am hopeful lots of them will take off once they’ve gotten over the shock of transplanting

Something for the soup…

I took a long hot bath tonight… still feeling a bit on the achy side after all the digging and bending (and removing Flea from the garlic patch)

Hope your week has been going along well!


Hmmm… where to start?
A snap on the progress of my basket!!! Its taking shape for sure!
I’ve not worked on it at home, rather left it as a purely class thing. Its a nice group of people to talk to – so all very social.

Pip Notes: The paw up position means Sir Pip needs something. Sitting in the lounge room with paw up indicates a need for a warm towel.
If he is in the kitchen with his paw up it means he is terribly terribly hungry

And sitting at the back door in aforesaid position means he has to go out.

Of course five minutes after we’ve been out and spotted the scary chook, we seem a bit desperate to go back in!

I swear cats need butlers.

Flea Notes:
Yes… that is her little feathery butt under that bush!

Tonight when Jeff went down to lock them up and did a beak count… one was missing!
No prizes for guessing who!
Someone was out too late and got lost getting herself back.
Funny thing though… he called out to her and she immediately Bok bok bokked back to let him know where she was.
(‘Daddy please rescue me! I am lost and cold’)
Other lost chooks at night hunker down and don’t say a word!!! Which makes them really hard to find!

So she got rescued and put on the roost. Silly chook!

Anyway, I did plant something

Picked up a few punnets of lettuce seedlings – was so keen to have something in my new beds.

Slightly underwhelming but in a few weeks they should fill out and look good.

I did take time between showers to plant out a lavender bush and a boronia.

A few flowers are popping up on my chives!

Fragrant jonquils! (I had a market stall today and someone was showing how they’d turned theirs blue and other fun colours with food dye in the water! very cool)

A smidgeon of rainbow came out… I over-doctored this photo to bring up the colours!

And to finish up – the plum tree gets fluffier day by day!

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend

Hothouse Update

Instead of going and getting several trailer loads of soil and compost… I just got the local nursery to deliver a nice big lump of it!

The day before yesterday I made a good start in filling the beds

I added more woodchips as the ends closer to the door were a lot deeper.
Then I got tired so I quit!

It rained and was generally miserable yesterday so I stayed in my PJs all day and pretended to be a sloth.
I rather enjoyed myself!

Back into it today though

Wow huh? Cannot wait to plant!
I plan to go pick up some lettuce seedlings tomorrow and I might also put a few rocket seeds in too. That will get the ball rolling. Its too early to start all my other seeds so I’ll just have to be a little patient.
Lots of other stuff to work on

The plum tree is getting fluffier… it will look more impressive when there is a blue sky behind!

I kinda miss having a chook proof fence on the top side of the yard!
We leave them locked into the coop and duck yard for the majority of the day then let them out later in the afternoon… with the idea they can’t get up to too much mischief!

I didn’t get photos but the other day, no matter where I was in the yard, it wasn’t long before Miss Flea found me!
She enjoyed the new pile of soil haha

Time for bed for me!

The Plot Thickens (or Thins, in This Case)

Spring is on its way!
The plum tree is starting to look fluffy!

Pip enjoying the sunshine today and giving the post a good schmoozling

And the chooks being herded away from my garden… time to think about putting up a temporary fence to keep them down the other side!

Half a carrot was enough for last nights chicken soup!

(NOT our chooks btw)
Whipped up some garlic and herb bread to go with it too! Smelled amazing

So… I’ve ordered a load of topsoil and compost to be dropped off Tues. to finish off the hothouse garden.
Debating on increasing the order – I suspect a few beds will need more soil
In the meantime, I’ve tried to keep up being out in a plot working if the weather isn’t dreadful

Speaking of dreadful… the side garden has been MASSIVELY neglected.
So… time to bend the knees and get in there

This was as far as I got yesterday… (above)

So fiddly trying to pull up twitch from between and under the rhizomes – I wasn’t willing to pull everything out. Will just try to snick off any shoots I see popping up from now on!

A couple of loaded barrows later!! (Jeff started pulling the next plot above apart too)

Doesn’t that just warm the soul?? Haha
Now my iris and tulips have a chance!
I’ve even spotted a couple of tulips doing their thing!

I’ve also scattered the iron pellets that kill the snails and slugs all through this patch. They really take a liking to both these plants so this year I want my flowers to look a whole heap less ragged!

Some daffodils popped out!

Hope your weekend was lovely (and you ache a little less than I do 🙂 )
