Wow… its been blowing a relentless gale all day!! Now at midnight and it hasn’t let up in the slightest!
The photo above doesn’t really show the trees swaying!
First up, sad news on the chook front. We lost Dora, one of the three cheeky Isa Browns 🙁 Tuesday was a very sad day.
She suddenly got unwell… we thought maybe egg bound so did all the ‘things’ like the warm epsom salts bath and some calcium tablets.
She did get some special food which she ate well (banana cake and raspberries and some fresh greens) But the next day she hadn’t laid an egg and was worse.
In the end we (gulp) took her to the vet. (on a public holiday – double gulp)
Ok.. not ‘we’. Jeff took her to the vet. I was a mess and didn’t want to look completely pathetic and unable to hold a grown up conversation with the vet, so Jeff went.
Poor Dora had a really high temperature. No egg but it was possible an egg broke inside and scratched her reproductive tubes and got an infection. Sadly the best choice was to have her put down poor little feather-butt.
So Jeff got home and we had a little chook funeral.
Sigh. I don’t like those days.

The title, while lamely amusing, is a bit misleading.
We milled nothing, but our Tree Guy, Warrick retuned to get into the big tree and start getting timber for his kids cubby house.

I really enjoy watching the process…

Its really lovely timber… smells amazing and the grain is gorgeous

It will be great to make some stuff out of it eventually ourselves

The wind made it a bit (big bit) annoying for Warrick with the sawdust flying up and swirling about.

There will be some interesting leftovers here for us to have a play with too

It was a pretty full trailer by the time it was all loaded and a pretty long day for Warrick. Still… he lives about an hour away, so best get as much as possible now. Apparently work has picked up again so the window of opportunity was a bit narrow.

I didn’t do much outside today… apart from popping down to act as audience at the milling site…

Corn blown hither and thither

I did pick some veggies for dinner and gave some to Warrick to take home as well.
Looking forward to making a new batch of pickled beetroot!!
I think tomorrow is meant to be raining. Lets hope the wind subsides for a while
Its totally wild out there.
Hoping the neighbours trees hold on and don’t squash the house tonight!
Have a lovely day