Hello, Merry Christmas and Seasons Greetings!
I hope wherever you are and whatever you ended up doing, it was – or will be – a lovely day!!
I am sure a lot of you had to revamp plans and work around restrictions or health safety as we did… but it was still fun
Last night (above) Christmas Eve, I got all wussy and put the fire on again. Was so chilly!
Then I was cosy and happy and watched the Polar Express.

And today! Super gorgeous sunny etc.
I weeded the corn and Jeff started on the old garlic patch
We got on a vid call with family both in Canada and on Mainland Australia.
The Canadians were sensible.
The Aussies not so much!! That was chaotic and funny as we had about 4 screens going – best part was my parents cat showing us her butt

Jeff got me a couple of new pairs of pants!!
Totally getting my Happy Hippy self on!
Took one out on its first outing! So comfy.

Glad we got out for a walk.
I didn’t want to mad hike.
Just be out.

So much beach, so few people.

Jeff did some better hand written notes in the sand than I did with my stick !!
All that penmanship practice paying off

Anyway, I’ve had three glasses of champers for whatever reason I thought … well I am SURE it was a good idea at the time.
I am now starting to list sideways as I really am not used to drinking much at all these days. (Clearly, since getting squiffy on three glasses is pretty lame)
Take care and enjoy – good food, company, peace or whatever comes your way