Well… I had a great nights sleep and woke up a lot less inflamed looking and no real itch!!
Such a relief!!
Eventually we got back down to the paddock to start the clean up – just whatever we could do at this point.
It looks a bit of a mess by the fence with the stumps…
But I have high hopes of tidying it up and creating some steps to nowhere…
See what I mean? The steps have already been partly started
Below is a snap of the yard from halfway up my stairs to nowhere…
And a low flying birds eye view of all the remaining timber..
The chooks are loving it! Like a brand new playground for them!
Jeff took down the chainsaw and axe and started clearing up the remaining smaller pieces in the neighbours paddock.
I helped move stuff about and marked the sizes on the logs.
Drove the car around and loaded up some of the either stackable or bonfire wood and took it home (Easier than wheelbarrow haha)
Jeff did a fabulous job!
A lot got split as well so I will go back into the paddock tomorrow if the weather is ok and load up whatever is now stackable.
Not a bad afternoons work…
Meanwhile… in the garden…
A small garden project I’ve been wanting to put in…
This iron gate or fence piece came from Ruby’s garden and I wanted to use it to grow something on. The poor apple cucumbers – been in their pots forever. Not sure if they will grow or not but…
They’ve got something to climb on if they make it.
Around the edge I’ve put celery seedlings
First cucumbers of the season!!!
What beauties and we’ve been eating them the last couple of nights in the salad… ohhhh sooo good!
I picked a large bowl of snow peas but split them into two packs and gave them to the tree guys
I have also started thinning the carrots – finding lots of nice sweet young ones… also greatly enjoying grated up into the salad!!
We can have new potatoes nightly too… so life is pretty good!
Hope you are all doing well!