Walls Hike (Part One)

Well… here we are! Leonie and I ready to start walking up to Wild Dog Creek campsite!
We drove up to Sheffield the evening before and stayed in a little cabin so we didn’t have such a long drive on the morning of the hike

The weather of course was a bit gloomy… not too super cold at first and only spat with rain slightly

(I just brought along my goofy fish eye lens… its lighter than the others haha)

Leonie looking remarkable cheerful for her first foray out into multi day hiking!

Its a pretty walk up… although it does mostly just go ‘up’ (and up) for the bulk of the day.

Love the way you come across the official sign about 15 minutes or so into the hike.

Pretty trees and twisty tracks

I love the ferny glades

Not a problem getting across the creeks

As the morning wore on, it got foggier

(Yup… we are still going up)

Time for a selfie..

And a slightly blurry selfie of the two of us haha

(At least the background looks focused !!)

Ooooh! Snow!

A bit of a stream crossing just before reaching Trappers Hut

We took the packs off here and sat and had a bite to eat and a drink… and rested the shoulders!
We couldn’t linger too long as we got cold once we stopped moving

Time to pick up the packs and keep going

Not far past this point we met a trail runner who had started off as we arrived!! He had RUN all the way up, gone up past the campsite through the Walls to the other campsite AND BACK…
I felt so turtle slow haha

He and another couple mentioned that the ice on the track made things a bit tricky.. so glad I had my hiking poles this time. Leonie had a single one.

Little more snow showing

Tree Appreciation Time

I enjoy the colours of the trees and moss up here

And here we are. At the start of the ice.
Bit of a bugger really… we were at the point where the ‘up’ wasn’t so severe and should have been able to make up some time.

But no… the stretches of icy paths really put a crimp in our strides

Gave us time to enjoy the views

We did have some tricky moments where we had to go either way off the path or pick our way super slowly through the ice. Didn’t fancy having any broken limbs up there

Was slow but manageable when we were on the flat, but often we came across ice waterfalls over the boulders that was the path. Not easy at all.

But it was pretty!

And gloomy

Still cheerful!

Although we started to wonder why we thought winter was a great time for this …

Should have brought ice skates!

It was at this point that the rain was starting to set in and we were getting colder – no chance to speed up to warm up so we stopped, donned the wet weather gear and I put the camera away.

It took us SIX hours to get to camp!!!!
But we were lucky that it had stopped raining so we could put the tent up and sort out our gear without worrying about the rain

We chose our platform and got cracking on the tent

Home sweet home for the night.
Lastly… a mug of soup and some bread, tea and we were about ready to turn in for the night!!
Back later with day two!

Home Stuff

Its winter… but a few autumn colours are still to be seen which adds some colour to some really drab days

A lot of rain the past week… and wind
Pip is enjoying the daily fires and spends a lot of time snoozing

At times we’ve clearly warmed the towel a little too far!!

Of course, inside time is a good chance for some soaping which I hadn’t done in a while

Testing out a new recipe… supposedly good for skin.
Not a goats milk soap but included fresh rosemary, rosemary ess oil, clay, castor oil (sticky!!) sunflower oil, coconut and olive oil.
Now the waiting time before I can test it. Smell lovely though!

Tried out a new (ish) swirl design

(Kakadu Plum and Bush Cucumber fragrance)

Not bad 🙂

Also topped up my supply of Apple and Sage which is always popular on the stalls

Just a simple combo of the base colour and the fresh green

And we have Flea inside at night at the moment… and in the hothouse during the day

The silly chook has hurt her foot/leg
It seems to be more weight bearing as the days go on but haven’t taken her to vet for xrays…
Keeping her from walking about too far by being in the hothouse (and sheltered) and snugged up at night in the cat carrier inside since she doesn’t have her sisters to snuggle.
She still is eating well and laying eggs… just unsure about dragging her off to vets for a sprain. She doesn’t flinch when we touch the foot or leg, but she doesn’t bear weight on it well.
Poor Flea. Its a stress since she is my favourite girl.
She is cute when she comes inside… she’s all covered up in the cage and its set on a sheepskin not straight on floor… we have little ‘bok bok’ conversations with her as she settles in for the night. We say ‘bok bok’ and she replies.
(Yah… winter entertainment in the Millar Household rocks)

Rabbits have been gnawing on my beetroots… so pulled them up and re netted carrots as they’ve been having a go at those too!

Some big veggies

Getting a few pretty sunsets too!

Anyway, I am heading out!
I have the first days hike photos ready so hopefully will be back later this evening to share that!
And congratulations to Teri for being the recipient of Ruby’s Knee Rug 🙂
I’ll get it in the post soon 🙂
It will be nice to think of one of Ruby’s creations heading overseas to one of my readers!

Catch you all later

Farm Party

Just going to backtrack a little to share the rest of the farm party story and attack you with an inappropriate number of fireworks photos!

I made a pavlova to take along… been a while since I made a pav. mmmmm

Happily, while the night was certainly cold and crisp – there was no rain, so that made for a great night!
And check out the food table!! I didn’t even notice at first but Paul went and set up two of the big slabs from our macrocarpa trees to act as the party table!!
So cool! I was pretty thrilled !

Friends brought around a heap of haybales so people had places to sit around the fire, others brought along food for the table

Paul and Sharon had cooked up quite a storm during the day… it was hard to know where to begin!

Pots of warm curries, slow cooked lamb etc

Neighbours brought along the chestnuts (from their farm!)


Soon the table was groaning under the weight of all that was on offer and everyone happily dug in – I got Sharon to serve me one of her big baked potatoes and topped my plate with salads and meat (to start with)

I am getting hungry again just looking at this!

Was cosy sitting around the fire eating and chatting to friends before heading back to raid the table again!

And then came the fireworks!
Sit back and enjoy the scroll!

I hadn’t done night photos for such a long time, so it took a while to get the hang of finding the right settings!

Occasionally Paul would dash back up and put a small firework on the garden table

I love the delicate lines of these ones…

And this one makes me think of a squid

All a lot of fun

The chestnuts were roasted and the desserts brought out!

All very blissful for a nearly winters night!
Sharon and Paul did a magnificent job of putting such a great night on – Very much enjoyed by all!

Icy Hike!

Hello hello!
Back down in civilisation again safe and sound!
Now a large backlog of photos to play with!

Leonie and I had a great time… challenging…
We only stayed the one night instead of two…(That was always going to be flexible depending on weather)

Once we reached a certain height, we encountered left over snow and a LOT of icy pathways!
That put a crimp in our hiking strides! The top part of the hike that we would have been able to pick up the pace with, was slowed right down.

Lucky we had hiking poles but crampons would have been the way to go.

And we really weren’t warm enough in the tent! It was a long night of never really getting up to a comfortable temperature!
The next day we ventured up a short way where we were keen to actually see the ‘Walls of Jerusalem’ but the paths were still super icy, so we opted to pack everything up and just head back down.
Seemed like the most sensible option overall. (Will admit to totally woosing out on the thought of another 12 hours in a tent not being warm enough!!)
It took us 6 hours to hike up and 4 to return.

We will plan our next adventure not in winter haha!
I’ll return with more photos

More From The Yard

We are on a roll, clearly!
Such beautiful days recently, but with the clear skies come icy nights!
Jeff got out and trimmed back the lawn… it was getting a bit jungle-like.

The fire really did a great job overnight! Still warm and smoking that afternoon though! So I kicked all the big logs in closer and added more small stuff… it caught on again pretty smartly – no need for matches

Of course Miss Flea had to jump up on the boards next to me to check out what was happening!

Veggie patch leftovers!

I am glad a lot of the plots are raised beds etc… easy to pick a spot and work just there (and try to ignore the rest)

Poor lebanese zucchinis…
I didn’t really use many. I usually cook zucchinis with tomatoes and because the tomatoes took an eon to ripen… these zucchinis will just be compost.
This type doesn’t keep well either. I will go back to the blackjack or similar. Its more convenient when they keep longer after being picked.

I got a reasonable way in to the clearing but it wasn’t actually on my to do list today, and to finish it properly is going to take a while with all the twitch.

This was the pavlova I took to the party at Sharons last night. Yum.
I have been pretty busy today so I didn’t sit to post process the party photos… but here is another fire works photo because they are pretty…

Cousin Leonie came over this morning and we sorted out our packs and gear for our (hopeful) hike.
I still have to call parks in the morning to see if I can reserve places – due to covid, you need to register for all multi day hikes to make sure there aren’t too many people on the track.
I would be surprised if people were stampeding out mid week at the start of winter but…

If plans come good, then we are looking to drive to Sheffield tomorrow (Monday) and stay at some accommodation there which is a good deal closer than starting from here… I think its close to a 3 hour drive but can’t remember

The weather isn’t forecast to be that fantastic… so will make choices on the fly about whether to stay one or two nights.
Shame since last time when Jeff and I went we didn’t see the main sights because of the weather and little visibility!

But… its all beautiful and it will be nice to get away… fingers crossed!

Hope your weekend was fantastic!

A Bit of Pyromania

Weekend is half done…
Yesterday I mad a good start at cleaning up the back where we are working on the trees

Sharons husband Paul (and friends) have been doing a fabulous job of milling the trees – we’ve now got pretty much all that was on the neighbours property done.

I wanted to get this pile reduced and start clearing along the fence near the highway so when the next stage happens with the ‘proper’ mill, they haven’t got a horrible mess to work around

Like chopping down this weedy tree and the other plants that have grown up

I love a good fire… started mine off in a box and piled on stuff
I pulled the pile around a lot, kicked it and shouted at it first.
Glad no-one was watching this bonfire abuse… actually I was trying to scare out any remaining rabbits. None seemed to be in there and none came shooting out after I set it alight either.
I did start it on the edge so they would have time to run out as well.
(That would have been so bad, but I didn’t see any so thats good)

It took hold pretty well
I cut down the tree and added those on as well… once it was hot enough the green stuff burned no problem

The chooks went into a bit of a huddle, unsure how to get past the scary fire to their coop.

Notice someone missing???
Flea of course. Found here in the coop stuffing her face and completely unconcerned about the raging fire

Nothing fazes that chook!

Got my parang out to shave off twigs from wood I want to keep for our inside fire. No point wasting the good stuff

And on a really really long stick I toasted a few marshmallows … was actually a challenge getting close enough to the fire! She was kicking out some heat!

I love mine cremated…

I could take fire photos all night…


The fire had died down a lot of course overnight but today it was easy enough to get it going again to chuck a few more things on.

There are some pretty big chunks of wood in there, so it will burn for a while.
The whole area is looking better already and more manageable.
Need to get in there with a rake to gather up more of the bits and pieces.

Maybe tomorrow afternoon.
In the morning I am meeting my cousin Leonie as we are madly planning a multiday hike – leaving Tues. morning if we can get ourselves sorted!!!
We’ve been trying to do this for ages. But life keeps sticking its nose in and getting in the way haha
We must be stark raving mad… its pretty damn cold out there at night! (Yes, we will be camping.)
Fingers crossed we’ll be able to do it. Still waiting to talk to parks as with Covid, we have to register to make sure not too many people are using the trail at the same time. (Possibly an overkill rule for here and in winter but thats the way of the world right now)

Hopefully tomorrow I’ll find time to process all the photos from tonights outing at Sharon and Pauls…Cracker night! So much fun!

Enjoy your weekend!!

Garden Day!!!

Hi! Above… dehydrated lemons… last of Rubys that I could get. I raided her tree the day before settlement!

I squeezed the rest and freezing them in cubes as I’ve really been enjoying lemon and honey tea in the evening when I remember! (My cup is heating up now… its an icy night!)

So! The garden out back. The one I said there would be NO TOMATOES in.
Yah… I have no disciplinarian skills with my veggies
Like the cat, they do what they want.

The herb spiral was swamped and the feverfew going a bit mad

I was keen to get my path back.

Time to get brutal. Everything out! Even the borage. (It will grow back I am sure)

Several barrow loads later…

Pretty positive that a million more tomatoes will pop up again next season.
Pity these were so late. I got some good fruit off them but there was so much more.. no chance to ripen and the ones that are red now aren’t very tasty.
I know I can do green tomato stuff, but I have to be honest with myself –
I wont.

Path looking like a path again

I went down the back to start collecting some of those woodchips for my newly cleared path and gave the chooks some treats on the way

Nice to start using the huge pile of woodchips. Of course Flea was right up there on the pile with me – such a stickybeak!

Looking 100% better
Spotted a worm escaping from the herb patch once I got into it! So long and speedy!

The herb spiral is now visible again and the sage and chives can breath again!

I then put straw over everything…

I did relent and leave some sweet pea seedlings in the ground.

A bit of an improvement

The raised beds will still need tackling but that can be another day

So good to have tons of woodchip… I built the path up a long way!!

Anyway, thats all from me!
I spent the evening setting our bonfire alight and doing some yardwork near the fallen trees but thats a story for tomorrow!

Family Hike (Part Two)

We caught up with Jeff for a bit! (He accidentally went up a lookout hill!)
Then continued along the top

Came across some cool bejewelled webs

We caught up to Jeff again who was sitting in a sheltered spot waiting as he thought it might be time for lunch.

It was most enjoyable sitting down for a sandwich and a rest! Food always tastes extra amazing outside when hiking!

It was not quite as enjoyable getting back up and walking up another hill… our legs seemed to protest quite a lot
Rose and Fiona stopped to ‘admire the view’

(Yes in reality it was to stop and whinge about our legs hurting haha)

Well… lets be honest… the view was worth absorbing for a while

Onward… (Jeff the Speck again)

Smaller Jeff Speck…

Then there was a bit of trauma for Rosemary as we encountered a Leech Ambush

Can you see them? I think only two can be seen in above photo, but there were three big ones waving about on the rocks in the middle of the path. When we stopped to look (Rosemary freaking out because leeches are NOT her thing) they started stampeding towards us as well as their mates in the grass at the side of the path!!

I must say, our pace picked up quite a lot after that encounter (Pretty much Fiona and I trying to keep up with Rosemary haha)(Who wasn’t standing about waiting for a Leech Attack)

And yes, I found mud

And Jeff found a pademelon

Let me try to crop in…

Much cuter than leeches

It was nice going down the hills for a change

A bit of wattle was out… way early I reckon

And down we went to the beach!

I never really tire of this spot

And because I can, I am just going to bombard you with rock photos… (and maybe some sand and seaweed)

(I think I love the yellow and orange lichen rocks the best)

And now… more rocks!

Oh… and looking up for a final Jeff Speck photo!!

He might be hard to see… (Almost dead centre of image)

See the cutting at the edge of water? Apparently barges came in to collect iron ore back in the day…

That would explain the colour of some of the rocks!

Finally tore ourselves away from the rocks and got to the end of the beach for the final ‘up’


Although there was the sound of a bit of huffing and puffing…

Enjoying the last views of Anniversary Bay

It was a spectacular day out with family! Everyone had a great time no matter their route or pace!
Great way to spend the day!

Family Hike (Part One)

Sunday Hike!
Fiona, her husband Paul and one of her sons, Ruben, joined us for the hike from Rocky Cape to Sisters Beach!

Cool day but perfect for walking

Hazy day too!

Social distancing no problem. We were many kilometres away from people!

And up we go!

The views start off pretty good!

Puff puff, pant pant… the first few hills totally kept us warm!

Nice way for Rosemary to catch up with Fiona!

And still up we go!

Narrow paths…

The guys (longer legs and dare I say… a whole lot fitter) forge on ahead

Found a little lookout

Paul enjoying the day out!

Even some blue skies to admire!

Started seeing more of the scrubby bushland than the barren hills

Looking west –

Calm day on the strait!

Looking back –

We are still going up!

A bit before this, Paul and Ruben took the coast track.
We decided to go inland

Sometime I’d like to come in this way and just go down to Cathedral Rocks and back. Usually by the time I reach that point I am too done in to consider side trips!

Pretty grasses

It was a really lovely day for hiking. We (Rosemary, Fiona and I) stopped a reasonable amount – enjoyed the views and just catching up with each other

(Looking back)

Pretty little flowers

Looks like we have to go up a bit more!

Teeny Tiny Jeff!!

So… Rosemary is easy to see… Jeff is not so easy to see haha

Its funny to look back because it actually doesn’t feel like it took that long to walk so far

Anyway, thats a good way into the walk from Sunday!
Will swing by tomorrow to finish off the story!!

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

Farm Trip

Big day today – long hike over the Postmans Track with family.
Aching all over…
Will just look back to yesterdays outing to Sharons to introduce Rosemary to the lady that is responsible for my soap addiction!

The alpacas posing for a photo!!
And apparently they are not far from ‘unpacking’ which is the term given to them giving birth… I LOVE that haha

I was super keen to see Jezabel. Remember the baby calf we went looking for a while back when she was first born?

She is half jersey and half highland …. and sooooo cute

The tuft of hair on top just does me in!!


Sharon giving one of the ‘belles’ a good scratching

And Hamish who wandered over to see what all the fuss was about

Curly haired fellow!

While we were out at Sharons I cut a few of the demo soaps that I did at the last workshop… love them!

Sharon only wanted one done until she saw the cut… then I had to do more!

Yesterday Rose and I also squeezed in a little soap making!
How pretty are these for a first batch of soap??? (Photo credit to Rosemary below!)

Anyway, dragging my very tired self off to bed!
Hope you are all having a splendid weekend
