So – the other day. It was raining (a lot) and it wasn’t warm (really cold) but we decided to walk along Anniversary Bay and follow the coastline up to our favourite shell fossicking beach to see if we could find some cowries.
You know… because thats high on our ‘Must Do’ list (that I currently need a small bound book to keep them in haha.)
I just love the rocky shoreline. Its a real scramble picking your way across. We were at low tide, so plenty of the shore was exposed so we could walk over it.
I am pretty sure above is a sharks egg case. Cool huh?
The rain eased off so I was able to get the camera out for a few snaps.
It got put away when I had to use all hands and feet to get across some of the rocks though.
Along the way we could hear the black cockatoos calling out – and there they were! Chowing down on the seed pods in the bushes!
I didn’t have a suitable lens but nevertheless I was able to get reasonably close and they weren’t particularly fazed by our presence
They really are a beautiful bird – they have a distinctive cry – like a squeaky gate!!
If I get my act together, some time and enthusiasm, I’d like to return with the longer lens.
Ever changing rock colours
A small stream crossing. (Yes, by this point I have at least one wet foot)
You can tell its not just a normal hike or walk with the rocks to navigate over!
There is so much to look at too, whether you are looking at the big views or the small details.
This is an elephant snail!! I was so surprised to see one. It was a bit high up on the tide line too. The shell isn’t normally so visible as the soft parts of their body often cover most of it. Quite a fleshy creature and was a good addition to mealtimes for the Aboriginal people who used to live in the area.
Eventually we reached the sections where lots of shells had washed up and started having some fun searching through them
The cowries in this area on the beach are generally only small. That day we found the most we have ever found! I didn’t get a photo of our ‘loot’ but there were heaps!
Once we stopped, we got a bit chilled fairly quickly. Luckily the sun decided to put in an appearance at this point.
Jeff – in Overland Mode – had brought the gear to make us up some hot drinks!
That was very welcome indeed!
Is this living the high life or what?
Eventually we had to start the trek back as the tide was coming back in. Wasn’t keen to do any wading that day.
What a beauty! Even managed to get this back home in one piece!!
I left this one on the shore. I suspect it hadn’t finished decomposing the insides. Best left behind!
Oh and remember my ‘Not Ambergris’ story?
Well… there are more samples of that dreadfully smelly sponge on the beach at the moment too.
I’d forgotten how diabolically stinky it is!!
A much less stinky and more pretty sponge!!
All in all, it was a fabulous day out – just what we needed!
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!