Well… Little Moo was returned to the paddock next door, and has taken a big liking to my sunflowers!! Little Rotter!
Neatly pruned the tops of pretty much all of this patch – they were about 5 minutes away from flowering too!! 🙁
Butter would not melt…
Lucky he is cute! He still galumphs up to us when he sees us in the yard so he can say hi and get a scratch.
I did try to feed him some of the fennel. I thought the strong licorice taste would make him wary of eating anything else on our side of the fence…
Ha! He just guffed it down and looked for more!!
Luckily the sunflowers I transplanted into another garden are looking good so at least I should be able to enjoy a few soon!
I officially gave up on this strawberry patch. They didn’t do much good this season so I am going to start with brand new plants next season. I spent a fair bit of time pulling everything up and sifting through the dirt for the oxalis which has taken a bit of a hold in there.
I am considering removing the rocks and putting in some raised beds here instead… (not for a while though). Now that its cleared out I might just pop some plants in that need to get out of their small pots and make use of the area for the remainder of the season.
Then while I was in the clearing out mood, I decided that the fennel and the herb garden in general was just an eyesore so…. out it went.
It took a lot of effort to dig those fennel plants out! The roots are pretty solid!
Megumi came out and did some weeding down the fence side of the garden so its all starting to look a bit less like snake habitat!!
Not sure what I will put in here… at the very least it should be smothered in mulch!!
Pleased to get in and do some more gardening of the cleaning up type.
I didn’t get photos, but while Jeff was out in the car, I cleaned out the carport that was looking very scruffy. The old and VERY heavy washing machine has been sitting there at an odd angle for 12 months, so I moved it into the corner tidily and cleaned up all other junk in there too… mostly it was accumulated leaves and dirt that made it look so shabby!
I don’t think my back is thanking me for the appliance relocation effort though.
Especially when I did a river hike afterwards.
Sometimes I am not very clever!!
Oh well… hopefully it will be less grumpy with me tomorrow!
Hope your week has ended well!
PS The blueberry ice cream was mmmmm 🙂