Bit of This & That

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I think I just got lucky!

The thunder was rumbling over the hills just before dark tonight. I stood out the back admiring the lightning – and got quite a few shots of empty sky. The above shot was a bit of a fluke, but it made me happy! Very hard to capture a strike like that in daylight!

Anyway – Monday has been and gone for me. Just a couple of random images and events to share


Cut up my last pumpkin. I made part of it into soup and the rest of the pieces are now in the freezer waiting for the next time I need pumpkin on the table.

The soup is very straight-forward!

I bake my pumpkin – better flavour.
I fry up some onion in a pot, add some chicken stock, (I put in a litre today) added the pumpkin, and also a couple of potatoes to simmer.
Once the potatoes are cooked, I use the ‘Gee Whizzer’ to puree. I also then like to put in a can of coconut milk. Gives it that creamy-dreamy flavour!
(Probably add salt to taste)
Anyway – its easy with minimum ingredients and tasted pretty good!

I also saved the seeds

I filled this bowl pretty quickly. Have another bowl full. How many pumpkin seeds does one need?

Then there was accidental-guest torture


The chillies in the hothouse that stayed alive over winter have been putting out very very small fruit. So I went and nipped most of them off in hope that the plants will reflower and grow more impressive sized chillies over the summer. These, as well as being small, have no heat and are almost like a capsicum to chew on


So I am giving my friend Rachel the grand tour of the garden, I pick a chilli, bite the end off and wax lyrical about how sweet it is.
Then hand it over.
As Rachel takes a bite I am saying “See, not hot at all! Just like a red capsicum”
Her eyes welled up a bit as she said in a small voice “Well, it seems hot to me…”
She is thinking I am totally bad-ass chewing on raw chilli and I am thinking she must be pretty sensitive, so I took the chilli back and took another bite to make sure.
Holy Cats!! I made a bee-line for the strawberry patch to start trying to put the fire out in my mouth!! I think it was about half an hour before my taste buds came back to life. 🙂
Ahhhh – the perils of gardening!
(BTW Rachel has fully forgiven me.)

I bought an old ladder at the market yesterday – I wanted a shoe rack for the grungy outdoor footwear.
I might eventually paint it…


Anyway, hope your Monday is/was fabulous.
We have the rain back and the weeds are growing… like weeds!! Must get back into the gardening clothes ASAP!


Sweet pea – self sown & smell gorgeous




Two Markets, Three Beaches & a Bit of Garden


Hello! What a beautiful sunny day we had!!

My friend Rachel and I took full advantage! We started at the local markets by the beach, then moved on to Penguin markets, followed by a short tour of my favourite rock-collecting beach at Penguin (See here) (I only picked up 6 rocks today! Inconceivable!)

Sisters Beach – with a tide so high there was no beach!

We were very keen this afternoon for a decent stroll up one of the local beaches – so we trotted off to Sisters Beach. Note to self… must check tide times!!
Here is a reminder of how much sand and walking space there is at low tide:


This was when we got there this afternoon:


It was a bit disappointing not to be able to go for that nice long walk! Usually at high tide there is still a few meters of beach to walk on. Not today!

I like the tea tree stained water at the mouth of the river here that runs into the ocean.

So – thwarted there, we decided to drive one beach over to Boat Harbour for a look.  The tide didn’t cover the entire beach at least – but even though its such a pretty area, not much space for a decent walk. Still… lovely to wiggle our toes in the sand and admire the view

Greetings from Rachel and Lisa


The drive along the coast had gorgeous views today


Looking inland

I am managing to keep the garden watered, and paying a little bit of attention to it – probably need a good days work tidying up the enthusiastic weeds that grow faster than anything and everything (except maybe the lawn!)

Raspberry canes full of flowers and forming fruit! Can’t wait to be picking fresh raspberries again!
The original compost is sprouting a fine crop of potatoes!! Bonus!! 
They are even flowering! So they are way ahead of the main vegetable patches potatoes!


Little tomatoes getting bigger daily!
The outside lettuce plot is looking pretty fabulous!
Small lettuce from in the hothouse (self seeded) has been going well and we have been using them on sandwiches daily

I managed to take a little time (in between swanning about at beaches) to tie up my hothouse tomatoes. Instead of staking them, I like to hang some stocking from the roof and simply twine it around the tomato stems. As the tomato grows, I can untwine and redo tighter/higher.

Starting to sprawl everywhere
Pulled back off the ground
Carrot seeds forming well. Might have to put a little fine mesh bag over it to catch the tiny seeds

And we even got a tiny handful of strawberries to finish the day with!

Hope you are having (or have had) a splendid weekend!



PS Occasional extras on my Facebook Page 

Waterfall of the Unexpected

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Practically in the middle of town!

Hello! Hope your weekend has started well!

Rachel and I were up at a very civilised hour to do a bit of a drive around the city of Burnie (which is about 25 minutes down the road from us) to get a feel for the area, as Rachel is still investigating her property investment idea.

As we were filling in time near a property we were going to view, we went for a short walk, only to come across this waterfall and walk! We have lived here 5 years now and were totally clueless this existed at the other end of a park I drive past every time we duck into Burnie (granted not that often, but still…)


This flower grew in mass up the hill

We spent a very pleasant half an hour or so wandering down the pathway to the gardens





Edge of the bush area – a mass of forget-me-nots under the trees

Down at the other end of the park (the bit I knew about) showed off some gorgeous flowers…. not least the yellow iris that I now want to add to my collection!


Again – middle of the day not optimal for photos but here are a couple of the many roses that were growing in the park



See? Blue sky!

We wandered back up to the residential area and enjoyed just loafing about on the grass chatting and enjoying sea views.

Its nice to literally stop and smell the roses sometimes!



Flower Arranging With No Style



Last night our friend Rachel called and asked to come and stay for a few days – from tomorrow! Sure!! Excellent!!

But it did mean leaving my beloved garden for a day and attending to some housework to scrub the place up a bit.

The nice thing about spring when you have some visitors, its easy to brighten up the place with flowers.

Tedious as I find housework, I did have a lovely time picking flowers and filling every available vase and vase-shaped pot in the house.

Yes I lived in Japan – No I did not attend flower arranging classes. Result? Iris explosion!

Most of these iris were drooped over the lawn and since Jeff was mowing (again!!) today, I thought I would pick all the awkward ones and enjoy them inside.

This is slightly more zen…
I bought this sweet little vase/bowl in Japan. The turtle at the bottom with his strategic holes makes arranging flowers easier
Daisy ball
Tiny bunny vase – given to me by a lovely Japanese friend


My one dollar bargain at the local markets!!
Tiny Japanese cream jug
Saki Bottle! (clearly Japanese)
A while ago I saw this chook-jug and couldn’t resist. Makes a decent vase
Another favourite Japanese vase – stands or hangs on the wall
Spindly Granny-Bonnet

Even after picking so many flowers – it doesn’t make a dint in the garden at all! Awesome time of year!

Hope you had a lovely day


Pips reaction to the lack of fire most evenings recently.


Super Moon Night

Snap-dragon that I didn’t plant! Bonus!

Hello! Monday!! It was such a scrappy running about kind of day. At least it wasn’t raining & the wind wasn’t too bad either!

I did spend a bit of time at Ruby’s this afternoon getting some of the weeding done – but I will save that for Ruby Tuesday 🙂

Jeff made a great start on removing the grass from the new garden area!


The blue box is housing a collection of weird things that he has been digging up. I must take a proper look at what he has found so far.

And look!! So excited to see a baby tomato!


Tonight we trotted ourselves down to Fossil Bluff to see if we could see the super moon. The clouds obscured the initial rising, but it did come out at one point for us.




Switching to my wide angle – see? Lots of clouds!
I enjoyed watching the moonlight on the water…

Did you get to see the super moon in your part of the world??

Have a great start to the week everyone!


Doing Nothing

Glad we got lots done while the weather was behaving

Hello! How is everyones weekend going?

I woke to the sound of rain bucketing down, so I didn’t hurry out of my warm bed.

I then managed to stay in my nightie for a disgracefully long time today before finally stirring myself to get dressed! It was lovely!

Going out to feed the chickens and water some of the hothouse plants – Got very soggy very quickly!

I did have a couple of outside tasks – I didn’t tarry tho! It just wasn’t nice to be out there.

The flowers look nice in the rain… and are probably enjoying a prolonged drink

I managed to bake a chocolate cake – slightly sad I discovered I had no icing sugar to finish the job! Oh well.

A rest day was great after hauling all those rocks about and digging. So I am not going to whinge and complain about the continual bucketing rain!

Hope your weekend is super!


Gilder Rose petals fallen on the path like snow!


Yay – Corn!

Yes, I know thats not corn

Hello – late notes from me. Last night WordPress was having a hissy fit about uploading photos so I gave it up and went to bed. Mind you – most of the day was about housework so its not like I had mega-exciting stories for you.

Except the corn…I was pretty excited to go down to the plot yesterday afternoon and see lots of little corn spikes poking up!!


Amazing since the day before I went over that area with a fine tooth comb and there was nothing showing at all!!  I also went down in the misty rain last night to make sure there wasn’t a lot of snails/slugs hanging about.

Need a home in the outside gardens soon!

So pleased that these tomatoes from seed haven’t died!! First time I have gotten seed this far from tomatoes!!


Anyway – I have to go and decide what to do with the day – gloomy and VERY soggy out there today. I can’t say I am inspired to do much at all!!

Hope your day is great!


Endings and beginnings

Fence Project

The weather is trying to impress us – its working!

Hello! Wow – Friday again. That came around quick!

We had an excellent day – the weather was showing off by not raining again, so we were outside pretty much for all of it.

After attending to seedings, watering etc, we thought we might as well try to do something with the umpteen free pallets we scored the other day

Some will be useful for making ‘stuff’ others will suffice as kindling.
But wait- there’s more! (and willow branches)

I have a fair few pallet projects pinned on Pinterest, none of which I have really gotten into as yet. But we really did need a new fence on the top side of the property

Mostly chicken-proof – but not pretty

All we have done to keep the chickens to their side of the yard, was unravel some chicken wire and bang in a few stakes.

Why not a pallet fence? What’s the worst that can happen?? Can’t look any more dodgy than what we have got.

The chooks were so happy we were digging in the dirt for them again!
Ta daa! First one (Sheesh – what a mess)

Because of the sloping nature of the area, we decided to just plant each pallet in level, but stepped down from the previous one. (Can you tell the expert builders in this area?? haha)

About halfway there

This corner was just getting worse as it got more and more neglected. It was our original compost that went slightly out of control. The stones we put in a pile next to it to ‘store’ but with the weather, a lot has been washed further from where they are meant to be, making mowing a bit tricky.

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Gloves, digging fork and a while later –

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A good start to clearing this area

There should be some good compost underneath. We will make new bays behind this fence to have a place to just throw weeds/garden clippings that is separate from my other composts

Things got really serious! Out with the power tools!

We had to leave a certain gap to fit a new gate – this pallet was about 20cm too wide!
Chook approval

By the end of the day we were pretty pleased with ourselves.

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Better than the other manky fence. Now I am trying to work out whether to paint it (which we should probably do to extend its lifespan a bit – they are only pallets afterall, can’t expect too much) and what colour, and perhaps plant something at the base, or even a hanging/wall garden…

I tell you, the nicest part of the whole day was plonking my backside down under the cherry blossom to just enjoy lying on the grass looking up at the sky and pink fluffy blossoms. I even got Jeff to join me for a few minutes of nature appreciation!

Time to face-plant my bed.

Have a super weekend everyone!



Clear Nights


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I pottered about today – my biggest achievements were uncovering seedings, watering gardens and covering them back up again. I enjoy watering 🙂

Clear skies mean I can have a bit more of a play trying out night shots. Its amazing what the camera picks up that the eye doesn’t see – especially when enhancing them a bit.

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This crazy spotty photo is not dust – Stars upon stars!

Anyway – was just experimenting trying to get the cherry blossoms in the frame with the stars – in between inconvenient trucks and their massive headlights driving past!!

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Anyway – its a work in progress! We do get the Southern Lights in Tasmania – but I haven’t seen them yet! I would love to capture an aurora on my camera! I just have to practice my skills, just in case I am lucky enough to see one!

Hope your day has been lovely!


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Tiptoe Past the Tulips


Rachel and I actually pretended to be tourists today – of course it was raining intermittently, but it turned off and on enough to get out and see the local countryside a little bit!

ok – it wasn’t warm either!!

Table Cape and some surrounding farm areas are all a sea of colour these days with the tulips out everywhere



We did go up to the tulip farm – checked out the shop and displays, but acted a little stingy and didn’t pay the $10 to actually go into the fields – figured I would wait until the weather was nicer, and I had my tripod to experiment a bit with some photos.


But there were a few fields of tulips that we could see on the drive back home, which was very enjoyable.

I hope your day was just as beautiful!


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