Hi there!
Sorry for the none appearance in the last couple of days. I seem to be getting out of whack with everything!
We did get out for a walk – as you can see from the above photo. I thought it would be a great idea to take my new boots for a test run (hike).
And… because I am an idiot, I thought the very best idea was to just put them on and do a two hour hike over Anniversary Bay instead of taking them to the supermarket… or down to visit the chickens… or a lap around the kitchen.
Oh yeah… didn’t take bandaids either.
You can work the results out for yourselves! haha
At least we remembered the fly veils… the flies have been really sticky lately.
OK… so, yesterday the weather kicked up a fuss and we woke to howling wind, rain, a drop in temperature and no power for over 10 hours.
My most recent corn patch was being flattened, so between rain squalls, I set up the netting over the patch just to give it a little bit more of a wind break
Today I got back onto the relish that I started the other day – since the power seemed to be staying on. So nice to have a full batch again ready to scoff into!
Oh and check out the mealworm gang!! I have lots that have turned into pupae!! I still don’t know exactly what I am doing yet, but so far so good:
They wriggle a bit when you poke them
Then, every now and again I pinch off a cos lettuce flower bud and empty out the seeds. Not something I could sit and do in one hit… so many and so little and fiddly. So just a few here and there every now and again and I should end up with a nice collection of seeds.
So … Timeline?
Wanna hear whats on the go? (Feel free to skip to tomato photo at the end!!!)
This weekend we are taking on a boarder. My cousins girlfriend needed a place to move to, so we thought we would put up our hand. We have thought about renting a room for ages, but… procrastination set in and also working out how to get someone that is not an axe murderer. (And who loved Pip)
We cleared out her room of our ‘stuff’ dusted, pulled out furniture, vacuumed, mopped, removed spiderwebs etc etc. Its about done and hopefully comfy.
In 10 days three Japanese boys arrive and stay for about three weeks although we are working out how to get them over to my friend in Melbourne (Rachel) for a few days as well and the cheapest options for them to do it. (The Bass Straight can be an expensive bit of water!)
Room upstairs is about half ready. Lots of ideas in my head on where to take them and things to do! (and cook!)
Pretty much the day the boys fly out, my business partner and his wife from my Canberra business are coming to stay for a week!! Can’t wait to see them as they haven’t seen our place in Tasmania yet!
The day they are planning on leaving is the day Jeff heads off on his Overland Trek.
Today I got a message from another Japanese friend to say her daughter and cousin are coming to visit in April.
9th – 22nd and want to also squeeze in a visit to Rachel in Melbourne/Ballarat and my sister Rosemary in Brisbane.
Mind you… on the 14th April is when Fiona and I head off on our Overland hike!!
I think that is about it without the obvious inclusions of the normal things to be done in the garden/kitchen etc etc.
Not scared.
Time to install that revolving door??
I am really looking forward to seeing everyone and playing tour guide.
Never a dull moment! But I will be a happier person once I get the housework under control!
Hope everyone is having a splendid week!