Well… here we are! Leonie and I ready to start walking up to Wild Dog Creek campsite!
We drove up to Sheffield the evening before and stayed in a little cabin so we didn’t have such a long drive on the morning of the hike

The weather of course was a bit gloomy… not too super cold at first and only spat with rain slightly

(I just brought along my goofy fish eye lens… its lighter than the others haha)

Leonie looking remarkable cheerful for her first foray out into multi day hiking!

Its a pretty walk up… although it does mostly just go ‘up’ (and up) for the bulk of the day.

Love the way you come across the official sign about 15 minutes or so into the hike.

Pretty trees and twisty tracks

I love the ferny glades

Not a problem getting across the creeks

As the morning wore on, it got foggier

(Yup… we are still going up)

Time for a selfie..

And a slightly blurry selfie of the two of us haha

(At least the background looks focused !!)

Ooooh! Snow!

A bit of a stream crossing just before reaching Trappers Hut

We took the packs off here and sat and had a bite to eat and a drink… and rested the shoulders!
We couldn’t linger too long as we got cold once we stopped moving

Time to pick up the packs and keep going

Not far past this point we met a trail runner who had started off as we arrived!! He had RUN all the way up, gone up past the campsite through the Walls to the other campsite AND BACK…
I felt so turtle slow haha

He and another couple mentioned that the ice on the track made things a bit tricky.. so glad I had my hiking poles this time. Leonie had a single one.

Little more snow showing

Tree Appreciation Time

I enjoy the colours of the trees and moss up here

And here we are. At the start of the ice.
Bit of a bugger really… we were at the point where the ‘up’ wasn’t so severe and should have been able to make up some time.

But no… the stretches of icy paths really put a crimp in our strides

Gave us time to enjoy the views

We did have some tricky moments where we had to go either way off the path or pick our way super slowly through the ice. Didn’t fancy having any broken limbs up there

Was slow but manageable when we were on the flat, but often we came across ice waterfalls over the boulders that was the path. Not easy at all.

But it was pretty!

And gloomy

Still cheerful!

Although we started to wonder why we thought winter was a great time for this …

Should have brought ice skates!

It was at this point that the rain was starting to set in and we were getting colder – no chance to speed up to warm up so we stopped, donned the wet weather gear and I put the camera away.

It took us SIX hours to get to camp!!!!
But we were lucky that it had stopped raining so we could put the tent up and sort out our gear without worrying about the rain

We chose our platform and got cracking on the tent

Home sweet home for the night.
Lastly… a mug of soup and some bread, tea and we were about ready to turn in for the night!!
Back later with day two!