Hello Hello!!
Just a quick soapy post as I was quite chuffed with my experimental efforts today.
I am getting things together as there is meant to be a market on Saturday (weather doesn’t look great tho)(Hopefully I can have an indoor spot if its soggy)

My sister Rosemary, sent me a few extra ceramic soap dishes that she made – so I am going to put them up at the market as a set for sale and see how we go!
I crocheted a length of cotton to tie them together…

I think a neat look! They are such beautiful dishes!
Anyway, onto experiment one…
Ombre – (graduation of colour tones)
I saw something on youtube how to do this so I thought I’d give it a go!

I also put in a bunny embed and I am really pleased with how the colour turned out for my first go! (Wasabi Fragrance)
Basically I split my soap mix into two – made one dark green and the other yellow… I would pour a bit of green in, then I would mix the yellow into the green before pouring again… so each time I poured in the mixture, it was getting lighter and heading towards yellow. (Did that make ANY sense?)
Can’t wait to try this with other colours. I am super keen!

The next experiment involved pre making a batch of soap to cut into shapes/lengths

Just straight colours, nothing fancy.
Then cut them into thin slices or pillars

Then… tried to stand them up in random places in the loaf mould while pouring each side with two different colours…
I ended up with a mess haha

I admit this didn’t look attractive… but…

Pretty excited about how the final product turned out once I lopped the top off and cut through! Each section was different of course.
I have enough shapes left to do another batch or two as well
This was definitely a fun one to put together…
Hope your week has been going well