Back to the backyard 🙂
I’ve taken it off and on easy since returning. Fitted in a few laps around the river to keep up the good form! (Pleasingly I’ve lost 5kg since that terrible afternoon on the hospital scales haha)
I’ve come back to the pear tree out in beautiful blossom.
I hope we get some pears again this year. The first ones we got last season were so big and juicy! I think we got 5 or 6. 🙂
The rhubarb is really filling out! Margie dropped in the other day and I was able to send her back with a few sticks!
I’ve seen a few potatoes peeking up through the dirt.
I’ve actually hooked up the bore again and given things a good soaking the last couple of days. No rain (unusual for here in spring) and the wind means that things are reasonably dry
The outside snow peas are doing fine. I can’t wait to see them climb up their new ‘climbing frames’
In the hothouse I have lots of flowers on the snow peas – and I noticed today my first actual nearly ready to pick snow pea!
In the hothouse, seedlings popping up everywhere. I am going to have to get a wriggle on to get the beds ready!
Above are the golden nugget pumpkins. A new sort for me – seeds were given to me by a friend 🙂 (Thanks Irene!!)
Funnily enough the butternut pumpkins haven’t appeared at all!! Until today – I finally saw one small unfolding sprout. Hope more appear soon. I planted 10!!! (Destined for one of the Hugelkultur beds)
A lot of tomato seedlings up. Thinking of giving each variety their own bed this season…
Runner beans. I only planted them for fun during one of the workshops
My cos lettuce sitting up nicely! Its so reliable!
Lots of sunflower seedlings popping up – love the beret.
My zucchini will be ready to go out soon – thinking I should build their new bed ASAP!!
The little tulip patch is still a lovely riot of colour! Not sure the transplanted iris will do much this season… will have to think of something smaller to cover the ground once they are done.
A few of the thyme bushes are flowering
The new lettuce patch looks a bit scraggly… but I know I just have to give it time. It will fill out. I’ll mulch when they are along a bit further.
I’m keen to nurture a few more varieties to make the salads look interesting
Yesterday I got to and made compost bay number two!!
I had to relocate a lot of parsley. Not sure why I was worried as it really is popping up everywhere
The smaller plants should go well but in my experience often the bigger ones just race to seed when replanted. So… some I have planted and some are now living in a bucket.
I took the netting off the leek and onion patch. They are looking rather robust!
The ornamental flowering apple blossom tree has just started to put out flowers too
Well – thats a bit of a garden update.
I’ll be taking myself off to bed soon. Legs are feeling it today. We did a lap around the river earlier then spent all afternoon in a grand tree clearing effort. We burned the two big piles. I moved a lot of wood over to the cherry plum trees, either to stack or left to split. Jeff went over the fence and cleared stuff out of the neighbours paddock.
Little by little, as usual 🙂