These photos are from the other day.
I decided the garden here was too unruly for even me to cope with, so got in and did a major tidy and chop (and weed)
We’ve had a few days here and there of perfect spring weather
I cut the cape gooseberries right back, and also dug one up and gave it to Kirrily (Our old border) I will relocate the other two as well… I didn’t realise how big they were going to get and they are unsuitable for these beds.
I’ve found a few small self seeded lettuce in here too… bonus!
Two have since been eaten! Sigh. But the others I’ll replant when I top up the beds
This side needed a bit of TLC too
I’d like to get some more flowering plants soon for the middle areas
The borage is happily out of control and the sweet peas are slowly slowly growing up.
Such a difference from around 12 months ago when it was just a messy grassy slope!
Still loving the herb spiral
In other news… the hothouse potatoes were ready!
Nail biting moment… would there be any potatoes? (The plants never flowered)
So I pulled the tops off the first pot that I had planted three potatoes in and tipped the pot…
Success!!! Oh how we have missed new potatoes!
Not bad for winter. I feel three was too many to plant, but it was all an experiment and boy oh boy did they taste good!! (Yes, past tense)
See the bowl? That gorgeous gorgeous bowl?
My sister Rosemary has gotten into ceramics and is producing amazingly beautiful works at about the same rate I make soap!
We got this in the mail the other day (Was so nervous opening the box to see if it made it in one piece!)
(I’ll add a photo at the end of the post so you can see it sans veggies)
Still congratulating myself on planting new lettuce seedlings over winter.
And a few snow peas haha
I know… I am still hiding that lovely bowl under food…
Yummo, fresh salad and proper free range eggs from spoilt chooks
(Plus my cup, hand made also by Rosemary)
Rhubarb really going well so far.
The lemon balm I cut back to the ground has sprung up as if nothing happened!!!
I spent a great afternoon in the garden today too… will catch you up on that soon!
Hope you are all having a wonderful week!!