Trowutta Arch

Just expanding on the few photos I posted yesterday 🙂
We drove further west and down to Trowutta Arch. A wonderful beautiful area, with a fantastic couple of sinkholes at the end. One water filled and one dry.

The walk in was very easy. The paths well formed and only took about 15 minutes – mind you, we did go a bit slow as we were admiring the fantastic trees and man-ferns 🙂

Some of these trees look like they are resting on their tippy toes!

I feel like its possible that they could just get up and stroll away when no-one was looking!

Ok… and how weird is this fungi? I had to look it up. I actually thought some animal had pooed on it, but that is part of its charm haha
Its called and Asero Rubra – one common name is anemone stinkhorn.
It apparently smells like poo and attracts flies which spreads its spores.
(Glad I didn’t touch that one 😀 )

This area is classified as a Callidendrous Rainforest. The dominant tree is a myrtle and of course – the huge tree ferns are everywhere (Tasmanians call them Man Ferns)

Walking down into the non-water filled sinkhole!

Its like stepping back in time. (Apart from the path) It all feels so ancient and it was a truly beautiful spot.

The second sinkhole was filled with water – and covered with a lichen or weed or something. Looked almost solid!

Turning back, the view was pretty amazing. The arch really framed the stand of tree ferns beautifully!

We were able to scramble up over some rocks, and between a few more and walk along a precarious path to view the area from above.

Scrambling down the other side we couldn’t easily get to the waters edge but we could see the cave more clearly

You can see how far the land dropped away!


Time to make a start on the walk back…

Back through the gaps in the rocks!

Last chance to drink in that view

Just a fabulous tangle of nature!

Keep in mind these tree ferns grow approximately one centimetre per year! (Jeff for scale)

It was a fantastic way to spend a rainy spring day!
Hope you enjoyed!
We certainly did!


Day Out

Since my computer is being spectacularly slow this evening and its now after 1am, I’ll post this story properly tomorrow sometime.
It’s rained most of the day and this evening its just bucketing down!

Jeff and I abandoned the garden and went for a drive a bit further west to check out Trowutta Arch

Its a beautiful short walk through the man ferns to a sinkhole area – all lush and green!

Anyway, time for me to get to bed (past time as usual!)
Hope your day was great too!


Well hello Sunshine!!
Not a bad day at all! Jeff and I did a lap around the river track and later in the afternoon when the tide was right, got the kayaks in the water for the first time this season!

Jeff played photographer for me while I got to paddle about with Emma!

The wind kicked up a bit, so the paddling took a bit more muscle… going to feel that tomorrow I am sure!

After we were done, my idiotic niece took a dip! Honestly… lovely day but not THAT hot! I think I was waiting to see if I had to go in and rescue her. Wasn’t sure if the waterlogged hair would drag her to the bottom or not! haha

And a quick Jeff-snap 🙂

There was this cool duck hanging out at the ramp… he was a very keen bather and really shook up  a storm of water!

Hope you’ve had a great day!
Will leave you with a few more duck-photos! 🙂

New Walk

Hello!! How are your weekends going? Busy? Fun? Relaxing? Mad?
We drove down the West to the Zeehan Gem and Mineral Fair today! (Rock Nerd City here)
It was a great day. Lovely drive and of course – lots of rocks and fossils to ooh and ahh over (and maybe purchase)(Ok, we did purchase… some) 🙂

On the way home I really wanted to go in and see Montezuma Falls which we always drive past because we don’t have time to walk it.
Well… we went for quite a decent walk down towards the falls but didn’t finish. Not sure if I mentioned that Miss Emma had quite a serious car accident a few months back and busted her leg in three places!!
So her Aunt drags her off for a therapeutic walk 😀 (My sister will be so pleased with me… ummmm)

Emma did pretty well… I just made sure she told us when she needed to turn back – keeping in mind there was all the way we had already come to backtrack!! (That sentence made sense in my head)

Actually Emma was pretty keen to build a shack and live here! Glad she is a lover of the environment!

Its a really good track. About 4kms down to the falls and nice and wide without the rock jumping we have to do on some of the other tracks we walk along.

Back in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s this was all a mining area. The track we are walking on had a little set of rails for a trolley car.

Most of the bush was cleared each side and its taken over 100 years to get back to this beautiful state. Some would say thats fast, but if its cleared again, I won’t see that kind of beauty return in my lifetime.

It was wonderfully peaceful down there. Crisp fresh air, but we weren’t cold at all!

The greens were so… green!!!

And even though we got a smattering of rain in the morning, most of the day was pretty gorgeous.

The original bridge has been left for us to admire and for ferns to grow on!

This is probably my fault… I’ve been pointing a camera at her since she was 18 months old!! (Well younger really, but thats when the constant snapping started happening)

Walking with Uncle Jeff while Aunty Yaya (er.. me) gets behind (again) taking photos!

Bad hair day for this frond

Fallen tree!

It was a lovely afternoons walk. Looking forward to returning and getting as far as the waterfall someday!

Well… everyone has long gone to bed – including Pip who I need to extract from under my windcheater to put to bed!
Hope you’ve had a great weekend!

(haha – Hairy-Butt-Girl seemed to be watching me all afternoon!!)



First Strawberries

You are going to think I have lapsed into Mrs Boring.  Somehow I just haven’t gotten my act together lately!
We did do a tip trip today though – it was a big load of stuff… not just the normal rubbish and recycling but also a lot of the old fence materials and other things gathered since the tree clean up and clearing out the shed.
A good feeling to have that done.
And the trailer is free of junk so I can collect another load of mushroom compost! Yay! Then I will be cooking with gas!!!
The weather was mildly better today. Not any rain, just still gloomy. Not as cold either which was nice.
However – I got a tiny harvest of slightly chewed strawberries! Seems the bugs always find the first ones.
I think there is something wrong with my brain though. I ate the one strawberry that was whole and bug free. It was an explosion of sweet and amazing taste!
I then cut out the holey bits to eat the rest. From here it gets hazy. I cannot remember if they went on a little plate. I cannot remember eating them. I cannot find the plate I thought I put them on.
Its like when you get captured by aliens and then you have this big block of unexplained time. Thats where my strawberries went.
Ahhh – the little mysteries in life!!
Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!!


Sapphires – Tiny Tiny

Hello! How is everyone? It turned a bit cold today – I didn’t do so much. Nagging headache that seems comfortable to stick around!
Got some snaps of the tiny chips of sapphires. You’d chuckle to see a photo with scale. As it is, the close up photos look more impressive than real life, but it is a lot of fun to find them, no matter if they are teensy!

Tonight we were treated to a spectacular storm! We don’t usually get the thunder and lightning here, but it really turned it on for a while!
I stood out the back in the dark to watch, thinking I could just enjoy without the camera… but on and on it went so I caved in and went and got it. Only hand held, didn’t bother setting up tripods etc, but managed to get a few streaks on the ‘film’

Its all gone quiet… everyone is in bed, storm has finished. Time to tuck Pip up and head off.
Hopefully the weather will be nice tomorrow and my head not headachy and Emma and I get to do some interesting things!
Have a great day!

I think the last is my favourite. To get lightning shots you get a LOT of failed totally black frames! lol


Hi! Gorgeous day down here in Tassie!
We took Emma out to the spot where we pan for sapphires and had a nice couple of hours in the creek.

We found lots of zircon, and happily also a few nice little chips of sapphires! We have yet to separate them out, but planning on getting a photo or 10 when we do!

Check out this sweet conical nest that was in the tree above us!

The rest of the afternoon – in between chicken wrangling, watering etc I made a batch of raspberry jam (clearing another spot in the freezer!) and made up a double batch of lemon cordial out of the lemons we picked up from Ruby’s the other day.
Hope your day was just as nice as mine!

Bit of Travel

Brrrrr – I am sitting here a bit chilly!!
Everyone is in bed, its past midnight and Pip is snugged up under my windcheater!
Was just doing housework yesterday and prepping a few things for the arrival of my sister and niece, Rosemary and Emma!!
Today we spent the day in Launceston, mostly frequenting their camping/hiking shops before collecting the girls at the airport and coming home.
Excited to see them and hang out over the next few days. Only got Rose until Sunday, Emma we get to keep a week or so longer!!
My electric blanket warmed bed is beckoning me, so best be off!!
Hope everyone has had a fabulous day!

Walks, Beaches & Photos

Speed blogging. I am sure I should have been in bed two hours ago! I think I have an allergy that prevents me from getting to bed at Sensible O’Clock.
I was going to drop by last night, but spent a number of hours with a torch in the backyard looking for two wayward chooks that had gotten themselves out of the yard but clearly failed getting back into it before sundown!

I found one hunkered down in the celery, but we couldn’t find the other.
So we came in and had dinner etc… later I went back out because I was worried she might not survive the night out of the coop. Finally at 11pm I found her roosted in the tree in the duck yard garden!!!! How she managed to get in there I don’t know!! Silly chook.
Yes… wings are being clipped as I get the opportunity!!

Cherie is having a nice time here… although she is very much feeling the muscles in her legs as we are doing a bit more walking than she has had a chance to in recent times! Hot shower and early night for my night owl friend tonight! haha

She has been a long time member of the photo challenge so its fun having a photo buddy here to play around with creating ideas and photos for it.

Yesterdays subject was “Drink/s” I photographed and consumed my plum liqueur.

Today we walked up over Rocky Cape to see the view of Anniversary Bay. Lots of tiny little bush spring flowers are out. Happy I had the right lens for them today.

I thought these buds were the way the flower was but on closer inspection I spotted a couple that had opened! Tiny fluffy things!!

The usual spiky plants:

An upcoming subject is ‘Balance’ So I mucked about seeing if I could show myself balancing. Cherie was sad she put her camera away and couldn’t capture how ridiculous I was looking!

I fell back to arranging rocks…

We then went into Wynyard to find ‘Street Art’ or graffiti.
That was amusing! Not much on offer and most of the graffiti was little boy stuff. A few badly spelled incantations (Ppaise Satan) and some other inappropriate hilariousness.

Someone in town is pretty keen to get us all on the Flat Earth bandwagon – lots of these ‘Research Flat Earth’ notes about town.
I settled on this sad lady for the challenge though –

From there it was a walk in the gardens by the river before heading home

Hope you are all having a lovely week!