Waterfalls & Photo Challenges!

Hi There!!
I am running about madly. (Whats new?? haha)
We picked up our friend Cherie from Lanceston yesterday and had a picnic and walk down to Liffey Falls which was really lovely.
A bit of a visit to the cheese place on the way home which has been slightly gobbled up for lunch/dinner today!

The photo challenge is moving into day three… today was “LINES”

We went to one of the local beaches so I could do a ‘Glass’ photo (For tomorrow)(Penguin beach so I could hunt up some sea glass)

We enjoyed ourselves down there fossicking through the gorgeous stones and glass.

Trying to keep up with commenting on all the fabulous photos that are appearing in the albums to keep everyone encouraged and of course generally maintaining the whole process (kinda haha)

I dropped 10 of my calendars down to the local gift shop, so that was exciting. I really hope they sell.
Oh – the calendars arrived yesterday and I was thrilled with the quality of the printing, so that was good.

Sorry this is really just a fly-by. I suspect that will be the same for the rest of the week with one thing or another 🙂

Hope your week is going well!

Busy Day

I know I have posted this photo before… However.
I am using it as my RED photo for the new photo challenge I am running on facebook.  At least I took it within the correct time frame!!
I wanted to get back and brainstorm something different but I have just run out of time. It starts tomorrow so… just have to go with it!

Today was a bit mad. So much on my list before heading up the highway to hopefully collect my friend tomorrow!

Of course there was the obligatory house clean (mostly successful)
I baked a cake, went to the supermarket to get things for a picnic lunch tomorrow and pre cooked dinner for tomorrow night as I know I won’t feel like thinking or doing anything extravagant when we get home.

We had the sad task of dispatching one of our chooks. Yes I cried a lot. She was one of the older ones and she just was going downhill. She couldn’t get up very well yesterday, so we popped her in the cat carrier with some fresh hay to spend a warm night inside. Then she got some sunshine today with some special food which she even ate a little of out of my hand.
It was the first time I had helped Jeff with this task.  Its not nice, but its quick and humane. Another little plot.
Jeff said the day this task gets easy is the day we give up having our chickens.

Once I had sufficiently recovered to go out in public, we put the trailer on to go get our woodchips for the front path. To find the shop shut. Seems there is a public holiday down here. We continued on to Ruby’s where we helped Margie pull up all the strawberries and dump in a heap of compost to get the raised bed filled back up again ready to go. We have left the planting for Ruby to do!
She was having a slow day today, so being sensible and resting.

So lots of bits and pieces we done today… didn’t even bring out the camera!!

Hope your Sunday is/was peaceful!



Yard Work

How is your weekend going??
It was a very spring day – swinging between sunny to windy to raining and back again!
We did a quick lap around the river track. Jeff was trying out his new backpack . Its nice seeing a bit of colour out in the bush now too!

We were going to do two laps, but ended up just doing one as Jeff wanted to mow and I wanted to get the front path cleaned up.

It was good timing actually because when we finished the first lap it was raining a bit anyway, so we just went home and had lunch. By the time that was done, so was the rain!!

Pretty much everything around the yard looks shabby. So much work to be done to get things nice & not least get the vegetables in!!
But we also figured that having the front look a bit less scruffy was a good thing to work on.
Jeff got out his mower and I tackled the weedy path. We want to get a couple of loads of new woodchip for it (tomorrow??)

Things look so much nicer after a spruce up!

Jeff helped me finish off the path and boarder.

I stuck the spade in and cleared the grass from the edging which improved things no end!

I am now looking forward to seeing the path topped up with its new woodchips! A vast improvement!

I realised with horror that I had completely forgotten about those poor rhubarb I brutalised and replanted!! I hadn’t watered them since the day they got moved!! I went down to water them yesterday and saw they were actually pretty happy looking!

The garlic is going along well too… although the whole area needs a good soaking! Can you believe it is dry after all that never ending rain??

Sneaky chook followed me into the garden!!

I found two little lavender plants growing in the front pathway!! One is really quite sturdy. So I put them in pots and if they look ok, I’ll add them to my stall.

The outside snow peas are doing fine.

Baby cherry plums appearing!!

All in all, not a bad Saturday!!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!




Calendars Ordered!

Righto! I know you saw the above picture yesterday, but…
I am so tired!! Its silly to feel so tired being on the computer most of the night and day – I feel more perky after digging in the garden!!
So… after a lot of agonising and some consultation with one of my sisters who I was lucky enough to catch online to pester, I settled on my 13 images and ordered 25 calendars.

January: Barn Bluff as seen from Cradle Mt Summit

February: Mosses from Cradle Mt NP

March: Fossil Bluff

April: From the garden

May: Face Track, Cradle Mt NP

June: West Coast Beaches

July: Liffey Falls

August: Driftwood at Black River Beach

September: Pandani

October: Spring Dragonfly

November: Anniversary Bay, Rocky Cape NP

December: Rock colours of the NW Coast

So… there you have it!
Now a bit nervous that they print them nicely!
I need to also go and source some large envelopes to present them in and cut up some cardboard to package.
The local shop will take 10 and a few other people have expressed interest at buying some, so that’s a nice start!
Tomorrow I will think of prices and look into postage. (Don’t want to rush these things do we?? haha)

Might be time to get some dinner and go find out where I was up to in Battlestar Galactica!! 😀

PS – This is not a hard sell, but if anyone is interested just let me know in the comments and we will talk 😀

A Walk Around Dove Lake

Hello! How is everyone?
I hope those of you in close proximity to hurricanes have battened down the hatches and have done everything to keep out of harms way.
Please take care!

Today was continually drizzly and dreadful. I only got half dressed  – still in my pj bottoms which is nice and convenient (and comfortable!)
Mum and Dad caught up with friends and I got to crochet, process photos and enjoy the fire. (Tough life, I know!)

Our day at Cradle was really lovely. There was a fine misty rain most of the day, but not too bad. The clouds hung over the mountain and we were only given small glimpses through the mist.

Its the first time Mum and Dad have done the Dove Lake circuit and even though it wore them out – they really enjoyed it.

I think Cradle is more interesting in the rain and gloom – the colours are fabulous

That yellow!

And red –

Of course the damp weather means all the mosses look amazing!

The trees are all tangled

The pathways around the lake are pretty well done and easy to use. Makes it quite accessible to many ages and abilities!

Some of the pandani are just huge! (Grass trees)

Parents enjoying themselves… still feeling chilled though! I don’t realise how much I have aclimatised to the cooler weather until I am wandering about in a light shirt thinking its rather nice and warm, while they are adding another five layers!!

We would catch little glimpses of the Cradle at times…

Funny going from dark and green forest areas suddenly into the open!

OK… Everyone, look this way… got to take a photo!!
(Dad stuffs sandwich in mouth…)(Daughter tells him off for not paying attention haha)

The bold and clever currawongs! Not a bit shy about coming in to try to steal your lunch!

So much to see on this walk!

I love the Ballroom Forest. Its a really pretty section of the walk.

Hi Jeff!!

Towards the end of the circuit there are a few climbs that really tested my poor parents out! They did an amazing job though. (They are in their 70’s afterall!!)

Finally they started to shed layers rather than add them!

We even got a bit of a rainbow there at the end!

Such a great day out, we enjoyed showing my parents the area, tasty picnic, beautiful drive down and back.
I tell you, we all slept well that night!






Dove Lake

G’day! Just a quick fly-by from me!
Its been a lovely day – long one so I am rather ready to curl up in bed with a book early!
Mum and Dad are the last of our immediate family who hadn’t done the Dove Lake circuit.
Its close to a 6km round trip – bit of ‘up’ towards the latter part of the walk. My parents did a pretty great job although everyone is pretty tired now.
The weather wasn’t too bad – a light drizzle during a lot of the day and clouds mostly covered the mountain – but as you all know it can be a LOT worse!!!
I’ll sort the photos for a proper post tomorrow (probably) as we haven’t got much planned.
Hope everyone’s Monday started splendidly!!

How gorgeous are these trees in the rain?? The yellow is stunning

Sloth Day

Hi there!
Parents requested a Sloth Day and it was pretty nice!
It was raining – a lot – so being cosy by the fire spending time catching up and enjoying their company was perfect.
Mum and I did a bit of knitting/crochet, Dad played some computer games and I gave him a lesson on how to play the new version of Bejewelled! 😀

Fiona dropped in to catch up with us all so that was fun. We got to relive a few of the funny moments of the Overland Track hike for my parents, which amused them greatly.

We had a really fab dinner… I’d been saving some of the nice steaks for when they arrived and was able to add home grown pumpkin and potatoes to the plate as well.

You know… I might even manage that early night I have been aiming to achieve for a couple of weeks!


Short River Walk

A lovely day – well… it was a bit dodgy weather wise but not so bad that we were stuck inside all day!
We decided to do a bit of a walk around the river. They have finally (after two years) built a new bridge and fixed the track after it all was washed away in the floods.

Its a bit fancy – and well above where the old bridge was, so little chance of it being washed away again.

So now we can do the entire circuit again!

Some of the paddocks haven’t been refenced so it gives things a lovely open feel.

Lots of pademelons living around here! Didn’t have the zoom on to get up close to these fellows!

Plenty of birds to see on the way.

The tide was on its way out so it gets muddy looking.

Mum got a bit warm so her arctic jacket became her arctic skirt!

We got to the bridge near town and Mum and Dad opted to walk into town and meet us there rather than walk the full circuit.
I told them I was putting them in training as we plan to go to Cradle Mountain Monday to do the Dove Lake walk… hee hee

(Weird tree stump lichen/fungi growing on the splinters. It looked cooler in real life…)

The wattle trees are looking gorgeous! I was pretty amazed at the size of this one and a few others. I hadn’t really seen them grow that tall!

Anyway, it was a lovely day finishing up with my parents taking us and  other cousins out to dinner tonight, so we are all full and happy!



I went out visiting today! I hadn’t seen my cousin Leonie in an eon. They recently finished building a house so I went for a sticky-beak and a good long catch up! Was awesome!

I confess I did take my new cardigan out for a walk in Wynyard!! (Even without its buttons and pockets!) I am looking for button inspiration. I don’t know what I want. I suspect I need to see it first!
I made the pockets but will get my clever dress-making mother to help me position them correctly before sewing them on.

Re Phone. Still not connected. Still know nothing.
I am trying the ‘scatter-gun’ approach (Basically I am messaging and emailing everyone that I can to annoy them into fixing the problem.)
I did get this gem of a message that might amuse you as it did me:

“I have confirmed with my team here that the NBN Faults team are not able to contact customers via email. They would need an active phone service to contact you directly.”

Yes. An active phone service would be lovely. And if I HAD an active service I suspect we wouldn’t be having this annoying conversation!!!

Stay Strong 😀



Nothing Much

Hi there!

No photos from me today!
The rain returned so I did some other things.
I did get back out to Spotlight and picked up the last packs of that green yarn as my niece Emma has expressed interest in having a similar cardigan made. (And because I am an awesome Aunty I am going to do it, I’ll get her to add it to my points tally because I am fully expecting her to help Jeff and I out when we are old and senile since we don’t have kids haha)

I finished the cardigan tonight!! I am so pleased with myself – its taken less than a week (helps when you don’t get distracted making other things). It still needs buttons which I won’t hurry about – I want to find the right ones for it. I’ll probably make some pockets for it too, but for now, its wearable. Its pretty heavy too… I think about 2 kgs, but its amazingly snug and I can’t wait to go out tomorrow and prance about town in it!!
Will get some snaps taken in the light to show you soon.

And we still have no phone and proper internet connection.
I braved getting back to their (not so) help(ful) chat line with Agent #10 and gave them my case number and all the details that I have to repeat every time and re emphasised that we did NOT have a mobile phone. According to the 4th agent I was messaging on Thursday last week it was put into the notes in bold type.

Whats the first question? What is your best contact number?
Its not that hard is it?
I answer “Since Telstra cut us off we have no phone – no landline and we do not own a mobile phone” (For the squillionth time)
Next question… “There is this mobile number associated with your account, is it active?”
Happily for the agent, we were typing not actually talking on a phone because I might have said a ‘few’ rude words at that point. (I couldn’t help it… they burst forth!)
Was time to break out the CAPS LOCK again to emphasise in no uncertain terms that We. Have. No. Mobile. Phone.
Oh, says agent. That must be frustrating (you have no idea…) but it would be so much more convenient for out specialist team to be able to call you!
(This is me starting to twitch)
Yep… sorry to inconvenience you. Like because not having our service for a couple of weeks is not inconvenient for us at all!!!!
I will bet my bottom dollar that I will not hear a thing despite all the new set of promises made today until I contact the help line again and go through all this again and  train a new agent into accepting our lack of mobile phone status.
I think getting our phone service back might be quicker if I just sign up with a new carrier. The only thing is, the cost is something I don’t really want to have to bear right now.
Oh well… first world problems!! It actually amuses me how completely incompetent one of the largest communications companies in Australia actually is.
It is a pain, but happily, since I am not welded to phones and we have limited internet access, its not the be all and end all.
(But boy oh boy once the phone is back the billing team is going to get a call from me!!)

Anyway, time to chuck another log on the fire to see if it will burn over night for me, and get to bed!
Hope your Monday starts fantastically!