Gosh – long time since ‘Ruby Tuesday’
And honestly it was a bit of a fluke!
I wanted to go down and take some rhubarb and some plants for Ruby’s garden.
I’ve also been waiting for a nice day when she was feeling in tip top condition so she could come up home for a garden tour as we have done so much since she was last here.
Sorry – I only took snaps under the cherry blossom tree, but they are lovely ones!
She’s been enjoying the ‘lay down’ chair (poolside deck chair) at home in this lovely weather, soaking up the sunshine like a cat!
She is certainly slowing down a bit these days – gets puffed out easily! She’s still quite miffed about it too! Hard to slow up when you’ve been such a busy person all your life. She chuckles and says she walks up the garden, then has to come back and sit down… “and do this” she says, holding her wrist….
After a moment of puzzlement I realise that ‘Nurse Ruby’ is taking her pulse so she knows when she’s ok to get going again!!
I laughed so much – but so sensible!!
She came up and walked the entire garden with me, checking it all out and all the new things we have going on. As long as we were going slow she was fine.
She was mightily impressed with the new gardens we are building out the back with the herb spiral etc!
We sat on the back veranda for a while and chatted before driving back.
(Via the photo shoot under the blossoms)
I planted the spare strawberries I had in her patch – that had spare space, popped a couple of cucumber seedlings into her hothouse and put in a couple of zucchinis that I also had extra – and a bin of coffee grounds into her compost.
We had lunch and another cuppa before I headed back.
It was really lovely!
Wouldn’t I love to be so spritely and photogenic at 103!!!