Friday Done!

How weird! I have a normal weekend like a normal person! I even have to go back to work on Monday!!
Its been a long week really. I am not used to sitting inside concentrating on people talking! Its more tiring than I would have suspected. I get very fidgety and uncomfortable by the end of the day!
It’s harder to keep up concentration when you can’t join in the discussion or ask questions or generally be involved!
We are nearly done. The judge didn’t want to finish her summing up of points regarding the law and make us deliberate on Friday afternoon/evening after a long day listening again. So we are back Monday to hopefully come to a decision.

Even at this point I am still undecided – as I mentioned before, its a tricky case.
Will be glad to get it done and dusted.
This weekend the weather is meant to be dismal… still hoping for some garden time as I need to not be inside for a while!
Was lovely and foggy this morning. I had time to take a couple of snaps before heading out.

So… for my ‘Real Weekend Like Normal People’ what have I got planned?
Pretty sure the house needs a vacuum! Love the fire, could do without the debris & dust it brings! Oh well.
Garlic – more in the dehydrator!
Mind just went blank. I ran up a mental list of about 20 things I had to do over the weekend while I was cooking dinner!!
Yawn – (thats me yawning in the real world here) I suppose I better get to bed and tomorrow I will regale you of tales of all the useful things I did with my Saturday!

Happy weekend everyone!


Just dropping by to say hi!
Trial still going on. Got quite interesting this afternoon! (As opposed to yesterday afternoon where it got to be a challenge to concentrate!)
I have succeeded in remembering all 10 of my fellow jurors names. We lost one juror after the first day as he belatedly recognised a conflict of interest.
So… any guesses on who was chosen to be the Juror foreperson?
Yah – I have the responsibility of reading out the verdict when the time comes.
Better get to bed – this real person schedule takes some adjusting to!!
Hope everyone’s week is going wonderfully and you are as happy and content as Pip looks in the above photo!

A Week In Court.

Well… I suspect I shall be a little boring this week.
I went into court this morning and got picked to sit on the jury. The judge estimates a five day trial, so thats my schedule fixed!!
It was an annoyingly gorgeous day out there too!!

Clearly I can’t talk about anything, so I will just say I am getting a bit more crochet done while we are stuck in rooms waiting for things to happen.
We got out later than usual tonight, so I need to go fix myself some kind of lunch to take tomorrow to do it all again!

How was everybody elses Monday?


An eggciting moment (sorry, couldn’t help myself. I have eaten a lot of sugary rubbish today)
Anyway, one of our flock has graduated from ‘Free Loading Slacker’ to a more productive member of the family. With luck I will be able to bake something in a day or two!

It was meant to pour all day, however there were good bursts of sunshine, so I was compelled to go out and at least finish the last bit of the first garlic patch (60 cloves now planted)

Winter strawberries! Sadly most are being eaten before I get a chance either by bugs or birds.

This one has thistle protection!

I decided to give the chewed ones to the chooks – love the way the new girls have learned to come running when they see me! (Usually means treats of some sort)

First suspicion, then joy. They chased this girl all over the place for her strawberry!!

Maybe one of these days I will pick the runner bean pods…

The herbs are doing nicely. The parsley is still everywhere and the oregano is bouncing back

I want to pick and dry the thyme next

I had hung the rosemary in the lounge to dry a little further. Today I crunched all the leaves off the stalks. (Smelled amazing) and put the tray by the fire for a last bought of drying time.

I then spent a lot of the rest of the day binge watching something that Kirrily introduced me to and ended up glued to the screen (and crocheting) (and eating terrible things)
I now really need to go to bed!!

Not a bad start to the weekend really! Hope yours is wonderful and fun!

Rainy Day!

Well… today certainly wasn’t an outdoor day!
We have had some excellent downpours though!
So I cleaned the fire out, did some vacuuming (because no matter if you vacuumed a couple of days ago, when you have a wood heater it seems it always looks like you have neglected housework for a month!)

I also did laundry. Snicker.
(S’pose thats what the fire is for)

Well… everything is getting a good drink and the tanks are full!

My blanket is coming along – will pack it in my bag for tomorrow so I can continue with it if jury duty becomes a bit…. yawn!

So… better get organised and into bed so I am not late for court tomorrow!!

No Vampires Today

Pip and I hung out together inside (mostly) today.
The wind is cold and quite gusty – it rained on and off.
I did manage to sell some knitted gloves – just messaging a friend who wants a pair to give as a present so thats good. I had half a pair almost made so it shouldn’t take too long to whip up the other cuff!

So… garlic. Figured I should sort out what I had.

The early variety is clearly ready to get into the ground – last week preferably!!
I sat and separated all the cloves from the bulbs and into containers – one for the plantable early purple, a couple for the normal white, and one container of cloves to cook or dehydrate!
Do you know how LONG this takes???

I suppose thats why buying seed garlic is so expensive.
Now I have a few hundred plantable cloves, I am wondering how much more weeding I need to do to get these in the dirt?

Anyway… its another job done.
We shall see what the weather is like tomorrow before committing to being out there. Hopefully good because as of Wednesday I am due in Burnie for jury duty… no idea how long that might take! (Will assuredly be taking my knitting and crochet as I remember a lot of sitting about last time!!)



Hello! Hope everyone has a great Monday!
I went back to the doc today – most of my bloodwork all hunky-dory. Calcium behaving, not coeliac (YAY) but I do have a permanent condition which stops B12 from being absorbed into my system, so its lifelong injections for me!
I wasn’t distressed. I was too busy being pleased about not being coeliac. (Higher chance for me with my Mum having it and one of my sisters!)
I do love my fresh baked bread VERY much!!

So – life returning to ‘normal’ here in Tasmania.
I do have some obligations at the court house mid June with a Jury Duty summons, but I think we have run out of guests!!

I’m pretty sure I need to start writing lists again. There is a swag of jobs I want to start getting stuck into. They are all running amok in my head so its time to put them firmly on paper then I can start to prioritise what comes first!

By the way, all the photos are just some of the rock photos I have taken over the last few days. I thought they were pretty.

Today we also went ‘into town’ (Burnie) to do a few things. I really needed a new food processor as my little ‘Gee-Whizzer’ broke! I felt a bit sad about that but boy, has it ever done some work over the last 10 years!! Not bad!
I looked at some yarn but nothing tickled my fancy.
I also stocked up on bread flour.
So all in all, fairly mundane.

I finished off another couple of berets today – must make some labels and get them into the local hand-made shop. They will sell better than sitting in a bag in our lounge room!

I think tomorrow morning we are going down to pan for sapphires! The weather is a bit dodgy so will wait and see how horrible it looks before fully committing!
Hope your week starts brilliantly!

Eclectic Snaps

Sometimes the Universe wants to know why??

Hello! How is everyone’s weekend going? Hope you are having a great time! We are enjoying trundling up and down the local coastline with our friends and returning in the evenings to relax in front of the fire!

We enjoyed some time in the sun at Fossil Bluff, then drove over Table Cape where we found the perfectly plowed paddock! So beautiful!

Then a stroll up Sister’s Beach

Sophie and Michael enjoying their relaxing few days in Tasmania!

A closer look at the lichens

Little bit of coral

Today we went to Stanley and climbed The Nut… but we also went down to the base along the wharf for a different view!

Leftovers from times past

Michael couldn’t resist a bit of fun with the seagulls and the last of our chips… I was on hand to snap the bedlam.

Sadly the light disappears all too quickly these days. Time to head home!

Hope your weekend is fabulous!

Sunset over The Nut, Stanley.




Friends and Waterfalls

Hello – My first real lengthy day out in a while!
So lovely to see my school friend Sophie and meet her husband Michael today! They are doing a quick trip in Tassie – only here until Sunday!

Today we collected them at the airport and went off to Liffey Falls for a walk and a picnic!

Its a beautiful area down there – World Natural Heritage Area – huge ‘man ferns’ and pretty falls.

Its a nice leisurely walk down to the bottom of the falls and not too taxing going back up again!

Fluffy fungi

I actually expected to see more water over the falls, but I guess we really haven’t had that much rain up this way since I was on the hike.

Anyway, bedtime for me! Planning to visit some local beaches tomorrow!


New Beret

I made something for ME!

Mum bought me an early Christmas Present! 🙂 This lovely hand spun/dyed wool. So I have turned it into a beret – even wore it out today to test it in the gloomy cold weather! Its rather cosy!
I am hoping to make gloves out of whats left.

I did get down to the market to buy wheat and straw for our chooks. We also had Fiona and her two boys in tonight for dinner and a movie – was lots of fun! (And yes Mum – if you are reading this I also did some resting!!)

I had a lovely visit from our friend Maureen the other day, who brought a plate of fresh baked/made Kiss Biscuits (cookies)
And oh my! Aren’t they super??? mmmm Managed to get a quick snap before we gutsed them all

Time to put Pip to bed and make a move to my own pillow 🙂

Hope your Sunday was restful/fun.

Why not a quick selfie with Pip?