I totally forgot to sort my photos and blog last night. I have no idea what I was doing. 😀
Anyway, today was a super spring day! Mostly blue skies. The wind was a bit chilly but a lot of my work today kept me pretty warm.
Actually I started the day with a B12 boost as I was beginning to slow up!
Thats not the ouch. The ouch is happening now- every time I am silly enough to stand up haha
Anyway, I really wanted to fill another raised bed – so I wheel-barrowed several loads over to tip in. (The way the yard is set up, I have to do a long round trip!!)
I then put more hay, bit of blood and bone and watered that in, then topped up the rest with the soil/compost.
Then I scavenged about and found enough strawberry plants to fill it! I am still trying to source new ones for the other deep raised bed.
Grow little strawberries – I am fanging for homemade strawberry ice cream again!
So… that job done, I moved on to the current wood mess and helped Jeff, who was cutting up everything in sight with the chainsaw.
I was stripping useful branches of the fluffy stuff and setting them aside and burning the rest.
No chance of lighting a match in the wind I thought, so I grabbed a big chunk of glowing embers from the house fire…
Eventually it all took off nicely!
In other garden news, the seedlings that we planted at the workshop look pathetic… lol. They’ll perk up. Most have little new leaves showing through
Pretty rapt to see the cos lettuce seedlings emerging already!
And the photos that I was going to share yesterday… I’ll share now.
Lots of pretty spring flowers starting to really make things more cheerful about here!
Lovely colour everywhere!
Anyway, going to take my aching self to bed – although first I have to extract Pip from his warm towel!! 🙁 I feel so mean!
Have a wonderful day!